Forest landscape and climate change. Evolutive dynamics and future scenarios for Abies alba Mill. forests in Italy. The distribution of forest landscapes is the effect of both adaptation processes of species to environment and human activities, which contributed to definition of landscape and place identity. The forest landscape featured by silver fir has been influenced by anthropic activities. Along Apennines, Abies alba Mill., symbol of meditation and wisdom, since the XI century, has been cultivated by monks to defend the eremitical life and as economic resource. Man has become an element of the ecosystem, favoring a new ecological balance and a still recognizable landscape. After almost 10 centuries of intensive cultivation, the silver fir and its ecosystems along Apennines are undergoing a process of erosion, due to the silvicultural techniques and global changes. This research analyzes the climatic dynamics that, after the last glaciation, led to the current distribution of A. alba, the anthropic influences, the historical evolution, the spiritual and cultural values that characterize the silver fir forests. It also analyzes cambium phenology of 2 Apennine populations of A. alba, La Verna (AR) and Monte Amiata (AR). Phenology is an adaptive trait, inheritable, but under environmental control, whose monitoring is useful to know the species responses to climate change, their level of phenotypic plasticity and resilience to environmental changes. Finally, management interventions are hypothesized, to mitigate the effects of temperature increase on silver fir forests, to encourage the silver fir conservation and to maintain the functions of general interest carried out by landscape, result of a long and profound symbiosis between man and nature.
La distribuzione dei paesaggi forestali è il risultato di processi di adattamento delle specie all’ambiente e dell’attività umana, che ha modificato la copertura vegetale, contribuendo alla eterogeneità del paesaggio e alla definizione dell’identità dei luoghi. Il paesaggio forestale dove è presente l’abete bianco è stato fortemente influenzato dal’uomo. Abies alba Mill., albero simbolo di meditazione e sapienza, a partire dall’XI secolo è stato coltivato lungo l’Appennino dai monaci, sia a difesa della vita eremitica, che come risorsa economica. L’uomo è così diventato un elemento dell’ecosistema, favorendo la formazione di un nuovo equilibrio ecologico e di un paesaggio tuttora riconoscibile. Dopo quasi 10 secoli di coltivazione intensiva, l’abete bianco e gli ecosistemi a cui esso partecipa in Appennino stanno subendo un processo di erosione, legato alle tecniche selvicolturali e ai cambiamenti globali. La ricerca analizza le dinamiche climatiche che, dopo l’ultima glaciazione, hanno portato alla distribuzione attuale di A. alba, l’influenza antropica, l’evoluzione storica, i valori spirituali e culturali delle abetine. Analizza, inoltre, la fenologia cambiale di due popolazioni appenniniche di A. alba, La Verna (AR) e Monte Amiata (AR). La fenologia è un carattere adattativo, ereditabile, ma controllato da fattori ambientali, il cui monitoraggio è utile per conoscere la risposta delle specie al clima, il loro livello di plasticità fenotipica e di resilienza al global change. Infine, ipotizza interventi di gestione utili a mitigare gli effetti dell’aumento della temperatura sulle abetine, a favorire la conservazione dell’abete bianco e mantenere le funzioni di interesse generale svolte dal paesaggio.
Paesaggio forestale e cambiamento climatico. Dinamiche evolutive e scenari futuri per le abetine di Abies alba in Italia
Forest landscape and climate change. Evolutive dynamics and future scenarios for Abies alba Mill. forests in Italy. The distribution of forest landscapes is the effect of both adaptation processes of species to environment and human activities, which contributed to definition of landscape and place identity. The forest landscape featured by silver fir has been influenced by anthropic activities. Along Apennines, Abies alba Mill., symbol of meditation and wisdom, since the XI century, has been cultivated by monks to defend the eremitical life and as economic resource. Man has become an element of the ecosystem, favoring a new ecological balance and a still recognizable landscape. After almost 10 centuries of intensive cultivation, the silver fir and its ecosystems along Apennines are undergoing a process of erosion, due to the silvicultural techniques and global changes. This research analyzes the climatic dynamics that, after the last glaciation, led to the current distribution of A. alba, the anthropic influences, the historical evolution, the spiritual and cultural values that characterize the silver fir forests. It also analyzes cambium phenology of 2 Apennine populations of A. alba, La Verna (AR) and Monte Amiata (AR). Phenology is an adaptive trait, inheritable, but under environmental control, whose monitoring is useful to know the species responses to climate change, their level of phenotypic plasticity and resilience to environmental changes. Finally, management interventions are hypothesized, to mitigate the effects of temperature increase on silver fir forests, to encourage the silver fir conservation and to maintain the functions of general interest carried out by landscape, result of a long and profound symbiosis between man and nature.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Tesi dottorato Proietti
Open Access dal 21/03/2018
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