The presence of xenobiotic residues, both drugs and environmental contaminants, in food is a cause for concern and therefore the European Authorities issue reports or laws in order to propose monitoring plans, Health-based Guidance Values (HBGV) and maximum residue levels or maximum levels (MRLs and MLs). Based on these considerations, this doctoral thesis studies the presence of residues in different foods of animal origin, aimed at a characterization of the risk for the consumer. Firstly, we studied seafood, which is an excellent source of nutrients, with important human health benefits. We focused on mussels and clams, filter feeders animals, suitable bio indicator organisms due to their bioaccumulation ability of a wide range of environmental pollutants. In the first research study, we evaluated the Italian consumer risk related to metal exposition through molluscs, on the basis on the MLs stated by the European Union, where available, or, otherwise, based on the HBGV stated by EFSA. About our results, regarding the human metal exposure, we conclude that there is a low risk for the average consumer; however, high percentile consumers, may be subjected to skin lesions, and lung, skin and bladder cancer due to high intake of As, while Ni sensitive individuals can undergo allergic dermatitis due to constant Ni presence in the studied molluscs. Subsequently, we focused on most consumed fish like salmon, tuna which consumption has consistently risen. In the second study about salmon, the aim was to investigate the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and antimicrobials in wild and farmed salmons from different geographic areas. Farmed salmons showed slightly higher presence of environmental contaminants than wild ones, likely due to the decreased possibility of a constant exposition. Antibiotics were seldom found only in farmed salmon. Risk related to organophosphate compounds (Ops), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) deriving from salmon intake were of is very low concern, while the presence of polybromodiphenyl ether (PBDE99) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is a cause for a bit higher concern. The substantial lack of data about the detected antibiotics in salmon did not allow an extrapolation from MRLs of terrestrial animals and a risk characterization In the third work on tuna, a long-living fish with high biomagnification ability, we studied the presence of metals with high toxicological importance for public health (Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Ni). One hundred thirty-one samples were analysed. One red tuna from the Adriatic Sea and 11 yellow tunas exceeded Pb maximum levels (MLs); three red tunas from different Mediterranean sub-areas exceeded Hg MLs. The evaluation of cumulative effects indicated that only a negligible health hazard could derive from the ingestion of tuna, for both average and high consumers. The risk of carcinogenicity from Cr is still under debate at the concentrations detectable in food. In these two works, we confirm a low risk, related to the studied compounds, for average consumer health due to fish consumption. The regular consumption of meat and meat products provides a significant intake of proteins and essential micronutrients. Pork meat, for example, is used in many countries to produce derivative products (hams and cured meats) with high qualitative value. Also, game animal meat consumption, though being a niche product, is constantly increasing and hunters, their families and persons closely associated with them can be regarded as a high consumption subpopulation. Furthermore, game animals are a suitable indicator about environmental pollutant such as PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). In the fourth work we studied the occurrence of PBDEs and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from eight EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, French, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland and Spain). The European Commission has not stated maximum limits (MLs) for some environmental pollutants such as polybrominated diphenyl ether PBDEs and PFASs; no perfluoroalkyl substances were detected, except PFOA, in only one Austrian sample. PBDEs were detected in three out of 77 samples: the one coming from Germany showed the presence of all congeners analyzed the ones from Netherland and Italy, respectively PBDE 153 and PBDE 100. The results show that the analyzed samples do not pose a risk for human beings about PFASs and PBDEs. A following report from EFSA, requires a new attention on PFAS, with HBGV being drastically reduced. In the fifth work we studied four different animal species (chamois, roe deer, red deer and wild boar) that have different nutrition habits. Game animals are a suitable sentinel species to have a picture of the environment. Muscle samples from seventy-nine animals were collected during the hunting season in a Northern Italy mountain area. No PBDEs were found in the samples. OCPs, OPs and PCBs were detected in almost all samples at different concentration