In this study I have attempted to examine- through use of the most recent iconographic instruments- two cases of a widely attested cult in the territory of Mottola (Taranto), of St. Margherita /Marina and st. Nicholas. The research compares the hagiographic text Of the Life of the Two saints and the pictoral evidence of a specific cultural area that has been singled out and is located on the cliffside and fulfills the description of the fresco, with the detailed analysis of the inscriptions affixed by several persons who commissioned the works (laymen or clergymen) to the base of the fresco, as well as the numerous votives- criticism, global analysis, reproachment, impressed on the walls of the cave. The work begins with a necessary look back to the general picture in relation to the evolution from more recent studies, while the successive phase faces an unsolved and little debated subject, which assumes that the frescoes are like authentic historical documents. The outcome being that a comparison can be made between this type of documentation (iconography) and that of the written hagiographic documentations Of the life of the Two saints, which is greatly worshipped in the religious traditions of Southern Italy. The two disciplinary spheres are introduced differently but are similar; both approaches are alike in content and research methodology. The religious aspect becomes one of the many elements of the complex world developed along the cliff, which is constituted of various ethnic groups from different cultural paths and exchanges that have been neglected in the precedent study: to imagine the ways of the pilgrimages, the movements of the Crusades, the influences of the monastic Orders and the Order of the knighthood, as well as the impact of commercial traffic between the East and West. Puglia, is featured as a privileged region; from the moment that the entire geographical territory was put in boundaries it has played an important role as a bridge/crossroads between two complex worlds. Especially from the point of view of the political-dynastic link of the artistic, linguistics, and devotional relations. It constitutes a certain confirmation that the “Santorale” is strictly tied to the Greek Church and the Latin Church whose emotional and catechistic impact assume a big importance in the religious acculturation of the faithful. The medieval monachaism, in the spiritual and organizational paths, were undoubtedly the center of elaboration and the channel of transmission in this culture. From the investigation, emerges the preexistence and the persistence in many geographic areas of Southern Italy– above all in Puglia – of a Greek cult on one side and the insufficient socio-political homogeneity (secc IX – X) from the other, which do not facilitate a whole and unitary Haiographic discussion. In these areas, the one of Passion, which is more common within iconography, is that of the Martyr Marina/Margherita, while the more popular and unsurpassable St. Nicholas (within the cultural, as well as, the iconographic sphere) remains St. Nicholas of Mira, or of Bari. The methodology used for such study is that of “exchange”, or, that is, opting for merging and making a dialogue of the two different sources, the hagiography and the iconography. In fact, the two “religious monuments” taken under investigation, are painted with the scenes of the Passion of St. Margherita or the Praxis de Tribus Filiabus, the only proof within the cliff, relative to the life of St. Nicholas. Overcome by the visual combination from the point of view of the hagiographic and iconographic evidence, investigations continue towards the aspects linked to the areas dominated by the monastic foundations, from the devotional-cultural and liturgical incidences, and from the specific artistic correlations found in the Exultet. In the last part it has been attempted to extend the investigation towards some comparative elements of the geographic areas nearby, or, in the meanwhile towards some cultural and iconographic points of contact aimed at the specification of the connected cultural path with the devotion of the two saints. A valid example of the aforementioned is given from the iconographic comparison of the cliff paintings with the agiographic tales of Melfi (Potenza), Laterza (Taranto), and Andria (Bari), Casaranello (Lecce) and paintings on wood panels of Bisceglie (Bari) today in the Provincial Pinacoteca of Bari. Similar methodology applied on different typologies of source (hagiographic, liturgy, iconographic) has allowed us to pinpoint some political-institutional dynamics inherent to the development of the cult of St. Nicholas and St. Marina. For this last one however, we should emphasize that its iconographic representation turns out to be the pre-assessed element regarding the cultural fortune popular in the medieval Western culture. In fact, it is possible to find that the net of the Benedictine monastic institutions, was one of the main vehicles for spreading the cult of the saint. The significance of the complex and the pronounced movements mentioned above introduce implications important to the aims of the definition of the complicated phenomenon considered here: tasks to the spreading of external cults and the phenomenon of the abstraction or the stealing of relics like in the case of St. Nicholas from Mira to Bari. The second volume, includes the collection of the decorative apparatus meant to clarify the relationship between the hagiographic component and iconographic components. Although the discussion up till now has faced a few difficulties, never the less the search tries to give new answers to the topic of the Pugliese cliff saints, through a new and different methodological formulation based, exactly, on a hagiographic – iconographic binomial, what is on a variety and plurality of, up till now, little dealt with elements. Such combination of the two traditions of investigation constitutes a methodological route that tries to place the problematic one dealt or in the space that is, the cave building like object of the pictorial production, or in the time tied to the people who in these places of the sacred, have expressed their more authentic faith and their tie with the hagiographic production as inspirations of the repertoire of the saints to whom they address their appeals.
