The relations between Italian and Portuguese left. PCI, PCP and revolutionary lefts (1969-1976) The underlying theme of the research project is composed by the study of the relations among the composite representations of the Italian and Portuguese left between 1969 and 1976 and particularly for what it does concern the Carnations Revolution. To bridge the gap left by Italian historiography, it was necessary to have the work structured on different levels, building a complex methodological framework up, in order to investigate on the Italian left from different though convergent angles. It was therefore attempted to answer the following questions: any interest inside Italian society towards political, national and colonial turmoil affecting Portugal by the mid 70’s? Why and how the Italian society approached to April 25th 1974? Was it framed into parties, associations, student activism? Which was the way for the biggest Portuguese transformation over Nineteenth century to be observed and understood? What did it mean, teach, leave? To answer these questions the project was structured in four chapters. The first chapter aimed to rebuild the historic relationships between fascist Italian and Portuguese regimes at the same time disarticulating fascist category in order to better understand the phases of its downfall, as well as the aggregating antifascist phenomenon in marxist-leninist Italian realities over 70s. Since the very first chapter it was essential to draw one line transversally approaching the project: enriching the research through the examination of documents stored in the archives in Rome, Lisbon, Genova, Piombino, and taking advantage from oral memory, as necessary source to reconstruct in an inedited plot passages – otherwise lost – of the empiric meaning of Revoluçao dos Cravos. Seeking the essence of a democratic component within the Portuguese Armed Forces – whom I define «cultural» – established the passage to the second chapter, which is focused on the construction of the new Portugal and the path travelled by the people and the Armed Forces Movement towards the complex revolutionary democratization, as integrative part of the free constitutional asset. The third and fourth chapters represent the novelty of this work. The construction of the genesis of the relations between the Italian and Portuguese Communist Party have been analysed by the top of institutional dialogues. The landscape of pacifist, antimilitarist, anticolonial committees born during the second post-war, has provided the substrate for dialogue, often independent from institutions, among institutional representatives and movements from the lowest part, typical of the end of ‘60s. Cultural and structural convergences and divergences, connections, exchanges and personal relational nets between Italy and Portugal, have been thus approached with a comparative methodology and using the History from below current. New archival, bibliographical, memorialist records as well as unpublished interviews to the militants of revolutionary and Portuguese left complement each other in order to give a complex, various, human pattern with political, social, intense sociological implications and to narrate plots flowed by a touristic-revolutionary journey which inserts itself between the last ideological glare of west revolution and the violent drift of the end of Italian ‘70s. The reconstruction of the “cell” of the Portuguese people in Genova, essential hub between PCI e the PCP clandestine secretariat, of Portuguese people in Rome linked with the Peace Movements, the motivations and the creation in Lisbon of Associação de Amizade Revolucionária Portugal-Itália by Lotta continua and the Italian revolutionary tourism in Portugal constitute, finally, the novelty and the fulcrum of a relational range born from solidarity to colonial people and then extended to the metropolitan Portuguese people. Ultimately, it was crucial, for the layout of this thesis, the reading of the newspapers of the parties’ movements, the restoring of the historical memory of some militants of both the countries that lived at first hand the process, the analysis of documents deposited in Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Archivio della Fondazione Gramsci, Archivio dell’IRSIFAR, Archivio del Senato della Repubblica, in Rome; Archivio di Stato, in Piombino; Archimov, in Genova; Arquivo Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, l’Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, Archivo de História Social, in Lisbon; and the online archives of Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril of Coimbra University and Arquivo Ephemera of the historian José Pacheco Pereira.
