This thesis aims at analysing the theme of dream in the Greek Comedy. This is done by studying and comparing the different ways through which oneiric visions become object of poetical evocation and dramatic representation. The introduction starts with a description of the different meanings which are traditionally attributed by Greeks to the oneiric experience. Then it continues with an analysis of several ways in which dreams were treated in previous poetry: from Homeric poems to tragedy, with references to Herodotus’ prose and to the Corpus Hippocraticum. In this context, special attention is paid to the analysis of descriptive typologies and employed lexicon. The first chapter deals with Aristophanes and his experimentations. Sensitive to the contemporaneous medical and scientific discoveries about the oneiric experience, Aristophanes includes in his work not only prophetic dreams, but also oneiric visions related to the dreamer’s life. This conveys an original and new representation, also from the lexicon perspective. However, Aristophanes is not completely detached from previous tradition. Rather, he plays with it in an innovative and parodic style. In the second chapter, an analysis of dreams’ related passages from Menander’s comedies is presented. Although only one comedy, the Dyskolos, widely deals with a whole, prophetic and symbolic dream, Menander refers to the oneiric dimension also in other comedies, in order to exploit its illusory features or to explain otherwise incredible events. The third chapter focuses on a collection of fragments of different lengh, containing references to dreams. They are attributable to various comic authors from different periods. In some cases the authorship is even uncertain. However, notwithstanding their problematic contextualisation within a more extended literary framework, these fragments open new and fascinating interpretative perspectives on oneiric issues. In the conclusions, the whole research is summarized and the main findings are highlighted with respect to the following aspects: descriptive and representative typology, employed lexicon and role of the oneiric dimension in the narrative and dramatic framework.
La tesi si propone di inseguire le tracce del tema onirico nel panorama della Commedia greca, confrontando le diverse modalità attraverso le quali il sogno diventa oggetto di evocazione poetica e rappresentazione drammatica. Il lavoro presenta un capitolo introduttivo che, partendo dall’illustrazione dei significati che i Greci attribuivano all’esperienza onirica, offre un excursus sulla trattazione del motivo del sogno nella poesia precedente, dai poemi omerici alla tragedia, con incursioni nella prosa di Erodoto e nel Corpus Hippocraticum. L’attenzione è riservata in particolare all’analisi delle tipologie descrittive e del lessico utilizzato. Ad Aristofane e alle sue sperimentazioni è dedicato il primo capitolo. Non isolato rispetto alla tradizione, con la quale dialoga in maniera innovativa e parodica, e sensibile agli apporti delle contemporanee acquisizioni sul sogno in campo medico e scientifico, il commediografo accoglie nelle sue opere non solo sogni di natura profetica ma anche esperienze oniriche riconducibili al vissuto del sognatore, in una rappresentazione originale e nuova anche per il lessico utilizzato. Il secondo capitolo ospita, invece, l’analisi dei passi relativi al sogno rinvenuti nelle commedie di Menandro. Se in una sola delle commedie pervenute, nel Misantropo, si parla di un sogno preciso, profetico e simbolicamente costruito, sulla scia della precedente tradizione letteraria, alla dimensione onirica si allude anche in altri luoghi, per il suo carattere illusorio o per spiegare eventi altrimenti ritenuti incredibili. Nel terzo capitolo vengono analizzati riferimenti più o meno espliciti ed estesi al sogno, rintracciati in frammenti di diversa lunghezza, ascrivibili ad autori comici di diverse epoche oppure di incerta appartenenza. L’esiguità dei frammenti e la difficoltà in molti casi di ricostruirne il contesto preciso non attenuano l’interesse dei luoghi conservati, che aprono affascinanti percorsi di approfondimento. Le riflessioni conclusive, infine, ripercorrono sinteticamente l’intera ricerca, puntualizzando le acquisizioni raggiunte con specifico riferimento ai seguenti aspetti: tipologia descrittiva e rappresentativa, lessico utilizzato e funzionalità narrativa e drammatica del motivo onirico.
Il sogno nella commedia greca
Roberta, Colantone
This thesis aims at analysing the theme of dream in the Greek Comedy. This is done by studying and comparing the different ways through which oneiric visions become object of poetical evocation and dramatic representation. The introduction starts with a description of the different meanings which are traditionally attributed by Greeks to the oneiric experience. Then it continues with an analysis of several ways in which dreams were treated in previous poetry: from Homeric poems to tragedy, with references to Herodotus’ prose and to the Corpus Hippocraticum. In this context, special attention is paid to the analysis of descriptive typologies and employed lexicon. The first chapter deals with Aristophanes and his experimentations. Sensitive to the contemporaneous medical and scientific discoveries about the oneiric experience, Aristophanes includes in his work not only prophetic dreams, but also oneiric visions related to the dreamer’s life. This conveys an original and new representation, also from the lexicon perspective. However, Aristophanes is not completely detached from previous tradition. Rather, he plays with it in an innovative and parodic style. In the second chapter, an analysis of dreams’ related passages from Menander’s comedies is presented. Although only one comedy, the Dyskolos, widely deals with a whole, prophetic and symbolic dream, Menander refers to the oneiric dimension also in other comedies, in order to exploit its illusory features or to explain otherwise incredible events. The third chapter focuses on a collection of fragments of different lengh, containing references to dreams. They are attributable to various comic authors from different periods. In some cases the authorship is even uncertain. However, notwithstanding their problematic contextualisation within a more extended literary framework, these fragments open new and fascinating interpretative perspectives on oneiric issues. In the conclusions, the whole research is summarized and the main findings are highlighted with respect to the following aspects: descriptive and representative typology, employed lexicon and role of the oneiric dimension in the narrative and dramatic framework.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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