Violence against children is a major public health problem and a leading cause of early childhood mortality. Witnessed violence is one of the forms in which violence against children occurs, the detection of which requires the preliminary recognition of direct domestic violence. Having suffered a form of violence, direct or witnessed, during childhood or adolescence, is associated with an increased risk of developing psychological, social, behavioural and organic problems. A child living in a domestic violence setting has a significantly higher risk of experiencing direct violence. Early interception of domestic violence becomes fundamental both for effective interventions to protect women and minors, and from a preventive point of view. The pediatric emergency department is, in this case, a privileged context for conducting research on violence against women and children, in accordance with WHO guidelines. Objective: To evaluate the incidence of witnessed violence in a population of children attending a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) in Italy during the Covid pandemic, looking for intimate partner violence (IPV) in the mother, and to define the characteristics of the mother-children dyad. Methods: Monocentric, observational, cross-sectional study, carried out over 3 years, with data collection conducted from February 2020 to January 2021. Mothers of children undergoing clinical observation or hospitalization were provided with a questionnaire, which included the Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) and basic data and health questions. The information on the children was recorded by the enrollment doctor. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive analysis was reported as frequency and percentage for categorical variables and as median and interquartile range (IQR) for quantitative variables. Mothers and children who tested positive and negative for IPV and witnessed violence, respectively, were compared with the chi-squared test or the Exact Fisher test for categorical variables and with the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for continuous variables. Results: 212 mother-child dyads participated in the study. Ninety-three (43.9%) women showed a positive WAST score. The mothers who tested positive were mainly Italian (71%, p=0.003), showed a lower level of education (mean age at school dropout 19, p=0.0002), a higher frequency of unemployment (45.2%, p=0.001) and declared bad personal health status (57.0%, p=0.001). The children of mothers who tested positive showed a higher incidence of abnormal psycho-emotional states (p=0.002) and sleep disturbances (26.9%, p=0.04). Conclusions: during the Covid pandemic, IPV in the population of mothers seeking care for their children was common, higher than what is already known in the literature, double than expected, with a profound impact on the psycho-physical-emotional health of mothers and children, and a high demand for welfare.
La violenza sui minori è uno dei maggiori problemi di sanità pubblica e tra le principali cause di mortalità nella prima infanzia. La violenza assistita è una delle forme in cui si manifesta la violenza su minori, la cui rilevazione necessita del preliminare riconoscimento della violenza intrafamiliare diretta. Aver subito una forma di violenza, diretta o assistita, durante l’infanzia o adolescenza si associa ad un aumentato rischio di sviluppare problematiche psicologiche, sociali, comportamentali e organiche. Un bambino/a che vive in un contesto di violenza domestica ha un rischio significativamente maggiore di subire violenza diretta. Intercettare precocemente la violenza domestica, diviene fondamentale sia per interventi efficaci a protezione di donne e minori, sia in ottica preventiva. Il pronto soccorso pediatrico, risulta, in questo caso, un contesto privilegiato per condurre ricerche sulla violenza su donne e minori, in accordo con le linee-guida dell’OMS. Obiettivo: Valutare l'incidenza della violenza assistita in una popolazione di bambini/e che afferiscono ad un Pronto Soccorso Pediatrico (PED) in Italia durante la pandemia di Covid, ricercando la violenza intima da partner (IPV) nella madre, e definire le caratteristiche della diade madre – figli/e. Metodi: studio monocentrico, osservazionale, cross-sectional, svolto nell’arco di 3 anni, con raccolta dati condotta da febbraio 2020 a gennaio 2021. Alle madri di bambini sottoposti a osservazione clinica o ricovero in reparto è stato fornito un questionario, che includeva il Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) e domande sui dati di base e sulla salute. Le informazioni sui bambini sono state registrate dal medico di riferimento. Analisi statistica: l'analisi descrittiva è stata riportata come frequenza e percentuale per le variabili categoriali e come mediana e intervallo interquartile (IQR) per le variabili quantitative. Madri e bambini risultati positivi e negativi rispettivamente per IPV e violenza assistita sono stati confrontati con il test del chi quadrato o il test di Exact Fisher per le variabili categoriali e con il test di Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney per le variabili continue. Risultati: 212 diadi madre-figlio hanno partecipato allo studio. Novantatre (43,9%) donne hanno mostrato un punteggio WAST positivo. Le madri risultate positive erano principalmente italiane (71%, p=0,003), mostravano un livello di istruzione più basso (età media all'abbandono scolastico 19, p=0,0002), una maggiore frequenza di disoccupazione (45,2%, p=0,001) e dichiaravano uno stato di salute personale non buono (57.0%, p=0,001). I figli di madri risultate positive hanno mostrato una maggiore incidenza di stati psico-emotivi anormali (p=0,002) e disturbi del sonno (26,9%, p=0,04). Conclusioni: durante la pandemia di Covid l'IPV nella popolazione di madri in cerca di cure per i propri figli è stata frequente, maggiore di quanto già noto in letteratura, il doppio rispetto alle previsioni, con un impatto profondo sulla salute psico-fisico-emotiva di madri e figli/e ed un’elevata richiesta di welfare.
Violence against children is a major public health problem and a leading cause of early childhood mortality. Witnessed violence is one of the forms in which violence against children occurs, the detection of which requires the preliminary recognition of direct domestic violence. Having suffered a form of violence, direct or witnessed, during childhood or adolescence, is associated with an increased risk of developing psychological, social, behavioural and organic problems. A child living in a domestic violence setting has a significantly higher risk of experiencing direct violence. Early interception of domestic violence becomes fundamental both for effective interventions to protect women and minors, and from a preventive point of view. The pediatric emergency department is, in this case, a privileged context for conducting research on violence against women and children, in accordance with WHO guidelines. Objective: To evaluate the incidence of witnessed violence in a population of children attending a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) in Italy during the Covid pandemic, looking for intimate partner violence (IPV) in the mother, and to define the characteristics of the mother-children dyad. Methods: Monocentric, observational, cross-sectional study, carried out over 3 years, with data collection conducted from February 2020 to January 2021. Mothers of children undergoing clinical observation or hospitalization were provided with a questionnaire, which included the Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) and basic data and health questions. The information on the children was recorded by the enrollment doctor. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive analysis was reported as frequency and percentage for categorical variables and as median and interquartile range (IQR) for quantitative variables. Mothers and children who tested positive and negative for IPV and witnessed violence, respectively, were compared with the chi-squared test or the Exact Fisher test for categorical variables and with the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for continuous variables. Results: 212 mother-child dyads participated in the study. Ninety-three (43.9%) women showed a positive WAST score. The mothers who tested positive were mainly Italian (71%, p=0.003), showed a lower level of education (mean age at school dropout 19, p=0.0002), a higher frequency of unemployment (45.2%, p=0.001) and declared bad personal health status (57.0%, p=0.001). The children of mothers who tested positive showed a higher incidence of abnormal psycho-emotional states (p=0.002) and sleep disturbances (26.9%, p=0.04). Conclusions: during the Covid pandemic, IPV in the population of mothers seeking care for their children was common, higher than what is already known in the literature, double than expected, with a profound impact on the psycho-physical-emotional health of mothers and children, and a high demand for welfare.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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