ranges, showing higher frequency in ungulate species than in wild boar. PFAs were found only in wild boar. Anthracene and benzopyrene, among PAHs, were found only in chamois at low concentrations. A low risk for consumers can be indicated due to the frequent detection of contaminants at trace levels, to the scarce prevalence of high concentrations of some contaminants and to the low consumption of game animal meat. An important topic in the researches carried out in my doctorate was the investigation of POPs in organic honey. However, even if organic beekeeping excludes (or restrictively allows) the use drugs or pesticides many pollutants may contaminate bee matrices, comprising bee, honey and pollen. Therefore, the focus was the investigation of a broad spectrum of analytes, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants and antibiotics in organic honeys collected in different productive areas with different agricultural, zootechnical or anthropic impact to verify the potential transfer of xenobiotics into supply chain from different sources than beekeeping practices. The presence of several compounds, such as PCBs, PBDE and PAHs was confirmed, not only in proximity to highly urbanised centres, where the concentrations were higher, but in all environment contexts, confirming the theory that these are ubiquitous contaminants. No antibiotics were found in samples analysed suggesting that presence of antibiotics is from beekeeping practices. The analytes in the different matrices required different approaches for sample pretreatment, extraction, clean up and fractionation before the analysis with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) or – gas mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The approach of analytical-instrumental nature has provided for the optimisation of instrumental performances as well as of the steps of sample pretreatment, in order to achieve good levels of sensitivity, specificity and robustness of the method to then make considerations of qualitative, quantitative and statistical nature. The trials planning, optimisation and validation of the methods were performed according to Commission SANTE/10553/2018 (SANTE 2018). The results of this manuscript suggest that there is a low risk for the average consumer health. Environmental concentrations of persistent organochlorine compounds have been decreasing over the past two decades, and this correlates with remarkable advances in the detection of exceedingly low levels of these compounds in human populations and the improvement of European control. PCBs still are present in environment due to their industrial source even if their use was banned in many industries application. Regarding emerging compounds, PFAs still need to be concern due to their wide use and their possible toxicological role. Recently European commission decreased the HBGVs for these classes to safeguard human health. Antibiotics still are a matter of concern and need a close control to ensure human safety and decrease antimicrobial resistance.
La presenza di residui chimici negli alimenti, costituiti sia da composti farmaceutici che da contaminati ambientali, è un argomento di crescente interesse e preoccupazione per la sanità pubblica. L’Unione Europea periodicamente sancisce leggi e rapporti aggiornati, con lo scopo di condurre piani di monitoraggio e linee guida sull’ impiego di tali composti a livello industriale, agricolo e terapeutico e livelli massimi residuali (LMR e ML) negli alimenti, al fine di prevenire il rischio per il consumatore. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, il presente elaborato ha lo scopo di studiare la presenza di residui chimici in diversi alimenti di origine animale, al fine di caratterizzare il rischio per il consumatore. In primo luogo, ci siamo focalizzati sullo studio di alimenti provenienti dal settore ittico, che è un'ottima fonte di nutrienti, con importanti benefici per la salute umana. Ci siamo concentrati su cozze e vongole, animali filtratori e bioindicatori adatti per le loro caratteristiche a bioaccumulare un'ampia gamma di inquinanti ambientali. Lo scopo del primo elaborato è stato quello di valutare il rischio per il consumatore dei principali metalli (Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cre As), attraverso il consumo di molluschi sulla base dei limiti massimi dichiarati dall’Unione Europea o, ove disponibili, sulla base dei valori soglia dichiarati dall’EFSA. Dal primo lavoro è emerso che vi è un basso rischio per il consumatore medio; tuttavia, i consumatori ai percentili superiori, possono essere soggetti a lesioni cutane e/o neoplasie polmonari, cutanee e vescicali per l’elevata assunzione di As. Soggetti Ni sensibili, possono invece essere soggetti a dermatiti allergiche. Il secondo lavoro di ricerca si è invece concentrato sulla ricerca dei medesimi metalli nel tonno, il cui consumo è in aumento secondo i dati della commissione europea, per le sue capacità di bioaccumulo. Sono stati, così, analizzati 131 campioni provenienti da diverse zone FAO. Dai risultati, è emerso che solo un tonno