Over the past five years, Sicily has been characterised by a dramatic economic and social crisis that has plunged the region into a deepening recession in which economic, social and territorial inequalities persist not only within urban areas but also in comparison with the heterogeneity between the regions of our country and those of Europe. The Sicilian macroeconomic framework is mainly penalised by two extraordinary events that increasingly highlight the fragility of the regional fabric, the manifestation of which, at such a close distance, is in any case an unusual circumstance: the economic and health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the difficulties caused by the international scenario, in particular those caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In the light of the dynamics of this context, the Sicilian Region, in line with the European Commission's economic programming guidelines, has planned a package of economic policy measures aimed at stimulating the recovery phase for which development, investment and reform opportunities are foreseen, seeking to repair the economic damage caused by the spread of the pandemic. The objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of the regional recovery and resilience plan manoeuvre for Sicily, planned by the regional government to stimulate economic recovery, following the effects of the lockdown and assess the impacts of the different proposals on the Sicilian economy. The presentation of the socio-economic context of the Sicilian region required the preparation of a set of detailed and locally appropriate information. The use of this information by the regional administration would allow the planning of economic policy manoeuvres oriented to the search for those policy variables, which both in the short term (stabilisation) and in the long term (development) would be able to elaborate the interventions addressed to the realisation of the set objectives and to assess ex-ante and ex-post their impact on the main macroeconomic variables. To this end, a specific database was specifically constructed for the Region of Sicily, Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), capable of presenting and evaluating, through multisectoral analysis, the direct, indirect and induced effects on the main macroeconomic variables, in aggregate and disaggregated terms, of public policies. Having this type of accounting scheme means representing the economic and social situation of the region in an articulated manner. On the basis of the data provided by the social accounting matrix, a computational general economic equilibrium (CGE) model was constructed specifically for Sicily, capable of assessing the impact of regional economic policies on the region's territory. The proposed model is a static and disaggregated general economic equilibrium computational model, modelled taking into account the behavioural functions and budgetary constraints for as many institutional sectors included in the SAM, with the aim of quantifying the direct, indirect and induced effects of the fiscal policies adopted. In the first chapter, the Sicilian regional economic system is presented, describing its economic, structural and territorial characteristics, in a regulatory context defined and regulated by a special regional autonomy and a delicate stage of transition towards a better development perspective. On the basis of the available information and the surveys carried out, the economic research data of the Region of Sicily were explored, described and summarised for an accurate understanding and knowledge of the regional territorial fabric, identifying its strengths and weaknesses. The work offers a starting point for the knowledge and analysis of the main problems of the Sicilian economy. The second chapter outlines the regional administration's proposal for the implementation of a quota of interventions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPRR), as well as the difficulties in planning, resource allocation and project eligibility. For the implementation of these interventions, it is necessary to have interpretative tools available for the policy maker to plan implementation policies aimed at achieving the expected results. In this context, the tool chosen for analysing the impact of regional economic policies on the territorial economic fabric is the computational model of general economic equilibrium (CGE). We therefore proceeded to construct the computational model through a theoretical framework, defining its characteristics and peculiarities. The third chapter presents the analysis of the results of the regional recovery and resilience proposal approved by the regional government to overcome the crisis due to the pandemic emergency. The analysis of the different scenarios identifies the peculiarities of the regional economy, characterised by interactions between production processes, added value generation and institutional sectors. The Sicilian regional CGE model, by making it possible to compare an initial equilibrium situation with a counterfactual one due to the implementation of the economic policy manoeuvre, makes it possible to define the importance and validity of the impacts of this manoeuvre on the regional macroeconomic magnitudes, providing useful policy indications. In this work the simulations presented on the basis of an appreciable level of disaggregation of the production process identify the structures of policy interventions on output, final demand and disposable income carried out by the institutional sectors. Regional implementation policy interventions, by stimulating public administration consumption and investment incentives, by facilitating productive growth through transfers and subsidies to enterprises, generate a positive multiplier effect on regional GDP throughout the time span considered. The results obtained from the different simulations, following the phases of the circular flow of income, show how the policy interventions of the regional manoeuvre are a stimulus for the economic growth of the regional economy, registering a significant increase in the real gross domestic product and in general of all its components.
