This thesis presents the results of a three year research project, carried out within the ‘Dottorato Innovativo’ (i.e., ‘Innovative Ph.D.’) programme jointly developed by the University of Macerata, Marche Polytechnic University, Regione Marche, and three business partners, namely Biomedfood S.r.l., Elicos S.r.l., and Ego S.r.l.s. The scholarship attached to this applied research Ph.D. programme was aimed at investigating how to promote the food localness of local food producers in the Italian region of Marche in order to enhance local consumers’ perception of local food traditionality and territoriality, and hence to encourage local consumers to consume the local food of their regional market of reference. In particular, this thesis collects two studies, one qualitative, and one quantitative, and a report to Regione Marche including a communication strategy based on the development of a QR-code information system, whose content is built on the findings of this thesis’ primary research providing a more nuanced understanding of food localness from a consumer perspective, as requested by the ‘Dottorato Innovativo’ programme. Recent research suggests that local food consumption can be understood through consumers’ satisfaction of ‘place-belonging’ needs, namely needs regarding feelings of place attachment to – and identity construction through – the place that they consider ‘home’. In particular, the perception of the attribute of ‘rurality’ of local food products seems to play a pivotal role in satisfying consumers’ place-belonging needs, as it evokes the tradition of a territory and its local community, as well as the natural environment in which local food is (more or less imaginatively) ‘emplaced’ by local consumers. Extant research on local food has mainly dealt with consumers’ place-belongingness, and has not explored the role that the politics of belonging (which is a complementary theoretical lens to ‘place-belongingness’) play in food localness construction whereby local (vs. non-local) food is associated with rurality; nor has it quantitatively investigated the relationship between factors that previous qualitative research suggests are positively related to consumer attitude towards eating local food, such as consumers’ local identity, personal cultural orientation towards tradition, and connectedness with nature. Hence, there is much potential in expanding the local food consumption literature from a consumer perspective theoretically further. Considering this context, the aim of the research included in this thesis is to explore how consumers construct food localness (in particular, in relation to their experience of rural space), and to investigate the role that their personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature play in the relationship between local identity and attitude towards eating local food. First of all, this thesis puts forward a literature review on food localness constructions from a consumer perspective (Chapter 1), which problematises extant research on local food consumption and organises this literature in a pragmatic vein through binary relations, identifying gaps. Secondly, this thesis includes a qualitative study (Chapter 2), which seeks to understand how consumers construct food localness in relation to rural space, and as such construct discourses and practices that distinguish food as either local or non-local. Adopting an existential-phenomenological and hermeneutic approach to the conduction and interpretation of 20 in-depth interviews with residents of the Italian region of Marche, and drawing on the analytical tool of the politics of belonging, three interconnected themes reveal how the discourses and practices of local food consumers draw a boundary between local (rural) vs. non-local (urban) food, thus constructing a local food ‘landscape’ of their regional market of reference. This study finds that local consumers construct food localness through an a posteriori construction of rural space, thus conceptualising food as an object undergoing a process of becoming ‘local’. Thus, this study contributes to the literature by advancing a more nuanced understanding of food localness construction in a regional context that moves beyond extant food localness conceptualisations; expanding our knowledge on the attribute of ‘rurality’ of local food products by showing how this provides food with territorial significance; and providing an unexpected example of transformative localism in local consumers. The managerial implications from this study concern local food producers and marketers who are interested in promoting the ‘localness’ of food products from an experiential marketing perspective. Moreover, policymakers should leverage consumers’ understanding of local food in terms of belongingness in rural space in order to implement local food systems successfully from a consumer perspective. Limitations and future research recommendations are suggested at the end of the chapter. Thirdly, this thesis includes a quantitative study (Chapter 3), which aims to establish a measurable relationship assessing the effects of drivers, such as consumers’ local identity, personal cultural orientation towards tradition, and connectedness with nature on their attitude towards eating local food. Focusing on a convenience sample of 426 Italian consumers, this study finds that consumers’ personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature partially mediates the positive relationship between consumers’ local identity and attitude towards eating local food, thus advancing a conceptual, mediation model. This study contributes to the literature by showing that – controlling for the indirect effects of personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature – an increase in consumers’ local identity leads to an increase in their attitude towards eating local food. Moreover, considering the mediating roles of personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature, the study shows that one’s personal cultural orientation towards tradition and desire to connect with nature help explain the positive relationship between local identity and attitude towards eating local food. The managerial implications from this study concern local food producers, retailers and marketers and provide considerable scope to differentiate local food products by enhancing the territorial link between local food, its tradition and association with a natural environment from a consumer perspective in traditional and non-traditional local food retail environments. Moreover, public policy should take account of consumers’ desire to (re)connect with the place they consider ‘home’, and hence enhance the perception of tradition and nature in the implementation of local food systems. Limitations and future research recommendations are suggested at the end of the chapter. Fourthly, this thesis describes the development of an online QR-code information system (Chapter 4), named ‘Oltre la Marca’, which local producers of Marche may use to communicate the food localness of their products to consumers via a QR-code label that local food producers can apply on their products’ packaging. Thus, this thesis provides to Regione Marche a communication strategy for ‘Oltre la Marca’ by applying the qualitative and quantitative research findings of the previous chapters in a managerial context, as requested by the ‘Dottorato Innovativo’ programme.