In questo studio si è cercato di esaminare – attraverso l’utilizzo dei più recenti strumenti iconografici – due casi di un culto ampiamente attestato nel territorio di Mottola (Taranto), quello di s. Margherita di Antiochia e di s. Nicola di Mira. La ricerca mette a confronto i testi agiografici della Vita dei due santi e le testimonianze pittoriche di una ben individuata area cultuale, ubicata in ambito rupestre, indulgendo sulla descrizione degli affreschi, sull’analisi dettagliata delle iscrizioni fatte apporre dai vari committenti (laici o religiosi) ai piedi dell’affresco, nonché delle numerose iscrizioni votivo–deprecatorie, esegetiche e parenetiche impresse sulle pareti degli invasi grottali. Il lavoro si apre con un doveroso richiamo al quadro generale relativo all’evoluzione degli studi più recenti, mentre la fase successiva affronta un tema poco dibattuto e quasi mai realizzato, ossia quello che assume gli affreschi come autentici documenti storici al fine di effettuare un confronto tra questo tipo di testo/documento (iconografia) e quello dei documenti scritti (agiografia) della Vita dei due santi molto venerati nella tradizione religiosa del Mezzogiorno d’Italia. I due ambiti disciplinari, si presentano diversi, ma affini, sia nell’oggetto che nella metodologia di ricerca. L’aspetto religioso diventa uno delle tante sfaccettature del complesso mondo rupestre, costituito da componenti etniche diverse, da tramiti e imprestiti culturali trascurati dai precedenti studi: si pensi alle vie dei pellegrinaggi, al movimento delle Crociate, all’influenza degli Ordini monastici e cavallereschi, nonché all’incidenza dei traffici commerciali tra Oriente ed Occidente. La Puglia, si connota in tal senso come regione privilegiata, dal momento che l’intero territorio geograficamente liminare ha svolto un eminente ruolo di ponte/crocevia tra due mondi variegati e complessi dal punto di vista degli intrecci politico–dinastici, delle relazioni artistiche, linguistiche e devozionali. Ne costituisce una indubbia riprova il Santorale strettamente legato sia alla Chiesa greca sia alla Chiesa latina il cui impatto emotivo e catechetico assumeva un rilievo straordinario nell’acculturazione religiosa dei fedeli. Il monachesimo medievale, negli indirizzi spirituali ed organizzativi, fu senza alcun dubbio, il centro di elaborazione e il canale di trasmissione di questa cultura. Dall’indagine emerge che la preesistenza e la persistenza in molte aree geografiche dell’Italia meridionale – soprattutto in Puglia – di un culto greco da un lato e la scarsa omogeneità socio–politica (secc. IX – X) dall’altro, non rendono facile, un discorso agiografico organico e unitario. In queste aree, una delle Passioni più diffuse in ambito iconografico, è quello della martire Marina/Margherita, mentre il Santo più popolare e insuperabile (sia nell’ambito della sfera cultuale nonché iconografica) resta il s. Nicola di Mira o di Bari. La metodologia utilizzata per tale studio è quella “dell’interscambio”, quella cioè tendente a far confluire e dialogare le due diverse