La Sicilia, in questi ultimi cinque anni, è stata caratterizzata da una drammatica crisi economica e sociale che ha fatto precipitare la regione in una continua recessione sempre più profonda in cui le disuguaglianze economiche, sociali e territoriali permangono non solo all’interno delle aree urbane ma anche in confronto all’eterogeneità tra le regioni del nostro paese e quelle europee. Il quadro macroeconomico siciliano è penalizzato principalmente da due eventi straordinari che ne evidenziano sempre di più la fragilità del tessuto regionale, la cui manifestazione, a distanza così ravvicinata, rappresenta comunque una circostanza inconsueta: la crisi economico-sanitaria dovuta alla pandemia da Covid-19 e le difficoltà originate dallo scenario internazionale, in particolare quelle causate dal conflitto russoucraino. Alla luce delle dinamiche di questo contesto, la Regione Siciliana, in linea con gli indirizzi di programmazione economica della Commissione Europea, ha pianificato un pacchetto di misure di politica economica rivolte a stimolare la fase di ripresa per le quali si prevedono opportunità di sviluppo, investimenti e riforme, cercando di riparare i danni economici causati dalla diffusione della pandemia. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è di analizzare gli effetti della manovra del piano regionale di ripresa e resilienza della Sicilia, programmata dal governo regionale per stimolare la ripresa economica, a seguito degli effetti del lockdown e valutare gli impatti delle diverse proposte sull’economia siciliana. La presentazione del contesto socio-economico della regione siciliana ha richiesto la predisposizione di un set di informazioni dettagliate e adeguate a livello locale. L’utilizzo di queste informazioni da parte dell’amministrazione regionale permetterebbe di programmare le manovre di politica economica orientate alla ricerca di quelle variabili di policy, che sia nel breve periodo (stabilizzazione) che nel lungo periodo (sviluppo) sarebbero in grado di elaborare gli interventi indirizzati alla realizzazione degli obiettivi fissati e di valutarne ex-ante ed ex-post l’impatto sulle principali variabili macroeconomiche. A questo fine, è stata costruita appositamente una base dati specifica per la Regione Sicilia, Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), in grado di presentare e valutare, attraverso l’analisi multisettoriale, gli effetti diretti, indiretti e indotti sulle principali variabili macroeconomiche, in termini aggregati e disaggregati, delle politiche pubbliche. Disporre di questo tipo di schema contabile significa rappresentare in modo articolato la situazione economica e sociale della regione. Sulla base dei dati forniti dalla matrice di contabilità sociale è stato costruito un modello computazionale di equilibrio economico generale (CGE) specifico per la Sicilia, in grado di valutare l’impatto delle politiche economiche regionali sul territorio della regione. Il modello proposto è un modello computazionale di equilibrio economico generale statico e disaggregato, modellato tenendo conto delle funzioni comportamentali e dei vincoli di bilancio per quanti sono i settori istituzionali inclusi nella SAM, con l'obiettivo di quantificare gli effetti diretti, indiretti e indotti delle politiche fiscali adottate. Nel primo capitolo si presenta il sistema economico regionale siciliano descrivendone le caratteristiche economiche, strutturali e territoriali, in un contesto normativo definito e regolato da un’autonomia speciale regionale e di delicato stadio di transizione per una prospettiva migliore di sviluppo. Si è proceduto, in base alle informazioni disponibili e alle indagini effettuate, all’esplorazione, descrizione e sintesi dei dati di ricerca economica della Regione Sicilia per una accurata comprensione e conoscenza del tessuto territoriale regionale, individuandone punti di forza e di debolezza. Il lavoro offre un punto di partenza per la conoscenza e l’analisi dei principali problemi dell’economia siciliana. Il secondo capitolo delinea la proposta dell’Amministrazione regionale ai fini della realizzazione di una quota di interventi del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), nonché le difficoltà di progettualità, ai fini dell’allocazione delle risorse e dell’ammissibilità dei progetti. Per la realizzazione di tali interventi è necessario avere a disposizione strumenti interpretativi per il policy maker che permettano di pianificare politiche di implementazione mirate alla realizzazione dei risultati attesi. In questo ambito, lo strumento scelto ai fini dell’analisi dell’impatto delle politiche economiche regionali sul tessuto economico territoriale è il modello computazionale di equilibrio economico generale (CGE). Si è proceduto pertanto alla costruzione del modello computazionale attraverso un inquadramento teorico, definendone le caratteristiche e le peculiarità. Il terzo capitolo presenta l’analisi dei risultati della proposta regionale di ripresa e resilienza approvata dal governo regionale per superare la crisi dovuta all’emergenza da pandemia. L’analisi dei diversi scenari individua le peculiarità dell’economia regionale, caratterizzata da interazioni esistenti tra processi produttivi, generazione di valore aggiunto e settori istituzionali. Il modello CGE regionale siciliano, permettendo di confrontare una situazione di equilibrio iniziale con una controfattuale dovuta alla realizzazione della manovra di politica economica, consente di definire l’importanza e la fondatezza degli impatti di tale manovra sulle grandezze macroeconomiche regionali, fornendo utili indicazioni di policy. In questo lavoro le simulazioni presentate in base a un apprezzabile livello di disaggregazione del processo produttivo individuano le strutture di intervento di policy sulla produzione, sulla domanda finale e sul reddito disponibile effettuate dai settori istituzionali. Gli interventi della politica di implementazione regionale, stimolando i consumi della pubblica amministrazione e gli incentivi agli investimenti, agevolando la crescita produttiva attraverso trasferimenti e contributi alle imprese, generano un effetto moltiplicatore positivo sul Pil regionale per tutto l’arco temporale considerato. I risultati ottenuti dalle diverse simulazioni, seguendo le fasi del flusso circolare del reddito, dimostrano come gli interventi di policy della manovra regionale siano uno stimolo per la crescita economica dell’economia regionale, registrando un significativo incremento del prodotto interno lordo reale e in generale di tutte le sue componenti
