The aim of the research is to verify whether schools can take-up Diversity Management approaches to embrace the always growing diversity present in these contexts. This research, titled:” Diversity Management in the School context” chose three schools from three different European Countries with the attempt to answer the following research question: ”Are there are recognizable elements of Diversity Management in the schools’ context under study?” Expert figures in inclusion and diversity in the school context, helped us identify schools of excellence in managing diversity in Ireland, Italy and Malta. To carry out this work, a qualitative approach was chosen. Data collection privileged semi-structured interviews (which were video-recorded) and observations, which were carried out by three researchers-observers originating from the three countries. All researchers participated actively during the entire data collection and data analysis. The data collected was loyally transcribed and a thematic analysis was carried out during different focus groups. Thematic analysis supporting assertions with data from grounded theory, took a bottom-up inductive approach. From the interviews extracts, keywords were coded which led to identify sub-themes, and then 4 overarching themes: perception, pro-action and strategies, application and competencies. Perception resulted to be an important theme in diversity management in the given schools since it is the process of constructing and attributing meaning. Diversity is recognised to be a social construct from which stereotypes or individuality can emerge. Thus the ethos of the school seems to be fundamental in diversity management. Diversity is perceived as a challenge but which can be enriching to the individual and the entire school system. Diversity often generates fear of the unknown, even though interviewees recognise that it Is no longer the exception but it has become the norm. This new perception or perspective, bring stakeholders to react pro-actively in managing diversity. In the studied schools, pro-action strategies are put in practice to generate more awareness and knowledge, that favour direct contact and active participation. Activities result to be more effective if they are pleasant and make use of team work, bringing diversity in the foreground rather than concealing it in the background (increase instead of reducing). Another emerging theme is application. In managing diversity, strategies are applied at various levels (individual, group and community), using in-curricular and extra-curricular/ special modalities and need to be time-bound (medium-long planned projects). From the data collected, it clear that diversity management requires competencies, which arise from abilities acquired through experience and through training, which seems fundamental for effective management. In conclusion, this research reveals that the studied schools do take up aspects of diversity management. The results emerging from this qualitative study are meant to bring to light new ideas and possible recommendations to help formulate best practices in diversity management, which can be applied in schools contexts, always more coloured by diversity.
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è verificare se le scuole per accogliere la crescente domanda di diversità possono utilizzare approcci al Diversity Management. Questa ricerca intitolata “ Il Diversity Management a scuola” prende in esame tre scuole di tre paesi della Comunità Europea con l’intento di rispondere alla domanda di ricerca: «Ci sono elementi riconoscibili di DM nelle scuole studiate?» Figure esperte dell’inclusione della diversità nelle scuole hanno aiutato ad identificare scuole d’eccellenza per la loro gestione della diversità in Irlanda in Italia e a Malta. Per svolgere questo lavoro è stato scelto un approccio qualitativo. La raccolta dei dati ha privilegiato l’intervista semi-strutturata (video-registrata) e osservazioni condotte da tre ricercatori-osservatori originari dei tre paesi, che hanno partecipato attivamente durante l’intero processo di raccolta e analisi dei dati. I dati raccolti sono stati fedelmente trascritti e un’analisi tematica è stata condotta durante vari focus group. L’analisi dei dati che segue la Grounded Theory ha seguito un approccio induttivo bottom-up. Dagli estratti delle interviste sono state codificate delle parole chiave che hanno permesso di identificare dei sotto-temi racchiusi in quattro temi principali: percezione, pro-azione e strategie, applicazione e competenze. La percezione risulta essere un tema importante nella gestione delle diversità di queste scuole, perché si tratta di un processo di costruzione e attribuzione di significato. La diversità è stata riconosciuta come un costrutto sociale da cui possono sorgere stereotipi o individualità. Perciò l’ethos della scuola sembra essere fondamentale nella gestione della diversità. Essa è percepita come una sfida, ma viene vista anche come un arricchimento per l’individuo e per l’intero sistema scolastico. La Diversità spesso genera paura dell’ignoto, ciononostante gli intervistati riconoscono che non può essere percepita come un’eccezione poiché è la norma. Questa nuova percezione o prospettiva porta gli stakeholders a reagire in modo pro-attivo rispetto alla gestione della diversità. Nelle scuole studiate le strategie pro-attive sono impiegate per generare più consapevolezza e conoscenza, favoriscono così il contatto diretto e la partecipazione attiva. Inoltre, tali attività danno più risultati se sono piacevoli, se si crea un gioco di squadra e se vanno ad evidenziare la diversità anziché nasconderla nello sfondo (aggiungere anziché ridurre). Un altro tema emergente è l’applicazione della gestione della diversità. Le strategie sono applicate a vari livelli (individuo, gruppo, comunità), utilizzano modalità curricolari, extracurricolari e speciali e per la loro realizzazione richiedono una tempistica progettuale pianificata a medio e lungo termine. Dalla raccolta dei dati sembra chiaro che la gestione delle diversità necessiti di competenze che emergono da capacità acquisite tramite esperienze o dalla formazione, che sembra essere fondamentale per un’efficace gestione. In conclusione questa ricerca rivela che le scuole studiate utilizzano aspetti del Diversity Management. I risultati emersi da questo studio qualitativo sono orientati a far emergere nuove idee e raccomandazioni possibili per aiutare a formulare best practices nella gestione della diversità, da applicare nei contesti scolastici sempre più colorati dalla diversità.
Il Diversity Management a Scuola
The aim of the research is to verify whether schools can take-up Diversity Management approaches to embrace the always growing diversity present in these contexts. This research, titled:” Diversity Management in the School context” chose three schools from three different European Countries with the attempt to answer the following research question: ”Are there are recognizable elements of Diversity Management in the schools’ context under study?” Expert figures in inclusion and diversity in the school context, helped us identify schools of excellence in managing diversity in Ireland, Italy and Malta. To carry out this work, a qualitative approach was chosen. Data collection privileged semi-structured interviews (which were video-recorded) and observations, which were carried out by three researchers-observers originating from the three countries. All researchers participated actively during the entire data collection and data analysis. The data collected was loyally transcribed and a thematic analysis was carried out during different focus groups. Thematic analysis supporting assertions with data from grounded theory, took a bottom-up inductive approach. From the interviews extracts, keywords were coded which led to identify sub-themes, and then 4 overarching themes: perception, pro-action and strategies, application and competencies. Perception resulted to be an important theme in diversity management in the given schools since it is the process of constructing and attributing meaning. Diversity is recognised to be a social construct from which stereotypes or individuality can emerge. Thus the ethos of the school seems to be fundamental in diversity management. Diversity is perceived as a challenge but which can be enriching to the individual and the entire school system. Diversity often generates fear of the unknown, even though interviewees recognise that it Is no longer the exception but it has become the norm. This new perception or perspective, bring stakeholders to react pro-actively in managing diversity. In the studied schools, pro-action strategies are put in practice to generate more awareness and knowledge, that favour direct contact and active participation. Activities result to be more effective if they are pleasant and make use of team work, bringing diversity in the foreground rather than concealing it in the background (increase instead of reducing). Another emerging theme is application. In managing diversity, strategies are applied at various levels (individual, group and community), using in-curricular and extra-curricular/ special modalities and need to be time-bound (medium-long planned projects). From the data collected, it clear that diversity management requires competencies, which arise from abilities acquired through experience and through training, which seems fundamental for effective management. In conclusion, this research reveals that the studied schools do take up aspects of diversity management. The results emerging from this qualitative study are meant to bring to light new ideas and possible recommendations to help formulate best practices in diversity management, which can be applied in schools contexts, always more coloured by diversity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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