The Industry 5.0 model strongly promoted the Human-centric Smart Manufacturing (HSM) paradigm to fully exploit the advantages inherent to human flexibility, machine efficiency, and new-generation information technologies. Although digitization has led to a constant increase in the automation of industrial systems, human beings still play a crucial role in the modern digital factory in numerous processes, especially in precision or low-batch assembly, in maintenance of complex systems, and in quality controls. The integration of human operators with advanced cybernetic technologies within industrial processes represents the next phase in the evolution of modern productive systems, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines promoted by the Industry 5.0 manifest, rather than the automation-centric approach brought by previous industrial models. Indeed, seeing the strong focus of the Fourth Industrial revolution on technology and progress, low attention has been dedicated to the role of the human operator so far, and more in general to the human factors. The Industry 4.0 approach has made available a great amount of data on process, machines and human-machine interactions: this information can now be fruitfully exploited thanks to such innovative technologies to improve the system design by considering human factors. The understanding of the workplace and its organization is of extremely importance to start investigating the working conditions and the actual User eXperience (UX) of the operators. The knowledge about users’ needs, preferences, capabilities and ergonomics is crucial when optimizing the workers’ wellbeing, the working conditions, and the industrial performances: this implements a culture of continuous learning and adaption, where humans and machines collaborate to improve processes and products. Thus, the integration of human factors in product and process design assumes a crucial importance, to concurrently achieve a high production quality and workers' well-being. Therefore, this research proposes a framework and a thorough methodology to harmonize human factors with the digital design of modern industrial systems by encompassing physical and cognitive ergonomics analysis and, more in general, the overall user experience. The framework integrates digital tools for data access, visualization and processing: according to the approach presented, a first integration of such digital technologies is proposed in the form of a structured technological setup harmonised within the Unity platform. The first part of the thesis focuses on the state of the art of human-centric approaches in industry to support engineers in the early design stage, by discussing strengths and limitations of existing frameworks. A particular attention is dedicated to the introduction of innovative devices, such as wearable technologies, as enabling tools for the industrial design. An in-depth methodological analysis is presented to assist industrial players in developing and implementing a human-centric framework to optimize their product and process design. An innovative ergonomic index assimilating both the cognitive and postural ergonomics, properly contextualized within the overall framework, is introduced. Then, the information elaborated by the framework is organized according to a precise data structure, exploiting the AutomationML standard. Finally, a set of physiological sensors, human tracking devices and digital technologies is brought forward and adequately integrated in the Unity engine: its use in the software environment is here discussed. Several industrial case studies implementing and validating the proposed framework on its single parts are offered: for each of them, a specific in depth conceptual and technical explanation is foreseen, highlighting the potential of human-centricity.
L’Industria 5.0 ha promosso il paradigma dello Human-centric Smart Manufacturing (HSM) per sfruttare i vantaggi inerenti alla flessibilità umana, all’efficienza della macchina e alle tecnologie informatiche di nuova generazione. Nonostante la digitalizzazione abbia condotto ad un aumento dell’automazione dei sistemi industriali, gli esseri umani svolgono ancora un ruolo fondamentale all’interno della moderna fabbrica digitale in numerosi processi, soprattutto nell’assemblaggio di precisione o di piccoli lotti, nella manutenzione di sistemi complessi e nel controllo qualità. L’integrazione dei moderni operatori con tecnologie cibernetiche rappresenta la nuova sfida nell’evoluzione del settore, enfatizzando la relazione simbiotica tra uomo e macchina prevista dall’Industria 5.0, piuttosto che l’approccio incentrato sull’automazione portato dai modelli industriali precedenti. Infatti, fino ad ora si è posta scarsa attenzione al ruolo dell’operatore e più in generale ai fattori umani. La quarta rivoluzione industriale ha reso accessibile una grande mole di dati relativi al processo, alle macchine e all’interazione uomo-macchina che possono essere fruiti alla luce dei moderni avanzamenti tecnologici per migliorare i sistemi produttivi con una progettazione consapevole, basata sui fattori umani. Una comprensione approfondita dell'ambiente lavorativo e della sua organizzazione è importante per analizzare le condizioni di lavoro e l’effettiva esperienza utente degli operatori. Inoltre, la conoscenza delle esigenze, preferenze e capacità degli utenti nonché dell'ergonomia in generale è fondamentale per ottimizzare il benessere dei lavoratori, le condizioni di lavoro e le performance industriali, al fine di implementare una cultura di apprendimento e adattamento continuo, dove uomo e macchina collaborano per migliorare i processi. L'integrazione dei fattori umani nel design dei prodotti e dei processi assume un'importanza cruciale per raggiungere contestualmente un’elevata qualità produttiva e il benessere dei lavoratori. A tal fine, la