Over the past five years, Sicily has been characterised by a dramatic economic and social crisis that has plunged the region into a deepening recession in which economic, social and territorial inequalities persist not only within urban areas but also in comparison with the heterogeneity between the regions of our country and those of Europe. The Sicilian macroeconomic framework is mainly penalised by two extraordinary events that increasingly highlight the fragility of the regional fabric, the manifestation of which, at such a close distance, is in any case an unusual circumstance: the economic and health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the difficulties caused by the international scenario, in particular those caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In the light of the dynamics of this context, the Sicilian Region, in line with the European Commission's economic programming guidelines, has planned a package of economic policy measures aimed at stimulating the recovery phase for which development, investment and reform opportunities are foreseen, seeking to repair the economic damage caused by the spread of the pandemic. The objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of the regional recovery and resilience plan manoeuvre for Sicily, planned by the regional government to stimulate economic recovery, following the effects of the lockdown and assess the impacts of the different proposals on the Sicilian economy. The presentation of the socio-economic context of the Sicilian region required the preparation of a set of detailed and locally appropriate information. The use of this information by the regional administration would allow the planning of economic policy manoeuvres oriented to the search for those policy variables, which both in the short term (stabilisation) and in the long term (development) would be able to elaborate the interventions addressed to the realisation of the set objectives and to assess ex-ante and ex-post their impact on the main macroeconomic variables. To this end, a specific database was specifically constructed for the Region of Sicily, Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), capable of presenting and evaluating, through multisectoral analysis, the direct, indirect and induced effects on the main macroeconomic variables, in aggregate and disaggregated terms, of public policies. Having this type of accounting scheme means representing the economic and social situation of the region in an articulated manner. On the basis of the data provided by the social accounting matrix, a computational general economic equilibrium (CGE) model was constructed specifically for Sicily, capable of assessing the impact of regional economic policies on the region's territory. The proposed model is a static and disaggregated general economic equilibrium computational model, modelled taking into account the behavioural functions and budgetary constraints for as many institutional sectors included in the SAM, with the aim of quantifying the direct, indirect and induced effects of the fiscal policies adopted. In the first chapter, the Sicilian regional economic system is presented, describing its economic, structural and territorial characteristics, in a regulatory context defined and regulated by a special regional autonomy and a delicate stage of transition towards a better development perspective. On the basis of the available information and the surveys carried out, the economic research data of the Region of Sicily were explored, described and summarised for an accurate understanding and knowledge of the regional territorial fabric, identifying its strengths and weaknesses. The work offers a starting point for the knowledge and analysis of the main problems of the Sicilian economy. The second chapter outlines the regional administration's proposal for the implementation of a quota of interventions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPRR), as well as the difficulties in planning, resource allocation and project eligibility. For the implementation of these interventions, it is necessary to have interpretative tools available for the policy maker to plan implementation policies aimed at achieving the expected results. In this context, the tool chosen for analysing the impact of regional economic policies on the territorial economic fabric is the computational model of general economic equilibrium (CGE). We therefore proceeded to construct the computational model through a theoretical framework, defining its characteristics and peculiarities. The third chapter presents the analysis of the results of the regional recovery and resilience proposal approved by the regional government to overcome the crisis due to the pandemic emergency. The analysis of the different scenarios identifies the peculiarities of the regional economy, characterised by interactions between production processes, added value generation and institutional sectors. The Sicilian regional CGE model, by making it possible to compare an initial equilibrium situation with a counterfactual one due to the implementation of the economic policy manoeuvre, makes it possible to define the importance and validity of the impacts of this manoeuvre on the regional macroeconomic magnitudes, providing useful policy indications. In this work the simulations presented on the basis of an appreciable level of disaggregation of the production process identify the structures of policy interventions on output, final demand and disposable income carried out by the institutional sectors. Regional implementation policy interventions, by stimulating public administration consumption and investment incentives, by facilitating productive growth through transfers and subsidies to enterprises, generate a positive multiplier effect on regional GDP throughout the time span considered. The results obtained from the different simulations, following the phases of the circular flow of income, show how the policy interventions of the regional manoeuvre are a stimulus for the economic growth of the regional economy, registering a significant increase in the real gross domestic product and in general of all its components.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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