fonti: l’agiografica e l’iconografica. Infatti, all’interno dei due “monumenti” religiosi presi in esame, sono dipinti sia le scene della Passione di santa Margherita sia l’episodio della Praxis de Tribus Filiabus, l’unico attestato in ambito rupestre, relativo alla Vita di s. Nicola. Superata l’ottica di accostamento dal punto di vista dei testi agiografici e iconografici, l’indagine prosegue verso gli aspetti correlati alle aree dominate dalle fondazioni monastiche, dalle incidenze devozionali–cultuali e liturgiche, dalle correlazioni artistiche specifiche, si pensi agli Exultet. Nell’ultima parte si è cercato di allargare lo sguardo indagatore sia verso alcuni elementi comparativi riferiti ad aree geografiche limitrofe, sia, al contempo, verso alcuni punti di contatto cultuali e iconografici mirati all’individuazione dei tramiti culturali connessi con la devozione dei due santi. Un valido esempio di quanto sopra affermato è dato dal confronto iconografico con i dipinti rupestri di Melfi (Potenza), di Laterza (Taranto), di Andria (Bari), di Casaranello (Lecce) ed infine con i pannelli lignei agiografici di Bisceglie (Bari) oggi presso la Pinacoteca Provinciale di Bari. Va detto che la metodologia comparativa, condotta su differenti tipologie di fonti (agiografica, liturgica, iconografica) ha permesso di cogliere anche alcune dinamiche politico–istituzionali e culturali sottese allo sviluppo del culto dei santi Nicola e Margherita. Per quest’ultima, tuttavia, va evidenziato che la sua rappresentazione iconografica risulta essere l’elemento preponderante rispetto alla fortuna cultuale in auge nell’Occidente medievale. Infatti, è possibile rilevare che la rete delle istituzioni monastiche benedettine, fu uno dei principali veicoli di diffusione del culto della Santa. Le implicazioni dei complessi e articolati movimenti sopra citati, presentano risvolti non trascurabili ai fini della definizione dell’intricato fenomeno qui considerato: si pensi alla diffusione di culti esogeni e al fenomeno della traslazione o del trafugamento di reliquie, come nel caso di s. Nicola da Mira a Bari. Il secondo volume comprende il repertorio dell’apparato decorativo inteso a meglio chiarire il rapporto tra componente agiografica e componente iconografica. Quantunque il discorso fin qui affrontato abbia presentato non poche difficoltà, tuttavia la ricerca tenta di dare nuove risposte al tema del santorale rupestre pugliese, attraverso una nuova e diversa impostazione metodologica basata, appunto, su un binomio agiografico-iconografico, vale a dire su una varietà e pluralità di elementi finora poco trattati. Tale accostamento dei due filoni di indagine costituisce un itinerario metodologico che cerca di collocare la problematica trattata sia nello spazio ossia, l’edificio grottale come oggetto della produzione pittorica, sia nel tempo legato agli utenti che in questi luoghi del sacro hanno espresso la loro fede più autentica e il loro legame con la produzione agiografica in quanto ispiratrice del repertorio dei santi cui si rivolgeva la loro invocatio.
