Background The prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) has not declined in recent years, except for most severe forms of dementia, and is estimated around 15-55% of treated HIV-positive patients. A brief, easy-to-perform and standardized screening test for cognitive impairment in HIV-infected subjects is not yet available and current European AIDS Society (EACS) guidelines for HIV treatment suggest the use of “Three Questions Test” for the first approach. Moreover, the interaction between HIV and the brain is complex and poorly understood; the virus itself, immunological and toxic phenomena are implicated in the pathogenesis of cognitive disorders in HIV-infected patients. Several CSF and plasma biomarkers have been studied, but no one is suitable in clinical practice. Finally, combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is effective only in a subset of patients and complementary treatments, as well as cognitive rehabilitation training, are needed. Aim To shed light on this topic, we conducted 5 studies with the following aims: - “Three Questions Test (3QT) study”: we aimed to explore the performance of the “Three Questions Test”, proposed by EACS guidelines for the screening of cognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients; - “NeuroHIV study” and “CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio study”: we investigated the prevalence, the clinical and viro-immunological correlates of HAND in a cohort of antiretroviral-naïve and cART-treated HIV-positive patients. We also studied the modification of HAND after at least 12 months of virological effective antiretroviral treatment; - “Neuro MITO study”: we explored a panel of plasma and CSF inflammatory and immune activation markers in naive HIV-infected patients and we studied the effects of 12 months of virally-suppressive cART, according to CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio; - “Case report of cognitive rehabilitation”: we studied the efficacy of a new computer-based program complementary to cART in improving cognitive functioning. Material and methods We enrolled antiretroviral-naive and cART-treated HIV-infected patients in active follow up at the SPID Cohort. Patients underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation by a trained neuropsychologist consisting of 11 tests exploring 7 main cognitive domains; the neuropsychological assessment included also the Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living (IADL), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the SF-36 Health Survey (SF-36). Frascati’s criteria were used for the diagnosis of HAND. According to the study, blood sampling and lumbar puncture were performed to detect HIV-RNA and a panel of inflammation and immune activation markers. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software (version 21.0). Results - “3QT study”: we enrolled 191 antiretroviral-naive and 111 on treatment HIV-positive patients. 99/302 (33%) showed an “abnormal” 3QT (a3QT) and 82 (27%) had HAND. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value (PPV and NPV) were low and far from 80%, both in naïve and treated patients. HAND was not associated with a3QT, while an altered quality of life by SF-36 Health Survey was associated with a higher probability of a3QT in the multivariate model. - “NeuroHIV study”: 62/237 (26%) untreated and 44/116 (34%) cART-treated subjects presented HAND, with a prevalence of mild forms. In naïve patients low CD4+ nadir, not Italian origin and unemployment, while in treated subjects a longer length of HIV infection, non infectious comorbidities, symptoms of depression and detectable HIV-RNA were independently associated with a higher probability of HAND. No association with longer time on cART, CPE score and type of cART regimen was observed. 50 naïve and 10 treated patients repeated the same neuropsychological evaluation after 12 months of virally suppressive cART and most of the them did not show any improvement of cognitive functioning. - “CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio study”: 50/155 (32%) untreated HIV-positive patients presented HAND. AIDS-defining diseases and a CSF to plasma HIV-RNA ratio ≥1 were associated with a 3-fold higher risk of HAND, adjusting for CD4+ nadir. - “Neuro MITO study”: 61/70 patients (87%) showed low CSF/Plasma RNA ratio (<1, L-CSF) at baseline; L-CSF and H-CSF (high CSF/Plasma ratio, ≥1) patients showed comparable peripheral and CSF inflammation, T-cell activation/proliferation and maturation and HIV/CMV-specific response. After 12 months of cART both H-CSF and L-CSF patients showed a significant contraction of memory activated CD38+CD45R0+CD8+ T-cells, while maintaining stable