I rapporti tra le varie anime della sinistra italiana e portoghese. PCI, PCP e sinistre rivoluzionarie (1969-1976) Il tema portante del progetto di ricerca è composto dallo studio dei rapporti intercorsi tra le composite rappresentazioni della sinistra italiana e portoghese tra il 1969 e il 1976 e in particolare a cavallo della Rivoluzione dei Garofani. Per cercare di colmare lo spazio vuoto lasciato dalla storiografia italiana è stato necessario strutturare il lavoro su più piani, costruendo un quadro metodologico complesso in grado di indagare la sinistra italiana da angolazioni diverse ma convergenti. Si è pertanto cercato di dare una risposta alle seguenti domande: c’è stato un interesse della società italiana verso gli sconvolgimenti politici, nazionali e coloniali del Portogallo della metà degli anni Settanta? Per quale motivo e in che modo la società italiana si è approssimata al 25 aprile 1974? Era inquadrata nei partiti, nelle associazioni, nei movimenti studenteschi? In che modo è stata osservata e compresa la maggiore trasformazione sociopolitica lusitana del Novecento? Cosa ha significato, insegnato, lasciato? Per rispondere a queste domande il lavoro è stato strutturato in quattro capitoli. Il primo capitolo ricostruisce le relazioni storiche stabilite tra i regimi fascisti italiano e portoghese, atto a destrutturare la categoria di fascismo per meglio comprenderne le fasi della sua caduta e l’aggregante antifascismo delle realtà marxiste-leniniste italiane degli anni Settanta. Fin dal primo capitolo è stato essenziale tracciare una linea che approccia trasversalmente il progetto, rendendo corposa la ricerca con la disamina di documenti conservati negli archivi di Roma, Lisbona, Genova, Piombino, e beneficiando della memoria orale, come fonte necessaria a ricostruire in modo inedito passaggi altrimenti perduti del significato empirico della Revolução dos cravos. Ricercare l’essenza di una componente democratica all’interno delle Forze Armate portoghesi – che definisco «culturale» – ha costituito il passaggio al secondo capitolo, che analizza la costruzione del Portogallo nuovo e il cammino della complessa democratizzazione rivoluzionaria del popolo e del Movimento delle Forze Armate, parte integrante dell’assetto costituzionale libero. Il terzo e quarto capitolo rappresentano la novità del lavoro. La costituzione della genesi dei rapporti tra il Partito Comunista Italiano e Portoghese, sono stati analizzati dall’alto dei dialoghi istituzionali. Il panorama di comitati pacifisti, antimilitaristi, anticoloniali creatisi dal secondo dopoguerra hanno fornito il terreno di dialogo, spesso indipendente dalle istituzioni, fra rappresentanze istituzionali e movimenti dal basso, tipici della fine degli anni Sessanta. Convergenze, divergenze culturali e strutturali, connessioni, scambi e reti relazionali personali tra Italia e Portogallo, sono state così approcciate con una metodologia comparativa e utilizzando la corrente della History from below. Fonti archivistiche nuove, bibliografiche, memorialistiche e interviste inedite ai militanti della sinistra rivoluzionaria e portoghese si completano per dare un quadro complesso, vario, umano dai risvolti politici, sociali, sociologici intensi e per raccontare le trame scaturite da un viaggio turistico-rivoluzionario che si inserisce tra l’ultimo bagliore ideologico di rivoluzione d’Occidente e la deriva violenta della fine degli anni Settanta italiani. La ricostruzione della “cellula” dei portoghesi a Genova, snodo essenziale tra il PCI e la segreteria clandestina del PCP, dei portoghesi a Roma collegati con i Movimenti della Pace, le motivazioni e la costituzione dell’Associação de Amizade Revolucionária Portugal-Itália di Lotta Continua a Lisbona e del turismo rivoluzionario italiano in Portogallo rappresentano, infine, le novità e il fulcro di un ventaglio relazionale nato dalla solidarietà ai popoli coloniali ed estesa al popolo portoghese metropolitano. In ultima analisi, è stata essenziale, per la stesura del lavoro, la lettura dei quotidiani dei movimenti dei partiti, il recupero della memoria storica di alcuni militanti di entrambi i Paesi che vissero il processo in prima persona, e l’analisi sui documenti conservati presso l’Archivio Centrale dello Stato, l’Archivio della Fondazione Gramsci, l’Archivio dell’IRSIFAR, l’Archivio del Senato della Repubblica, a Roma, l’Archivio di Stato di Piombino, dell’Archimov di Genova, l’Arquivo Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, l’Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, l’Archivo de História Social, a Lisbona, e gli archivi online del Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril dell’Università di Coimbra e l’Arquivo Ephemera dello storico José Pacheco Pereira.