rosso, proveniente dal mare Adriatico e 11 tonni gialli hanno superato i livelli massimi residuali di Pb; tre tonni rossi provenienti da diverse sottozone del 7 Mediterraneo hanno superato i livelli massimi consentiti per il mercurio. La valutazione degli effetti tossicologici cumulativi ha indicato un rischio trascurabile sia per i medi che alti consumatori. L’obiettivo del terzo studio è stato quello di studiare la presenza di inquinanti organici persistenti e di antimicrobici nei salmoni selvatici e di allevamento di diverse aree geografiche. I salmoni d'allevamento hanno mostrato una presenza di contaminanti ambientali superiore a quelli selvatici, probabilmente a causa di un maggiore impatto demografico. Il rischio legato ai composti organofosforati, agli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici, ai policlorobifenili e ai pesticidi organoclorurati derivanti dall'assunzione di salmone si è rilevato molto basso, mentre la presenza di polobromodifenilietere congenere 99 (PBDE99) e acido perfluoroottanoico (PFOA) suscita maggiore preoccupazione. Gli antibiotici sono stati riscontrati con bassa frequenza solo nel salmone allevato. Da questi lavori, sulla base dei dati ottenuti, possiamo confermare che vi è basso rischio per il consumatore medio Il consumo regolare di carne e prodotti a base di carne fornisce un significativo apporto di proteine e micronutrienti essenziali. La carne suina, ad esempio, è impiegata in molti paesi per produrre prodotti derivati (prosciutti e salumi) ad alto valore qualitativo. Anche il consumo di carne di selvaggina, pur essendo un prodotto di nicchia, è in costante aumento e i cacciatori, le loro famiglie e le persone a loro strettamente legate possono essere considerati una sottopopolazione ad alto consumo. Nel quarto lavoro abbiamo cosi studiato la presenza di polibromodifenilietere e sostanze perfluoroalchiliche provenienti da otto Stati membri dell'UE (Austria, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Olanda, Italia, Polonia e Spagna). La commissione Europea non ha definito limiti massimi per tali composti e dai nostri risultati non sono state rilevate sostanze perfluoroalchiliche ad eccezione dell’acido perfluoroottanoico in un solo campione austriaco. I polibromodifenilietere sono stati rilevati solo in 3 dei 77 campioni investigati. I risultati mostrano che i campioni analizzati non rappresentano un rischio per il consumatore. Recentemente una successiva relazione EFSA ha richiesto di porre maggiore attenzione sulla presenza dei perfluoroalchilici, i cui valori soglia sono stati ridotti drasticamente per il loro rischio tossicologico. Nel quinto lavoro ci siamo focalizzati su quattro diverse specie selvatiche (camoscio, capriolo, capriolo, cervo e cinghiale) con abitudini alimentari differenti. Gli animali selvatici sono considerati 8 specie sentinelle e quindi ottimi indicatori ambientali. Campioni muscolari di settantanove animali sono stati raccolti durante la stagione venatoria in una zona montana dell'Italia settentrionale. Nei campioni non sono stati trovati polibromodifenilieteri. Al contrario i pesticidi organoclorurati e organofosforati e i policlorobifenili sono stati rilevati in quasi tutti i campioni a diversi intervalli di concentrazione, mostrando una frequenza maggiore nelle specie di ungulati rispetto al cinghiale. I PFA ,invece, sono stati riscontrati solo nei cinghiali. Tra gli idrocarburi, antracene e benzopirene, sono stati trovati solo nel camoscio a basse concentrazioni. Possiamo nuovamente concludere che per il frequente ritrovamento a basse concentrazioni dei contaminati, ad eccezione di singoli composti riscontrati ad alte concentrazioni, e del basso consumo di carne di selvaggina rapportata ad altre tipologie di carne, vi è un basso rischio per il consumatore italiano. Un ulteriore tema di crescente interesse per la sanità pubblica è stato lo studio dei contaminati ambientali persistenti nel miele, in particolare il miele biologico. Infatti, nonostante l'apicoltura biologica escluda (o consenta in modo restrittivo) l'impiego di farmaci o pesticidi, molti inquinanti possono contaminare api, miele e polline. Pertanto, l'attenzione si è concentrata sullo studio di un ampio spettro di analiti quali, pesticidi, inquinanti organici persistenti e antibiotici in mieli organici raccolti in diverse aree produttive con diverso impatto agricolo, zootecnico o antropico per verificare il potenziale trasferimento di xenobiotici nella catena di approvvigionamento da fonti diverse rispetto alle pratiche apistiche. È stata confermata la presenza di diversi composti, come policlorobifenili, i polibromodifenilietere e gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici non solo nelle arnie in prossimità di centri altamente urbanizzati, dove le concentrazioni erano più elevate, ma in tutti i contesti ambientali, confermando la possibilità di trasferimento da fonti ambientali e l’ubiquità di tali composti. Il mancato ritrovamento di antibiotici nei campioni analizzati esclude la possibilità di trasferimento accidentale delle molecole dall’ambiente in cui sono