neurocognitive performance. Interestingly, only L-CSF patients showed a reduction in CSF sCD14, IL-6 and MCP-1 and in plasma TNF-α, an increase in naïve CD4+ and CD8+ and central memory CD4+ T cells, with a parallel reduction of terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells. With regard to cognitive performance, at baseline, 9/22 subjects presented altered neurocognitive evaluation: 5/16 (31%) L-CSF, 4/6 (67%) H-CSF, with no significant variation at T12. - “Case report of cognitive rehabilitation”: 3 treated patients with HAND underwent a computer-based rehabilitation program for 12 weeks. At the end (T1), the patients were tested again with the same neuropsychological battery. Patient 1 (current CD4+ count 405/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copies/ml) had a diagnosis of mild neurocognitive disorders (MND) at enrolment (T0) and a normal evaluation at T1. Patient 2 (CD4 T-cells 366/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copies/ml) had asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI) at T0 and a normal performance at T1. Patient 3 (CD4 T-cells 522/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copies/ml) had MND at T0 and normal cognitive functioning at T1. Patients’ adherence to the program was 100%. Conclusions Asymptomatic forms of HAND still have a relatively high prevalence, both in naïve and cART-treated patients. Given the low performance of 3QT in ascertaining cognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients, other quick screening tools for HAND are needed. The association of HAND with low CD4+ nadir and CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio ≥1 supports the need of an early ART introduction, especially in foreigners and unemployed patients; the control of peripheral viral replication, the management of depression and non infectious comorbidities could probably prevent HAND in treated patients. Moreover, patients with high CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio showed a slower response in terms of peripheral and CSF pro-inflammatory/effector phenotypes under cART, supporting the need of a closer follow-up of these subjects, in order to rapidly reduce the viral burden and limiting the neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity. In a follow up period of 12 months of virological suppressive cART, the majority of HAND cases seemed to remain stable, suggesting that cognitive improvement requires a longer time or other approaches complementary to cART, such as cognitive rehabilitation. A computer-based restorative approach showed good results in term of improvement in neuropsychological performances in treated HIV-infected patients, thus requiring a validation in larger cohorts and with randomized controlled trials.
Razionale La prevalenza dei disturbi neurocognitivi associati all’infezione da HIV (HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders, HAND) non si è ridotta negli anni recenti, se non per le forme più severe di demenza, ed è tutt’ora stimata intorno al 15-55% dei pazienti in trattamento antiretrovirale. Un test rapido ed universalmente riconosciuto per lo screening di tali disturbi neurocognitivi non è tutt’ora disponibile e le linee guida vigenti dell’European AIDS Society (EACS) suggeriscono ancora l’utilizzo del “test delle tre domande” nel primo approccio di pazienti con deficit cognitivi. L’interazione tra HIV ed il Sistema Nervoso Centrale è complessa e ancora poco conosciuta; diversi meccanismi riguardanti il virus stesso, fenomeni immunologici e tossici sono implicati nella patogenesi dei disordini cognitivi nei pazienti HIV positivi. Molti biomarcatori, sia plasmatici che liquorali, sono stati studiati in questo contesto, ma ad oggi nessuno è utilizzabile nella pratica clinica. Infine, la terapia antiretrovirale di combinazione (cART) è efficace solo in alcuni pazienti, pertanto terapie complementari, come programmi di riabilitazione neurocognitiva, sembrano necessari per il trattamento di tali disturbi. Scopo dello studio Per meglio chiarire questi aspetti, abbiamo condotto 5 studi con i seguenti obiettivi: - “Studio del test delle tre domande (Three Questions Test, 3QT)”: abbiamo valutato la performance del 3QT, proposto dalle linee guida EACS, come test di screening di HAND; - “Studio Neuro-HIV” e “Studio CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio”: abbiamo studiato la prevalenza ed i fattori clinici e viro-immunologici associati a HAND in una coorte di pazienti HIV-positivi naive ed in cART. Abbiamo anche valutato la modifica di HAND dopo almeno 12 mesi di cART virologicamente efficace; - “Studio Neuro MITO”: abbiamo studiato un pannello di marcatori, sia plasmatici che liquorali, di infiammazione ed immuno-attivazione in pazienti HIV-positivi naive ed in trattamento antiretrovirale, valutando anche l’effetto di 12 mesi di terapia cART efficace; - “Case report di riabilitazione neurocognitiva”: abbiamo verificato l’efficacia di un nuovo programma computerizzato di riabilitazione cognitiva complementare alla cART. Materiali and metodi Abbiamo arruolato pazienti HIV-positivi naïve ed in trattamento antiretrovirale in follow up presso la coorte SPID. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti a una valutazione neurocognitiva, eseguita da un neuropsicologo clinico, che comprendeva: 11 test che esplorano i 7 principali domini cognitivi, il test funzionale Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living (IADL), la valutazione dei sintomi di ansia e depressione attraverso l’Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) e la valutazione della qualità della vita tramite il questionario SF-36 (SF-36). I criteri di Frascati sono stati utilizzati per la diagnosi di HAND. A seconda dello studio, i pazienti sono stati sottoposti anche a prelievo di sangue e rachicentesi per identificare la carica virale di HIV e un pannello di marcatori di infiammazione ed immuno-attivazione. Le analisi statistiche sono state eseguite con il software SPSS (versione 21.0). Risultati - “Studio 3QT”: abbiamo arruolato 191 pazienti naïve e 111 pazienti HIV-positivi in cART. 99/302 (33%) presentavano un 3QT positivo (abnormal 3QT, a3QT) e 82 (27%) avevano HAND. La sensibilità, specificità, il valore predittivo positivo e negativo erano bassi e ben inferiori all’80%, sia nei pazienti naive che trattati. I disordini neurocognitivi non erano associati all’avere un a3QT, mentre un’alterata qualità di vita, valutata attraverso il questionario SF-36, risultava associata ad una maggior probabilità di a3QT nell’analisi multivariata. - “Studio NeuroHIV”: 62/237 (26%) naive and 44/116 (34%) pazienti in cART presentavano HAND, con una prevalenza di forme asintomatiche/moderate. Nei pazienti non in trattamento, un basso nadir di linfociti T CD4+, essere non Italiani e disoccupati, invece nei pazienti in cART un tempo maggiore dalla prima diagnosi di HIV, la presenza di comorbidità non infettive, di sintomi di depressione e di una carica virale plasmatica rilevabile, si associavano ad una maggior probabilità di HAND. Una maggior esposizione alla terapia antiretrovirale, il CPE score o il tipo di regime di cART non risultava invece associato a HAND. 50 pazienti naïve e 10 pazienti in cART hanno ripetuto la stessa valutazione neuropsicologica dopo almeno 12 mesi di cART virologicamente efficace e la maggior parte di questi non ha mostrato alcun miglioramento cognitivo. - “Studio CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio”: 50/155 (32%) pazienti HIV-positivi non in cART erano affetti da HAND. Le patologie AIDS-definenti e l’avere un CSF/plasma ratio ≥1 erano indipendentemente associati ad un rischio 3 volte maggiore di HAND, dopo aggiustamento per il nadir di cellule T CD4+. - “Studio Neuro MITO”: 61/70 pazienti (87%) avevano un basso CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio (<1, low ratio - L-CSF) al baseline; i pazienti L-CSF e H-CSF (alto CSF/plasma ratio, high ratio ≥1) mostravano un livello simile di infiammazione, attivazione/prolifezione e maturazione T cellulare e risposte HIV/CMV-specifiche, sia in periferia che nel liquor. Dopo 12 mesi di cART, sia i pazienti H-CSF che L-CSF presentavano una significativa riduzione delle percentuali di cellule T CD8+ di memoria attivate (CD38+CD45R0+CD8+%), ma mantenevano una performance cognitiva stazionaria. In maniera interessante, solo i soggetti L-CSF mostravano una riduzione dei livelli liquorali di sCD14, IL-6 e MCP-1 e dei livelli plasmatici di TNF-α, un aumento in periferia nella proporzione di cellule T CD4+ e CD8+ naive e CD4+ di memoria centrale, con una riduzione delle cellule CD8+ di differenziazione terminale. Per quanto concerne la performance cognitiva, al baseline 9/22 pazienti avevano disturbi neurocognitivi: 5/16 (31%) L-CSF, 4/6 (67%) H-CSF, senza sostanziali modificazioni al T12. - “Case report di riabilitazione neurocognitiva”: 3 pazienti in cART con diagnosi di HAND sono stati sottoposti a un programma computerizzato di riabilitazione cognitiva per 12 settimane. Al termine del training (T1) sono stati rivalutati con la medesima batteria di test neurocognitivi. Il paziente 1 (conta di linfociti CD4+ 405/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copie/ml) presentava un mild neurocognitive disorder (MND) all’arruolamento con una valutazione cognitiva nella norma al T1. Il paziente 2 (cellule T CD4+ 366/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copie/ml) aveva un asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI) al baseline e una performance cognitiva normale al T1. Il paziente 3 (conta di CD4+ 522/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copie/ml) aveva una diagnosi di MND al baseline e una valutazione cognitiva nella norma al T1. L’aderenza dei pazienti al programma riabilitativo è stata del 100%. Conclusioni Le forme asintomatiche di HAND presentano tutt’ora un’alta prevalenza, sia nei pazienti naïve che in trattamento antiretrovirale. Data la scarsa performance del 3QT come screening di HAND, altri test di screening altrettanto rapidi e standardizzati devono essere studiati. L’associazione dei disordini neurocognitivi con un basso nadir di cellule CD4+ e con un CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio ≥1 supporta la necessità di una precoce introduzione della terapia antiretrovirale, soprattutto in gruppi a rischio; il controllo della replicazione virale plasmatica e il corretto management della depressione e delle comorbidità non infettive potrebbe probabilmente prevenire tali disturbi nei pazienti in trattamento. Inoltre, i pazienti con alto CSF/plasma ratio presentano un riduzione dell’infiammazione plasmatica e liquorale più lenta in corso di cART, suggerendo la necessità di un follow up più stretto di tali pazienti per ridurre il carico virale e limitare la neuroinfiammazione e neurotossicità. In un follow up di 12 mesi di cART virologicamente efficace, la maggior parte dei casi di HAND sembra restare stabile e questo potrebbe suggerire che il miglioramento cognitivo richiede un follow up più lungo o approcci complementary alla cART, come la neuroriabilitazione. Un programma di riabilitazione cognitiva computerizzato ha dimostrato buoni risultati in termini di miglioramento cognitivo in tre pazienti e merita pertanto una validazione in coorti più ampie di pazienti ed in trial randomizzati controllati.
Background The prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) has not declined in recent years, except for most severe forms of dementia, and is estimated around 15-55% of treated HIV-positive patients. A brief, easy-to-perform and standardized screening test for cognitive impairment in HIV-infected subjects is not yet available and current European AIDS Society (EACS) guidelines for HIV treatment suggest the use of “Three Questions Test” for the first approach. Moreover, the interaction between HIV and the brain is complex and poorly understood; the virus itself, immunological and toxic phenomena are implicated in the pathogenesis of cognitive disorders in HIV-infected patients. Several CSF and plasma biomarkers have been studied, but no one is suitable in clinical practice. Finally, combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is effective only in a subset of patients and complementary treatments, as well as cognitive rehabilitation training, are needed. Aim To shed light on this topic, we conducted 5 studies with the following aims: - “Three Questions Test (3QT) study”: we aimed to explore the performance of the “Three Questions Test”, proposed by EACS guidelines for the screening of cognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients; - “NeuroHIV study” and “CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio study”: we investigated the prevalence, the clinical and viro-immunological correlates of HAND in a cohort of antiretroviral-naïve and cART-treated HIV-positive patients. We also studied the modification of HAND after at least 12 months of virological effective antiretroviral treatment; - “Neuro MITO study”: we explored a panel of plasma and CSF inflammatory and immune activation markers in naive HIV-infected patients and we studied the effects of 12 months of virally-suppressive cART, according to CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio; - “Case report of cognitive rehabilitation”: we studied the efficacy of a new computer-based program complementary to cART in improving cognitive functioning. Material and methods We enrolled antiretroviral-naive and cART-treated HIV-infected patients in active follow up at the SPID Cohort. Patients underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation by a trained neuropsychologist consisting of 11 tests exploring 7 main cognitive domains; the neuropsychological assessment included also the Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living (IADL), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the SF-36 Health Survey (SF-36). Frascati’s criteria were used for the diagnosis of HAND. According to the study, blood sampling and lumbar puncture were performed to detect HIV-RNA and a panel of inflammation and immune activation markers. