What do we mean by moral freedom? Which necessary conditions does it require? Do the exponential rise and use of algorithm-based information and communication technologies (digital ICTs) promote or undermine it? Are we dealing with a novel ethical challenge? If this is the case, how should we respond to it? These are a few of the main questions the doctoral dissertation aims at addressing. These queries are increasingly ineludible in our contemporary informational societies where people depend more and more on digital ICTs and therefore are inevitably exposed to their invisible but powerful algorithmic design. It is indeed a matter of fact that nowadays algorithms not just increasingly mediate every aspect of our lives but own an epistemological and ontological potential to reshape deeply the way in which we know and experience our reality, the others, and ourselves, by blending into and redefining our practices, how we perform daily activities and tasks, make decisions and high-stake choices. The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate, in the light of this pervasive use and thus of the impact of algorithmic ICTs on our lives, one of the most crucial issues in our contemporary societies: the issue of our freedom, and specifically, our moral freedom, that is, our freedom to become authentic moral agents and therefore to develop authentic moral identity, i.e., our freedom to choose and act according to genuine values and reasons that we can endorse as motives of our choices and actions – so by keeping the “moral authorship” on them. The specific thesis I claim is that algorithms-based ICTs more than influencing can undermine our moral freedom, by affecting deeply the conditions of possibility that can secure its exercise at a minimum threshold. To maintain my thesis, considered that moral freedom is a topic less explored per se, in the first chapter, I bring out an account of moral freedom both in a positive and negative sense, by drawing insights from the theories analyzing the moral dimension of our freedom of choice developed in the free will and socio-political freedom debates. I specifically inquire into the moral dimension of human choosing and agency especially for what concerns the conditions of possibility which allow its free exercise at least at a minimum threshold, what I argue to be a) the condition of availability of morally heterogeneous options and b) our moral autonomy as self-relational determination; and finally, I define our moral freedom as an ethical-normative value that ought to be protected from existing and new forms of impediment to its exercise. In the second chapter, I question whether algorithmic ICTs are creating a new form of impediment to our moral freedom, by considering machine learning (ML) algorithms with a specific focus on three algorithmic personalization techniques: algorithmic profiling, algorithmic classifying and filtering, and recommendation systems (RSs). I highlight how the algorithmic governance that is developing in our informational societies is structuring algorithmic choice-architectures and I argue how beyond reshaping our choice-contexts they can affect deeply and even undermine the two conditions of possibility for the exercise of moral freedom, by raising what I define as the epistemological problem of shaping users’ choice-options and the potential suspension of users’ endorsement (i.e., moral autonomy), so endangering our moral freedom. In the third chapter, I argue how this algorithmic impact can constrain our choosing and agency as authentic moral agents and I define this new form of algorithmic impediment to the exercise of our moral freedom as the rise of the algorithmic predeterminism, by outlining lastly some of its potential consequences in morally loaded social domains where algorithms-based ICTs are broadly applied. The final sections try to elaborate a path to tackle the underlined challenge. Firstly, I provide a novel informational privacy lens that underpins the ideal of freedom from algorithmic predeterminism for a protection of our freedom that considers our moral freedom, what I call moral privacy, by declining it in three main axioms or criteria that can detect a zone of protection for our moral freedom. Ultimately, I define and call into action the social agents entitled to operationalize the moral privacy’s criteria in order to prevent or at least mitigate the threat of algorithmic predeterminism and thus to preserve us as free to choose as authentic moral agents in our contemporary informational societies evermore algorithmically ruled.