Aree cultuali e cicli agiografici della civiltà rupestre: i casi di S. Margherita e di S. Nicola di Mottola
Raffaela, Tortorelli
In this study I have attempted to examine- through use of the most recent iconographic instruments- two cases of a widely attested cult in the territory of Mottola (Taranto), of St. Margherita /Marina and st. Nicholas. The research compares the hagiographic text Of the Life of the Two saints and the pictoral evidence of a specific cultural area that has been singled out and is located on the cliffside and fulfills the description of the fresco, with the detailed analysis of the inscriptions affixed by several persons who commissioned the works (laymen or clergymen) to the base of the fresco, as well as the numerous votives- criticism, global analysis, reproachment, impressed on the walls of the cave. The work begins with a necessary look back to the general picture in relation to the evolution from more recent studies, while the successive phase faces an unsolved and little debated subject, which assumes that the frescoes are like authentic historical documents. The outcome being that a comparison can be made between this type of documentation (iconography) and that of the written hagiographic documentations Of the life of the Two saints, which is greatly worshipped in the religious traditions of Southern Italy. The two disciplinary spheres are introduced differently but are similar; both approaches are alike in content and research methodology. The religious aspect becomes one of the many elements of the complex world developed along the cliff, which is constituted of various ethnic groups from different cultural paths and exchanges that have been neglected in the precedent study: to imagine the ways of the pilgrimages, the movements of the Crusades, the influences of the monastic Orders and the Order of the knighthood, as well as the impact of commercial traffic between the East and West. Puglia, is featured as a privileged region; from the moment that the entire geographical territory was put in boundaries it has played an important role as a bridge/crossroads between two complex worlds. Especially from the point of view of the political-dynastic link of the artistic, linguistics, and devotional relations. It constitutes a certain confirmation that the “Santorale” is strictly tied to the Greek Church and the Latin Church whose emotional and catechistic impact assume a big importance in the religious acculturation of the faithful. The medieval monachaism, in the spiritual and organizational paths, were undoubtedly the center of elaboration and the channel of transmission in this culture. From the investigation, emerges the preexistence and the persistence in many geographic areas of Southern Italy– above all in Puglia – of a Greek cult on one side and the insufficient socio-political homogeneity (secc IX – X) from the other, which do not facilitate a whole and unitary Haiographic discussion. In these areas, the one of Passion, which is more common within iconography, is that of the Martyr Marina/Margherita, while the more popular and unsurpassable St. Nicholas (within the cultural, as well as, the iconographic sphere) remains St. Nicholas of Mira, or of Bari. The methodology used for such study is that of “exchange”, or, that is, opting for merging and making a dialogue of the two different sources, the hagiography and the iconography. In fact, the two “religious monuments” taken under investigation, are painted with the scenes of the Passion of St. Margherita or the Praxis de Tribus Filiabus, the only proof within the cliff, relative to the life of St. Nicholas. Overcome by the visual combination from the point of view of the hagiographic and iconographic evidence, investigations continue towards the aspects linked to the areas dominated by the monastic foundations, from the devotional-cultural and liturgical incidences, and from the specific artistic correlations found in the Exultet. In the last part it has been attempted to extend the investigation towards some comparative elements of the geographic areas nearby, or, in the meanwhile towards some cultural and iconographic points of contact aimed at the specification of the connected cultural path with the devotion of the two saints. A valid example of the aforementioned is given from the iconographic comparison of the cliff paintings with the agiographic tales of Melfi (Potenza), Laterza (Taranto), and Andria (Bari), Casaranello (Lecce) and paintings on wood panels of Bisceglie (Bari) today in the Provincial Pinacoteca of Bari. Similar methodology applied on different typologies of source (hagiographic, liturgy, iconographic) has allowed us to pinpoint some political-institutional dynamics inherent to the development of the cult of St. Nicholas and St. Marina. For this last one however, we should emphasize that its iconographic representation turns out to be the pre-assessed element regarding the cultural fortune popular in the medieval Western culture. In fact, it is possible to find that the net of the Benedictine monastic institutions, was one of the main vehicles for spreading the cult of the saint. The significance of the complex and the pronounced movements mentioned above introduce implications important to the aims of the definition of the complicated phenomenon considered here: tasks to the spreading of external cults and the phenomenon of the abstraction or the stealing of relics like in the case of St. Nicholas from Mira to Bari. The second volume, includes the collection of the decorative apparatus meant to clarify the relationship between the hagiographic component and iconographic components. Although the discussion up till now has faced a few difficulties, never the less the search tries to give new answers to the topic of the Pugliese cliff saints, through a new and different methodological formulation based, exactly, on a hagiographic – iconographic binomial, what is on a variety and plurality of, up till now, little dealt with elements. Such combination of the two traditions of investigation constitutes a methodological route that tries to place the problematic one dealt or in the space that is, the cave building like object of the pictorial production, or in the time tied to the people who in these places of the sacred, have expressed their more authentic faith and their tie with the hagiographic production as inspirations of the repertoire of the saints to whom they address their appeals.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Cap. I,II,III,IV,pp.1-156.pdf
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