posizionate le arnie. Per ottenere una così ampia e diversificata ricerca, ogni lavoro è stato approciato in modo differente per il pretrattamento dei campioni, l’ottimizzazione del metodo analitico, l’estrazione degli analiti e il loro successivo clean up prima dell’analisi con cromatografia liquida in spettrometria di massa tandem (LC-MS/MS) o gas spettrometria (GC-MS/MS). L'approccio di natura analitico-strumentale ha richiesto per ogni ricerca un’accurata e ampia ricerca per ottenere l'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni strumentali e delle fasi di pretrattamento dei campioni, al fine di raggiungere buoni livelli di sensibilità, specificità e robustezza dei metodi analitici impiegati per poi fare 9 considerazioni di natura qualitativa, quantitativa e statistica. La pianificazione delle prove, l'ottimizzazione e la convalida dei metodi sono state eseguite secondo la Commissione SANTE/10553/2018 (SANTE 2018). I risultati di questo lavoro suggeriscono che il rischio per la salute media dei consumatori è basso. Le concentrazioni ambientali dei composti organoclorurati persistenti sembrano diminuite negli ultimi due decenni, probabilmente grazie ai progressi nella rilevazione analitica e al miglioramento dei controlli europei. I PCB sono ancora presenti nell'ambiente a causa del loro ampio impiego a livello industriale nel secolo scorso e delle loro peculiarità chimico fisiche, anche se il loro uso, oggi, è stato vietato in molte applicazioni. Per quanto riguarda i composti emergenti, i PFAs destano preoccupazione a causa del loro ampio uso e del loro possibile ruolo tossicologico. Recentemente la Commissione Europea ha infatti drasticamente diminuito i livelli soglia per queste classi per salvaguardare la salute umana. Gli antibiotici sono ancora motivo di preoccupazione e necessitano di uno stretto controllo per garantire la sicurezza umana e ridurre le resistenze, tema tuttora più che attuale.
The presence of xenobiotic residues, both drugs and environmental contaminants, in food is a cause for concern and therefore the European Authorities issue reports or laws in order to propose monitoring plans, Health-based Guidance Values (HBGV) and maximum residue levels or maximum levels (MRLs and MLs). Based on these considerations, this doctoral thesis studies the presence of residues in different foods of animal origin, aimed at a characterization of the risk for the consumer. Firstly, we studied seafood, which is an excellent source of nutrients, with important human health benefits. We focused on mussels and clams, filter feeders animals, suitable bio indicator organisms due to their bioaccumulation ability of a wide range of environmental pollutants. In the first research study, we evaluated the Italian consumer risk related to metal exposition through molluscs, on the basis on the MLs stated by the European Union, where available, or, otherwise, based on the HBGV stated by EFSA. About our results, regarding the human metal exposure, we conclude that there is a low risk for the average consumer; however, high percentile consumers, may be subjected to skin lesions, and lung, skin and bladder cancer due to high intake of As, while Ni sensitive individuals can undergo allergic dermatitis due to constant Ni presence in the studied molluscs. Subsequently, we focused on most consumed fish like salmon, tuna which consumption has consistently risen. In the second study about salmon, the aim was to investigate the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and antimicrobials in wild and farmed salmons from different geographic areas. Farmed salmons showed slightly higher presence of environmental contaminants than wild ones, likely due to the decreased possibility of a constant exposition. Antibiotics were seldom found only in farmed salmon. Risk related to organophosphate compounds (Ops), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) deriving from salmon intake were of is very low concern, while the presence of polybromodiphenyl ether (PBDE99) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is a cause for a bit higher concern. The substantial lack of data about the detected antibiotics in salmon did not allow an extrapolation from MRLs of terrestrial animals and a risk characterization In the third work on tuna, a long-living fish with high biomagnification ability, we studied the presence of metals with high toxicological importance for public health (Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Ni). One hundred thirty-one samples were analysed. One red tuna from the Adriatic Sea and 11 yellow tunas exceeded Pb maximum levels (MLs); three red tunas from different Mediterranean sub-areas exceeded Hg MLs. The evaluation of cumulative effects indicated that only a negligible health hazard could derive from the ingestion of tuna, for both average and high consumers. The risk of carcinogenicity from Cr is still under debate at the concentrations detectable in food. In these two works, we confirm a low risk, related to the studied compounds, for average consumer health due to fish consumption. The regular