Che cos’è la libertà morale? Quali sono le sue condizioni di possibilità? Il progresso e, soprattutto, l’uso esponenziale di tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione governate da algoritmi (ICTs digitali) la promuovono o la indeboliscono? Siamo di fronte a una nuova sfida etica? Se sì, come dovremmo rispondere a essa? Queste sono alcune delle domande principali che il presente lavoro intende affrontare. Questi interrogativi risultano sempre più ineludibili nelle nostre società informazionali contemporanee, dove le persone dipendono in misura crescente dalle ICTs digitali e, dunque, risultano inevitabilmente esposte al loro invisibile ma sempre più influente design algoritmico. È oggi infatti indiscutibile che gli algoritmi non solo mediano ogni aspetto della nostra vita, ma detengono un potenziale sia epistemologico che ontologico nel rimodellare in modo pervasivo, incessante e profondo il tessuto della nostra realtà, il modo in cui percepiamo e dunque conosciamo e facciamo esperienza del mondo, degli altri e perfino di noi stessi, fondendosi e ridefinendo dall’interno le nostre pratiche quotidiane, il modo in cui svolgiamo compiti, in cui prendiamo decisioni semplici e intuitive o compiamo scelte complesse e significative. L’obiettivo della presente dissertazione è quello d’indagare, alla luce di questo progresso e uso pervasivo delle ICTs algoritmiche, una delle questioni più cruciali nelle nostre società contemporanee: la questione della nostra libertà e, in particolare, della nostra libertà morale, vale a dire, della nostra libertà di diventare agenti morali autentici e, nello specifico, di sviluppare identità morali autentiche, ovvero la nostra libertà di scegliere e agire secondo valori e ragioni che possiamo avallare come motivi delle nostre scelte e azioni, mantenendo così la nostra “autorialità morale” su di esse. La tesi specifica che sostengo è che le ICTs basate su algoritmi possono mettere a repentaglio la nostra libertà morale, minando le condizioni di possibilità che ne garantiscono l’esercizio – almeno a una soglia minima. Al fine di argomentare la mia tesi, essendo la libertà morale una questione poco esplorata in autonomia, nel primo capitolo, elaboro un account sia positivo che negativo di libertà morale, traendo spunti dall’analisi delle teorie che indagano la dimensione morale della libertà di scelta e azione in due dibattiti filosofici chiave, sebbene dal portato distinto, il dibattito sul libero arbitrio e quello sulla libertà sociale e politica. Nello specifico, indago la dimensione morale della scelta e dell’agire umano soprattutto per ciò che concerne le condizioni di possibilità (i.e., sine qua non) che ne consentono il libero esercizio – che sostengo essere: la disponibilità di opzioni alternative moralmente eterogenee e l’autonomia morale come autodeterminazione relazionale –, e infine definisco la libertà morale come un valore etico-normativo che richiede di essere protetto da attuali o potenziali forme di impedimento. Nel secondo capitolo, vaglio se le ICTs algoritmiche stiano creando una nuova forma di impedimento alla nostra libertà morale, considerando nello specifico gli algoritmi di machine learning, con un focus particolare su tre tecniche algoritmiche di personalizzazione informazionale: la profilazione algoritmica, gli algoritmi di classificazione e filtro e, infine, i sistemi di raccomandazione (RS). A tal fine, pongo in luce come la governance algoritmica che sta emergendo nelle nostre società informazionali si stia strutturando in ciò che definisco architetture algoritmiche di scelta e ne argomento l’azione non solo nel ristrutturare i contesti in cui scegliamo e agiamo, ma nell’intaccare profondamente fino a compromettere le condizioni alla base dell’esercizio della nostra libertà morale, dando origine sia a un impatto epistemologico sul soggetto le cui opzioni risultano pre-scelte algoritmicamente che, in alcuni casi, a una possibile sospensione dell’autonomia morale (come approvazione o endorsement), mettendo così in discussione la nostra libertà morale. Nel terzo capitolo, infine, esploro come questo impatto algoritmico possa costringere la nostra libertà di scelta e azione come agenti morali autentici al punto tale da costituire un vero e proprio nuovo impedimento alla nostra libertà morale, o predeterminismo algoritmico, e ne delineo le conseguenze in alcuni domini sociali in cui le ICTs algoritmiche risultano oggi ampiamente applicate. Le ultime due sezioni del capitolo concludono sviluppando una possibile risposta alla sfida etica delineata, in primo luogo, attraverso l’introduzione nel dibattito sulla privacy informazionale – quale strumento legale di tutela della nostra libertà – di una nuova lente concettuale, o privacy morale, declinata in tre assiomi volti a disegnare una zona di protezione specifica per la nostra libertà morale e, infine, nella definizione degli agenti sociali chiamati all’operazionalizzazione tecnica e istituzionale dei criteri individuati al fine di prevenire la minaccia delineata e, dunque, di preservarci quali liberi di scegliere e agire come autentici agenti morali nelle società algoritmiche contemporanee