Questa tesi è il frutto di un progetto di ricerca triennale svolto nell’ambito del programma di ricerca applicata ‘Dottorato Innovativo’, il quale è stato sviluppato congiuntamente dall’Università di Macerata, dall’Università Politecnica delle Marche, dalla Regione Marche e da tre business partner, ovvero Biomedfood S.r.l., Elicos S.r.l. ed Ego S.r.l.s. La ricerca inclusa in questa tesi esamina il consumo di prodotto alimentare locale dalla prospettiva del consumatore. Questo obiettivo è perseguito secondo i requisiti del programma di ‘Dottorato Innovativo’, il quale si prefigge di promuovere la qualità ‘locale’ (ovvero la localness) del prodotto alimentare dei produttori locali della regione Marche tramite lo sviluppo di un sistema informativo QR-code che informi i consumatori in contesti decisionali. Ricerche recenti suggeriscono che il consumo di prodotto alimentare locale possa essere compreso attraverso la soddisfazione dei bisogni legati al senso di appartenenza del consumatore al luogo considerato casa in termini di attaccamento o costruzione della propria identità. Lo stato dell’arte degli studi sul prodotto alimentare locale sottolinea il ruolo cruciale che la percezione dell’attributo di ‘ruralità’ dei prodotti alimentari locali gioca nella soddisfazione di tali bisogni: esso, infatti, è capace sia di evocare la tradizione di un territorio e della sua comunità, che di richiamare l’ambiente naturale in cui il consumatore situa, più o meno immaginativamente, il prodotto alimentare locale. Il ruolo che le politiche di appartenenza giocano nella costruzione della food localness risulta invece non ancora sufficientemente esplorato. Inoltre, la ricerca non ha ancora investigato quantitativamente la relazione tra fattori quali l’identità locale dei consumatori, il loro orientamento culturale verso la tradizione, il loro desiderio di connessione con la natura e il loro atteggiamento verso il mangiare prodotto alimentare locale. Dunque, potenzialmente, esiste ampio margine per avanzare teoricamente la letteratura dedicata al consumo di prodotto alimentare locale. Considerando questo contesto, la ricerca inclusa in questa tesi si prefigge, da un lato, di esplorare come i consumatori costruiscono la qualità ‘locale’ dei prodotti alimentari (in particolare, in relazione alla loro esperienza dello spazio rurale) e, dall’altro, di investigare il ruolo che il loro orientamento culturale verso la tradizione, e la loro connessione con la natura, giocano nella relazione tra la loro identità locale e l’atteggiamento verso il mangiare prodotto alimentare locale. In primo luogo, questa tesi avanza una rassegna della letteratura sulle costruzioni di food localness dalla prospettiva del consumatore (Capitolo 1), la quale organizza e problematizza, seguendo una vena pragmatica, la ricerca esistente sul consumo di prodotto alimentare locale tramite relazioni binarie, identificando così i gap. In secondo luogo, questa tesi include uno studio qualitativo (Capitolo 2), il quale cerca di comprendere come i consumatori costruiscono la qualità ‘locale’ del prodotto alimentare in relazione allo spazio rurale attraverso discorsi e pratiche che distinguono tra prodotto alimentare locale e non-locale. Questo studio adotta un approccio fenomenologico-esistenziale ed ermeneutico nella conduzione e interpretazione di 20 interviste in profondità con consumatori residenti nelle Marche. Lo studio utilizza lo strumento analitico delle politiche di appartenenza per far emergere tre temi interconnessi, i quali rivelano come i discorsi e le pratiche dei consumatori di prodotto alimentare locale disegnano un confine tra prodotto alimentare locale (rurale) vs. non-locale (urbano). I risultati di questo studio mostrano come i consumatori locali costruiscono food localness attraverso una costruzione a posteriori dello spazio rurale regionale, concettualizzando così il prodotto alimentare