I rapporti tra le varie anime della sinistra italiana e portoghese. PCI, PCP e sinistre rivoluzionarie (1969-1976) The relations between Italian and Portuguese left. PCI, PCP and revolutionary lefts (1969-1976)
PINNA, Massimiliano
The relations between Italian and Portuguese left. PCI, PCP and revolutionary lefts (1969-1976) The underlying theme of the research project is composed by the study of the relations among the composite representations of the Italian and Portuguese left between 1969 and 1976 and particularly for what it does concern the Carnations Revolution. To bridge the gap left by Italian historiography, it was necessary to have the work structured on different levels, building a complex methodological framework up, in order to investigate on the Italian left from different though convergent angles. It was therefore attempted to answer the following questions: any interest inside Italian society towards political, national and colonial turmoil affecting Portugal by the mid 70’s? Why and how the Italian society approached to April 25th 1974? Was it framed into parties, associations, student activism? Which was the way for the biggest Portuguese transformation over Nineteenth century to be observed and understood? What did it mean, teach, leave? To answer these questions the project was structured in four chapters. The first chapter aimed to rebuild the historic relationships between fascist Italian and Portuguese regimes at the same time disarticulating fascist category in order to better understand the phases of its downfall, as well as the aggregating antifascist phenomenon in marxist-leninist Italian realities over 70s. Since the very first chapter it was essential to draw one line transversally approaching the project: enriching the research through the examination of documents stored in the archives in Rome, Lisbon, Genova, Piombino, and taking advantage from oral memory, as necessary source to reconstruct in an inedited plot passages – otherwise lost – of the empiric meaning of Revoluçao dos Cravos. Seeking the essence of a democratic component within the Portuguese Armed Forces – whom I define «cultural» – established the passage to the second chapter, which is focused on the construction of the new Portugal and the path travelled by the people and the Armed Forces Movement towards the complex revolutionary democratization, as integrative part of the free constitutional asset. The third and fourth chapters represent the novelty of this work. The construction of the genesis of the relations between the Italian and Portuguese Communist Party have been analysed by the top of institutional dialogues. The landscape of pacifist, antimilitarist, anticolonial committees born during the second post-war, has provided the substrate for dialogue, often independent from institutions, among institutional representatives and movements from the lowest part, typical of the end of ‘60s. Cultural and structural convergences and divergences, connections, exchanges and personal relational nets between Italy and Portugal, have been thus approached with a comparative methodology and using the History from below current. New archival, bibliographical, memorialist records as well as unpublished interviews to the militants of revolutionary and Portuguese left complement each other in order to give a complex, various, human pattern with political, social, intense sociological implications and to narrate plots flowed by a touristic-revolutionary journey which inserts itself between the last ideological glare of west revolution and the violent drift of the end of Italian ‘70s. The reconstruction of the “cell” of the Portuguese people in Genova, essential hub between PCI e the PCP clandestine secretariat, of Portuguese people in Rome linked with the Peace Movements, the motivations and the creation in Lisbon of Associação de Amizade Revolucionária Portugal-Itália by Lotta continua and the Italian revolutionary tourism in Portugal constitute, finally, the novelty and the fulcrum of a relational range born from solidarity to colonial people and then extended to the metropolitan Portuguese people. Ultimately, it was crucial, for the layout of this thesis, the reading of the newspapers of the parties’ movements, the restoring of the historical memory of some militants of both the countries that lived at first hand the process, the analysis of documents deposited in Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Archivio della Fondazione Gramsci, Archivio dell’IRSIFAR, Archivio del Senato della Repubblica, in Rome; Archivio di Stato, in Piombino; Archimov, in Genova; Arquivo Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, l’Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, Archivo de História Social, in Lisbon; and the online archives of Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril of Coimbra University and Arquivo Ephemera of the historian José Pacheco Pereira.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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