seguente tesi propone un framework e relativa metodologia per armonizzare i fattori umani con la progettazione industriale, coniugando analisi ergonomiche fisiche e cognitive, e, in generale, l'esperienza utente a tutto tondo. Questo framework utilizza tecnologie digitali per il processamento, la visualizzazione e la fruizione del dato: viene proposta una prima integrazione di tali strumenti in un setup tecnologico strutturato, sviluppato all’interno della piattaforma Unity. La prima parte della tesi si concentra sullo stato dell'arte degli approcci centrati sulla persona, al fine di supportare gli ingegneri dalle prime fasi progettuali, discutendo punti di forza e limitazioni degli approcci esistenti. Particolare attenzione è dedicata a strumenti innovativi quali sensori indossabili e al loro potenziale legato a un impiego durante la progettazione industriale. Viene presentata un’analisi metodologica approfondita per assistere le realtà industriali nello sviluppo di un framework centrato sulla persona per ottimizzare la progettazione di prodotti e processi. Un innovativo indice ergonomico è introdotto per modellare sia l’aspetto cognitivo che posturale del moderno operatore industriale, contestualizzandolo all’interno dell’approccio generale. Le informazioni elaborate vengono organizzate secondo una struttura dati precisa, sfruttando lo standard AutomationML. Infine, viene proposto un apposito setup di sensori fisiologici, dispositivi di tracciamento umano e tecnologie digitali opportunamente integrati nel motore grafico Unity. I casi studio validano l’intero quadro metodologico, concentrandosi su specifici aspetti implementativi: per ciascuno di essi viene proposta una spiegazione verticale sia concettuale che tecnica evidenziando il potenziale di una fabbrica intelligente fondata sull’uomo.
Un approccio digitale centrato sull’esperienza utente per la progettazione di soluzioni umano-centriche in industria.
The Industry 5.0 model strongly promoted the Human-centric Smart Manufacturing (HSM) paradigm to fully exploit the advantages inherent to human flexibility, machine efficiency, and new-generation information technologies. Although digitization has led to a constant increase in the automation of industrial systems, human beings still play a crucial role in the modern digital factory in numerous processes, especially in precision or low-batch assembly, in maintenance of complex systems, and in quality controls. The integration of human operators with advanced cybernetic technologies within industrial processes represents the next phase in the evolution of modern productive systems, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines promoted by the Industry 5.0 manifest, rather than the automation-centric approach brought by previous industrial models. Indeed, seeing the strong focus of the Fourth Industrial revolution on technology and progress, low attention has been dedicated to the role of the human operator so far, and more in general to the human factors. The Industry 4.0 approach has made available a great amount of data on process, machines and human-machine interactions: this information can now be fruitfully exploited thanks to such innovative technologies to improve the system design by considering human factors. The understanding of the workplace and its organization is of extremely importance to start investigating the working conditions and the actual User eXperience (UX) of the operators. The knowledge about users’ needs, preferences, capabilities and ergonomics is crucial when optimizing the workers’ wellbeing, the working conditions, and the industrial performances: this implements a culture of continuous learning and adaption, where humans and machines collaborate to improve processes and products. Thus, the integration of human factors in product and process design assumes a crucial importance, to concurrently achieve a high production quality and workers' well-being. Therefore, this research proposes a framework and a thorough methodology to harmonize human factors with the digital design of modern industrial systems by encompassing physical and cognitive ergonomics analysis and, more in general, the overall user experience. The framework integrates digital tools for data access, visualization and processing: according to the approach presented, a first integration of such digital technologies is proposed in the form of a structured technological setup harmonised within the Unity platform. The first part of the thesis focuses on the state of the art of human-centric approaches in industry to support engineers in the early design stage, by discussing strengths and limitations of existing frameworks. A particular attention is dedicated to the introduction of innovative devices, such as wearable technologies, as enabling tools for the industrial design. An in-depth methodological analysis is presented to assist industrial players in developing and implementing a human-centric framework to optimize their product and process design. An innovative ergonomic index assimilating both the cognitive and postural ergonomics, properly contextualized within the overall framework, is introduced. Then, the information elaborated by the framework is organized according to a precise data structure, exploiting the AutomationML standard. Finally, a set of physiological sensors, human tracking devices and digital technologies is brought forward and adequately integrated in the Unity engine: its use in the software environment is here discussed. Several industrial case studies implementing and validating the proposed framework on its single parts are offered: for each of them, a specific in depth conceptual and technical explanation is foreseen, highlighting the potential of human-centricity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 18/03/2028
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