consumption of meat and meat products provides a significant intake of proteins and essential micronutrients. Pork meat, for example, is used in many countries to produce derivative products (hams and cured meats) with high qualitative value. Also, game animal meat consumption, though being a niche product, is constantly increasing and hunters, their families and persons closely associated with them can be regarded as a high consumption subpopulation. Furthermore, game animals are a suitable indicator about environmental pollutant such as PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). In the fourth work we studied the occurrence of PBDEs and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from eight EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, French, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland and Spain). The European Commission has not stated maximum limits (MLs) for some environmental pollutants such as polybrominated diphenyl ether PBDEs and PFASs; no perfluoroalkyl substances were detected, except PFOA, in only one Austrian sample. PBDEs were detected in three out of 77 samples: the one coming from Germany showed the presence of all congeners analyzed the ones from Netherland and Italy, respectively PBDE 153 and PBDE 100. The results show that the analyzed samples do not pose a risk for human beings about PFASs and PBDEs. A following report from EFSA, requires a new attention on PFAS, with HBGV being drastically reduced. In the fifth work we studied four different animal species (chamois, roe deer, red deer and wild boar) that have different nutrition habits. Game animals are a suitable sentinel species to have a picture of the environment. Muscle samples from seventy-nine animals were collected during the hunting season in a Northern Italy mountain area. No PBDEs were found in the samples. OCPs, OPs and PCBs were detected in almost all samples at different concentration ranges, showing higher frequency in ungulate species than in wild boar. PFAs were found only in wild boar. Anthracene and benzopyrene, among PAHs, were found only in chamois at low concentrations. A low risk for consumers can be indicated due to the frequent detection of contaminants at trace levels, to the scarce prevalence of high concentrations of some contaminants and to the low consumption of game animal meat. An important topic in the researches carried out in my doctorate was the investigation of POPs in organic honey. However, even if organic beekeeping excludes (or restrictively allows) the use drugs or pesticides many pollutants may contaminate bee matrices, comprising bee, honey and pollen. Therefore, the focus was the investigation of a broad spectrum of analytes, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants and antibiotics in organic honeys collected in different productive areas with different agricultural, zootechnical or anthropic impact to verify the potential transfer of xenobiotics into supply chain from different sources than beekeeping practices. The presence of several compounds, such as PCBs, PBDE and PAHs was confirmed, not only in proximity to highly urbanised centres, where the concentrations were higher, but in all environment contexts, confirming the theory that these are ubiquitous contaminants. No antibiotics were found in samples analysed suggesting that presence of antibiotics is from beekeeping practices. The analytes in the different matrices required different approaches for sample pretreatment, extraction, clean up and fractionation before the analysis with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) or – gas mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The approach of analytical-instrumental nature has provided for the optimisation of instrumental performances as well as of the steps of sample pretreatment, in order to achieve good levels of sensitivity, specificity and robustness of the method to then make considerations of qualitative, quantitative and statistical nature. The trials planning, optimisation and validation of the methods were performed according to Commission SANTE/10553/2018 (SANTE 2018). The results of this manuscript suggest that there is a low risk for the average consumer health. Environmental concentrations of persistent organochlorine compounds have been decreasing over the past two decades, and this correlates with remarkable advances in the detection of exceedingly low levels of these compounds in human populations and the improvement of European control. PCBs still are present in environment due to their industrial source even if their use was banned in many industries application. Regarding emerging compounds, PFAs still need to be concern due to their wide use and their possible toxicological role. Recently European commission decreased the HBGVs for these classes to safeguard human health. Antibiotics still are a matter of concern and need a close control to ensure human safety and decrease antimicrobial resistance.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 27/04/2020
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