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software (version 21.0). Results - “3QT study”: we enrolled 191 antiretroviral-naive and 111 on treatment HIV-positive patients. 99/302 (33%) showed an “abnormal” 3QT (a3QT) and 82 (27%) had HAND. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value (PPV and NPV) were low and far from 80%, both in naïve and treated patients. HAND was not associated with a3QT, while an altered quality of life by SF-36 Health Survey was associated with a higher probability of a3QT in the multivariate model. - “NeuroHIV study”: 62/237 (26%) untreated and 44/116 (34%) cART-treated subjects presented HAND, with a prevalence of mild forms. In naïve patients low CD4+ nadir, not Italian origin and unemployment, while in treated subjects a longer length of HIV infection, non infectious comorbidities, symptoms of depression and detectable HIV-RNA were independently associated with a higher probability of HAND. No association with longer time on cART, CPE score and type of cART regimen was observed. 50 naïve and 10 treated patients repeated the same neuropsychological evaluation after 12 months of virally suppressive cART and most of the them did not show any improvement of cognitive functioning. - “CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio study”: 50/155 (32%) untreated HIV-positive patients presented HAND. AIDS-defining diseases and a CSF to plasma HIV-RNA ratio ≥1 were associated with a 3-fold higher risk of HAND, adjusting for CD4+ nadir. - “Neuro MITO study”: 61/70 patients (87%) showed low CSF/Plasma RNA ratio (<1, L-CSF) at baseline; L-CSF and H-CSF (high CSF/Plasma ratio, ≥1) patients showed comparable peripheral and CSF inflammation, T-cell activation/proliferation and maturation and HIV/CMV-specific response. After 12 months of cART both H-CSF and L-CSF patients showed a significant contraction of memory activated CD38+CD45R0+CD8+ T-cells, while maintaining stable neurocognitive performance. Interestingly, only L-CSF patients showed a reduction in CSF sCD14, IL-6 and MCP-1 and in plasma TNF-α, an increase in naïve CD4+ and CD8+ and central memory CD4+ T cells, with a parallel reduction of terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells. With regard to cognitive performance, at baseline, 9/22 subjects presented altered neurocognitive evaluation: 5/16 (31%) L-CSF, 4/6 (67%) H-CSF, with no significant variation at T12. - “Case report of cognitive rehabilitation”: 3 treated patients with HAND underwent a computer-based rehabilitation program for 12 weeks. At the end (T1), the patients were tested again with the same neuropsychological battery. Patient 1 (current CD4+ count 405/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copies/ml) had a diagnosis of mild neurocognitive disorders (MND) at enrolment (T0) and a normal evaluation at T1. Patient 2 (CD4 T-cells 366/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copies/ml) had asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI) at T0 and a normal performance at T1. Patient 3 (CD4 T-cells 522/mmc, HIV-RNA <40 copies/ml) had MND at T0 and normal cognitive functioning at T1. Patients’ adherence to the program was 100%. Conclusions Asymptomatic forms of HAND still have a relatively high prevalence, both in naïve and cART-treated patients. Given the low performance of 3QT in ascertaining cognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients, other quick screening tools for HAND are needed. The association of HAND with low CD4+ nadir and CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio ≥1 supports the need of an early ART introduction, especially in foreigners and unemployed patients; the control of peripheral viral replication, the management of depression and non infectious comorbidities could probably prevent HAND in treated patients. Moreover, patients with high CSF/plasma HIV-RNA ratio showed a slower response in terms of peripheral and CSF pro-inflammatory/effector phenotypes under cART, supporting the need of a closer follow-up of these subjects, in order to rapidly reduce the viral burden and limiting the neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity. In a follow up period of 12 months of virological suppressive cART, the majority of HAND cases seemed to remain stable, suggesting that cognitive improvement requires a longer time or other approaches complementary to cART, such as cognitive rehabilitation. A computer-based restorative approach showed good results in term of improvement in neuropsychological performances in treated HIV-infected patients, thus requiring a validation in larger cohorts and with randomized controlled trials.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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