come un oggetto che subisce un processo di ‘divenire locale’. Così, questo studio contribuisce alla letteratura proponendo una costruzione di food localness in un contesto regionale più dettagliata rispetto a quelle esistenti; espandendo la nostra conoscenza dell’attributo di ‘ruralità’ del prodotto alimentare locale come una componente territoriale del prodotto; e proponendo un esempio inaspettato di localismo trasformativo da parte dei consumatori locali. Le implicazioni manageriali di questo studio riguardano produttori locali e commercianti interessati a promuovere la qualità ‘locale’ dei propri prodotti attraverso una prospettiva di marketing esperienziale. Da una prospettiva di public policy, lo studio suggerisce di far leva sull’idea che il prodotto alimentare locale appartenga a un contesto rurale nello sviluppo e implementazione di sistemi di produzione alimentare locale. Quindi, si espongono le limitazioni dello studio e si suggeriscono raccomandazioni per la ricerca futura. In terzo luogo, questa tesi include uno studio quantitativo (Capitolo 3), il quale ha l’obiettivo di stabilire una relazione misurabile che determini gli effetti di driver dell’atteggiamento verso il mangiare prodotto alimentare locale, come l’identità locale, l’orientamento culturale verso la tradizione e la connessione con la natura dei consumatori. Lo studio è stato condotto su un campione di convenienza di 426 consumatori italiani. I risultati di questo studio mostrano come l’orientamento culturale verso la tradizione e la connessione con la natura dei consumatori mediano parzialmente la relazione positiva tra l’identità locale dei consumatori e il loro atteggiamento verso il mangiare prodotto alimentare locale, avanzando così un modello concettuale di mediazione. Questo studio contribuisce alla letteratura supportando i risultati della ricerca qualitativa esistente mostrando che – controllando per gli effetti indiretti dell’orientamento culturale verso la tradizione e la connessione con la natura – un aumento dell’identità locale dei consumatori comporta un aumento del loro atteggiamento verso il mangiare prodotto alimentare locale. Inoltre, considerando i ruoli di mediatore dell’orientamento culturale verso la tradizione e della connessione con la natura, lo studio mostra che l’orientamento culturale verso la tradizione dei consumatori e il loro desiderio di connettersi con la natura aiutano a spiegare la relazione positiva tra la loro identità locale e l’atteggiamento verso il mangiare prodotto alimentare locale. Le implicazioni manageriali dello studio riguardano produttori locali e commercianti e suggeriscono una differenziazione del prodotto alimentare locale sulla base del legame territoriale tra prodotto alimentare locale, la sua tradizione e il suo rapporto con la natura in ambienti di vendita sia tradizionali che non tradizionali. Da una prospettiva di public policy, lo studio suggerisce di far leva sull’identità locale dei consumatori, e sul loro bisogno di riconnettersi al luogo che considerano casa tramite le sue tradizioni e contesto naturale per implementare sistemi di produzione alimentare locale. Dunque, si espongono le limitazioni dello studio e si suggeriscono raccomandazioni per la ricerca futura. In quarto luogo, la tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un sistema informativo basato su codici QR (Capitolo 4), chiamato ‘Oltre la Marca’, che i produttori alimentari locali della regione Marche possono usare per promuovere e comunicare la food localness dei loro prodotti ai consumatori tramite un codice QR stampato su etichetta. In questo modo, si presenta alla Regione Marche una strategia di comunicazione per ‘Oltre la Marca’ nella quale trovano applicazione i risultati degli studi qualitativo e quantitativo di questa tesi in un contesto manageriale, come richiesto dal programma di ricerca applicata del ‘Dottorato Innovativo’.
