The thesis presses again diachronically the history of the Vallombrosa’s congregation through the worship of the saints and the relics, giving a particular attention to the connection between the cultural case and the social and political-institutional problems. The research has started by a reconsideration of the hagiographical sources, thanks the historiography dedicated to them, and it extended a no-hagiographical sources too (f. e. memorials, inventories, shopping list, etc.). We give a particular attention to the material objects, the relics and reliquaries, according to the late historiography that considers the saint’s remains and the objects useful to keep them not only like functional things for the history of the worship, but also like research instruments thanks their concreteness and materiality. The vehicle through which a relic becomes visible and “benefiting” has founded by the reliquary, an object “in progress” that modifies in time and that, though its architectonical structure, its decorations and the elements that confirm the relic’s authenticity, is able to stimulate some questions not only on the history of the worship, but also on the history of the corporations that control its possession and its care. The attitude of the congregation founded by Giovanni Gualberto compared with the politics of the relics circulation and preservation is the privileged observatory from who this work has “read” and interpreted the sources of the history of the Vallombrosa’s holiness. The “holy spaces” on which we have concentrated our research are the communities of Vallombrosa, Badia, Passignano and Santa Trinita (Florence); those are very important places in founder’s life,but also and above all in the circulation of his relics. By the reconstruction of the way that the relics have made, over the time, between the three places has emerged that in the Vallombrosa’s congregation, beginning from XII century, until XIX century, with moments of standstill and moments of major promotion, these objects are turned to instrument of legitimation of the prestige, or even of the institutional power, each one of these communities. The hoarding’s process in the communities develops with different phases and modalities, and produces different results. The reflection on delicate relations passed between them, emphasized by relics circulation, by the ordered of the reliquaries, by the hagiographical promotion and by the realization of works of art that have like subject the congregational holiness, has allowed to reconstract the way completed by the Vallombrosa’s congregation in own “pantheon’s” construction.
La tesi ripercorre diacronicamente (dal Medioevo fino all’Età moderna) la storia della congregazione vallombrosana attraverso il culto dei santi e delle reliquie, prestando particolare attenzione al rapporto che si stabilisce tra il fenomeno cultuale e i problemi di carattere sociale e politico-istituzionale. La ricerca è partita da una riconsiderazione delle fonti agiografiche, alla luce della storiografia ad esse dedicata, e si è estesa anche a tipologie di fonti non propriamente agiografiche (memoriali, inventari, note di spese ecc.). Particolare attenzione è stata data agli oggetti materiali, le reliquie e i reliquiari, in continuità con la recente storiografia che considera i resti di un santo e gli oggetti preposti a conservarlo, non solo come funzionali alla storia del culto, ma come strumenti di ricerca anche e soprattutto in funzione della loro concretezza e materialità. Il veicolo attraverso il quale una reliquia diventa visibile e “fruibile” è costituito dal reliquiario, un oggetto “in progress” che muta con il passare del tempo e che, attraverso la sua struttura architettonica, le sue decorazioni e gli elementi comprovanti l’autenticità della reliquia, è capace di suscitare domande non solo sulla storia del culto, ma anche su quella degli enti che ne detengono il possesso o la custodia. L’atteggiamento della congregazione fondata da Giovanni Gualberto nei confronti della politica delle canonizzazione e della strategia di circolazione, conservazione, e tesaurizzazione delle reliquie è l’osservatorio privilegiato dal quale questo lavoro ha “letto” e interpretato le fonti della storia della santità vallombrosana. Gli “spazi sacri” sui quali si è concentrata la ricerca sono le comunità di Vallombrosa, Badia a Passignano, e Santa Trinita (Firenze), luoghi importanti sia nella vita del fondatore, ma anche e soprattutto nella circolazione delle sue reliquie. Dalla ricostruzione del percorso che le reliquie, hanno compiuto, nel tempo, fra i tre luoghi è emerso che all’interno della congregazione vallombrosana a partire dal XII secolo, fino al XIX secolo, con momenti di stasi e momenti di maggiore promozione, questi oggetti sono diventati lo strumento di legittimazione del prestigio, o addirittura del potere istituzionale, di ognuna di queste comunità. I processi di tesaurizzazione nelle comunità si svolgono in tempi e con modalità differenti, portando ad esiti diversi. La riflessione sui delicati rapporti intercorsi tra di esse, messi in luce dalla circolazione delle reliquie, dalla committenza dei reliquiari, dalla promozione agiografica e dalla realizzazione di opere d’arte aventi come oggetto la santità della congregazione, ha permesso di ricostruire il percorso compiuto dalla congregazione vallombrosana nella costruzione del proprio pantheon.
La congregazione vallombrosana: promozione della santità e culto delle reliquie tra Medioevo e Età moderna
The thesis presses again diachronically the history of the Vallombrosa’s congregation through the worship of the saints and the relics, giving a particular attention to the connection between the cultural case and the social and political-institutional problems. The research has started by a reconsideration of the hagiographical sources, thanks the historiography dedicated to them, and it extended a no-hagiographical sources too (f. e. memorials, inventories, shopping list, etc.). We give a particular attention to the material objects, the relics and reliquaries, according to the late historiography that considers the saint’s remains and the objects useful to keep them not only like functional things for the history of the worship, but also like research instruments thanks their concreteness and materiality. The vehicle through which a relic becomes visible and “benefiting” has founded by the reliquary, an object “in progress” that modifies in time and that, though its architectonical structure, its decorations and the elements that confirm the relic’s authenticity, is able to stimulate some questions not only on the history of the worship, but also on the history of the corporations that control its possession and its care. The attitude of the congregation founded by Giovanni Gualberto compared with the politics of the relics circulation and preservation is the privileged observatory from who this work has “read” and interpreted the sources of the history of the Vallombrosa’s holiness. The “holy spaces” on which we have concentrated our research are the communities of Vallombrosa, Badia, Passignano and Santa Trinita (Florence); those are very important places in founder’s life,but also and above all in the circulation of his relics. By the reconstruction of the way that the relics have made, over the time, between the three places has emerged that in the Vallombrosa’s congregation, beginning from XII century, until XIX century, with moments of standstill and moments of major promotion, these objects are turned to instrument of legitimation of the prestige, or even of the institutional power, each one of these communities. The hoarding’s process in the communities develops with different phases and modalities, and produces different results. The reflection on delicate relations passed between them, emphasized by relics circulation, by the ordered of the reliquaries, by the hagiographical promotion and by the realization of works of art that have like subject the congregational holiness, has allowed to reconstract the way completed by the Vallombrosa’s congregation in own “pantheon’s” construction.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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