What do we mean by moral freedom? Which necessary conditions does it require? Do the exponential rise and use of algorithm-based information and communication technologies (digital ICTs) promote or undermine it? Are we dealing with a novel ethical challenge? If this is the case, how should we respond to it? These are a few of the main questions the doctoral dissertation aims at addressing. These queries are increasingly ineludible in our contemporary informational societies where people depend more and more on digital ICTs and therefore are inevitably exposed to their invisible but powerful algorithmic design. It is indeed a matter of fact that nowadays algorithms not just increasingly mediate every aspect of our lives but own an epistemological and ontological potential to reshape deeply the way in which we know and experience our reality, the others, and ourselves, by blending into and redefining our practices, how we perform daily activities and tasks, make decisions and high-stake choices. The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate, in the light of this pervasive use and thus of the impact of algorithmic ICTs on our lives, one of the most crucial issues in our contemporary societies: the issue of our freedom, and specifically, our moral freedom, that is, our freedom to become authentic moral agents and therefore to develop authentic moral identity, i.e., our freedom to choose and act according to genuine values and reasons that we can endorse as motives of our choices and actions – so by keeping the “moral authorship” on them. The specific thesis I claim is that algorithms-based ICTs more than influencing can undermine our moral freedom, by affecting deeply the conditions of possibility that can secure its exercise at a minimum threshold. To maintain my thesis, considered that moral freedom is a topic less explored per se, in the first chapter, I bring out an account of moral freedom both in a positive and negative sense, by drawing insights from the theories analyzing the moral dimension of our freedom of choice developed in the free will and socio-political freedom debates. I specifically inquire into the moral dimension of human choosing and agency especially for what concerns the conditions of possibility which allow its free exercise at least at a minimum threshold, what I argue to be a) the condition of availability of morally heterogeneous options and b) our moral autonomy as self-relational determination; and finally, I define our moral freedom as an ethical-normative value that ought to be protected from existing and new forms of impediment to its exercise. In the second chapter, I question whether algorithmic ICTs are creating a new form of impediment to our moral freedom, by considering machine learning (ML) algorithms with a specific focus on three algorithmic personalization techniques: algorithmic profiling, algorithmic classifying and filtering, and recommendation systems (RSs). I highlight how the algorithmic governance that is developing in our informational societies is structuring algorithmic choice-architectures and I argue how beyond reshaping our choice-contexts they can affect deeply and even undermine the two conditions of possibility for the exercise of moral freedom, by raising what I define as the epistemological problem of shaping users’ choice-options and the potential suspension of users’ endorsement (i.e., moral autonomy), so endangering our moral freedom. In the third chapter, I argue how this algorithmic impact can constrain our choosing and agency as authentic moral agents and I define this new form of algorithmic impediment to the exercise of our moral freedom as the rise of the algorithmic predeterminism, by outlining lastly some of its potential consequences in morally loaded social domains where algorithms-based ICTs are broadly applied. The final sections try to elaborate a path to tackle the underlined challenge. Firstly, I provide a novel informational privacy lens that underpins the ideal of freedom from algorithmic predeterminism for a protection of our freedom that considers our moral freedom, what I call moral privacy, by declining it in three main axioms or criteria that can detect a zone of protection for our moral freedom. Ultimately, I define and call into action the social agents entitled to operationalize the moral privacy’s criteria in order to prevent or at least mitigate the threat of algorithmic predeterminism and thus to preserve us as free to choose as authentic moral agents in our contemporary informational societies evermore algorithmically ruled.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 24/07/2023
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