This thesis presents the results of a three year research project, carried out within the ‘Dottorato Innovativo’ (i.e., ‘Innovative Ph.D.’) programme jointly developed by the University of Macerata, Marche Polytechnic University, Regione Marche, and three business partners, namely Biomedfood S.r.l., Elicos S.r.l., and Ego S.r.l.s. The scholarship attached to this applied research Ph.D. programme was aimed at investigating how to promote the food localness of local food producers in the Italian region of Marche in order to enhance local consumers’ perception of local food traditionality and territoriality, and hence to encourage local consumers to consume the local food of their regional market of reference. In particular, this thesis collects two studies, one qualitative, and one quantitative, and a report to Regione Marche including a communication strategy based on the development of a QR-code information system, whose content is built on the findings of this thesis’ primary research providing a more nuanced understanding of food localness from a consumer perspective, as requested by the ‘Dottorato Innovativo’ programme. Recent research suggests that local food consumption can be understood through consumers’ satisfaction of ‘place-belonging’ needs, namely needs regarding feelings of place attachment to – and identity construction through – the place that they consider ‘home’. In particular, the perception of the attribute of ‘rurality’ of local food products seems to play a pivotal role in satisfying consumers’ place-belonging needs, as it evokes the tradition of a territory and its local community, as well as the natural environment in which local food is (more or less imaginatively) ‘emplaced’ by local consumers. Extant research on local food has mainly dealt with consumers’ place-belongingness, and has not explored the role that the politics of belonging (which is a complementary theoretical lens to ‘place-belongingness’) play in food localness construction whereby local (vs. non-local) food is associated with rurality; nor has it quantitatively investigated the relationship between factors that previous qualitative research suggests are positively related to consumer attitude towards eating local food, such as consumers’ local identity, personal cultural orientation towards tradition, and connectedness with nature. Hence, there is much potential in expanding the local food consumption literature from a consumer perspective theoretically further. Considering this context, the aim of the research included in this thesis is to explore how consumers construct food localness (in particular, in relation to their experience of rural space), and to investigate the role that their personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature play in the relationship between local identity and attitude towards eating local food. First of all, this thesis puts forward a literature review on food localness constructions from a consumer perspective (Chapter 1), which problematises extant research on local food consumption and organises this literature in a pragmatic vein through binary relations, identifying gaps. Secondly, this thesis includes a qualitative study (Chapter 2), which seeks to understand how consumers construct food localness in relation to rural space, and as such construct discourses and practices that distinguish food as either local or non-local. Adopting an existential-phenomenological and hermeneutic approach to the conduction and interpretation of 20 in-depth interviews with residents of the Italian region of Marche, and drawing on the analytical tool of the politics of belonging, three interconnected themes reveal how the discourses and practices of local food consumers draw a boundary between local (rural) vs. non-local (urban) food, thus constructing a local food ‘landscape’ of their regional market of reference. This study finds that local consumers construct food localness through an a posteriori construction of rural space, thus conceptualising food as an object undergoing a process of becoming ‘local’. Thus, this study contributes to the literature by advancing a more nuanced understanding of food localness construction in a regional context that moves beyond extant food localness conceptualisations; expanding our knowledge on the attribute of ‘rurality’ of local food products by showing how this provides food with territorial significance; and providing an unexpected example of transformative localism in local consumers. The managerial implications from this study concern local food producers and marketers who are interested in promoting the ‘localness’ of food products from an experiential marketing perspective. Moreover, policymakers should leverage consumers’ understanding of local food in terms of belongingness in rural space in order to implement local food systems successfully from a consumer perspective. Limitations and future research recommendations are suggested at the end of the chapter. Thirdly, this thesis includes a quantitative study (Chapter 3), which aims to establish a measurable relationship assessing the effects of drivers, such as consumers’ local identity, personal cultural orientation towards tradition, and connectedness with nature on their attitude towards eating local food. Focusing on a convenience sample of 426 Italian consumers, this study finds that consumers’ personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature partially mediates the positive relationship between consumers’ local identity and attitude towards eating local food, thus advancing a conceptual, mediation model. This study contributes to the literature by showing that – controlling for the indirect effects of personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature – an increase in consumers’ local identity leads to an increase in their attitude towards eating local food. Moreover, considering the mediating roles of personal cultural orientation towards tradition and connectedness with nature, the study shows that one’s personal cultural orientation towards tradition and desire to connect with nature help explain the positive relationship between local identity and attitude towards eating local food. The managerial implications from this study concern local food producers, retailers and marketers and provide considerable scope to differentiate local food products by enhancing the territorial link between local food, its tradition and association with a natural environment from a consumer perspective in traditional and non-traditional local food retail environments. Moreover, public policy should take account of consumers’ desire to (re)connect with the place they consider ‘home’, and hence enhance the perception of tradition and nature in the implementation of local food systems. Limitations and future research recommendations are suggested at the end of the chapter. Fourthly, this thesis describes the development of an online QR-code information system (Chapter 4), named ‘Oltre la Marca’, which local producers of Marche may use to communicate the food localness of their products to consumers via a QR-code label that local food producers can apply on their products’ packaging. Thus, this thesis provides to Regione Marche a communication strategy for ‘Oltre la Marca’ by applying the qualitative and quantitative research findings of the previous chapters in a managerial context, as requested by the ‘Dottorato Innovativo’ programme.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 07/09/2024
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