The research focuses on the definition of a new design approach aimed at creating accessible and inclusive vessels, which takes into consideration the typical problems of users with disability and the so-called weak groups (children, the elderly, preganant women). Starting from the analysis of the state of the art concerning existing sailing yachts, between 10 and 24 meters, it was possible to determine a series of cases in which the user, depending on his limit, may encounter problems accessibility and use of external and internal spaces. The objective of the research is to define the best solutions to each of them, from boarding to safety, circulation of the wheelchair both above and below deck, to the description of particular systems that create a reference standard in naval design , in order to promote accessibility and inclusion. The in-depth analysis of this theme, which is not easy due to the numerous variables that make up the disability framework and the peculiarities of the "boat" environment, has led to the drafting of a sort of guide that includes and analyzes as many project solutions as possible, so as to completely eliminate the architectural barriers present on board (stairs, narrow passageways, unserviceable toilets, traditional furnishings, differences in height between hull and deck, etc.). In support of the thesis, there is a series of interviews to people with disabilities, very active in the field of sailing and various design experiences conducted during the research.
La ricerca è incentrata sulla definizione di un nuovo approccio progettuale mirato alla creazione di imbarcazioni accessibili e inclusive, che tenga in considerazione le problematiche tipiche di utenze con difficoltà motorie e delle cosiddette fasce deboli (bambini, anziani, donne in stato interessante). Partendo dall’analisi dello stato dell’arte relativo a yacht a vela esistenti, compresi tra i 10 e i 24 metri di lunghezza, è stato possibile determinare una serie di casi in cui l’utente, a seconda del proprio limite motorio, può incontrare problemi di accessibilità e di fruizione degli spazi esterni ed interni. L'obbiettivo della ricerca è definire le migliori soluzioni più adatte a ognuno di essi, dall’imbarco alla sicurezza in mare, dalla movimentazione e circolazione della carrozzina sia sopra sia sotto coperta alla descrizione di particolari sistemi che creino uno standard di riferimento nella progettazione navale, in modo da favorire l’accessibilità e l’inclusione. L’approfondimento di questo tema, non semplice a causa delle numerose variabili che compongono il quadro delle disabilità e le peculiarità dell’ambiente “barca”, ha portato alla stesura di un vero e proprio manuale che annoveri e analizzi quante più soluzioni progettuali applicabili ad uno spazio ristretto, rispettando le regole dell’ergonomia e del buon senso, in modo da eliminare totalmente le barriere architettoniche presenti a bordo (scale, passaggi stretti, servizi igienici non fruibili, arredi tradizionali, dislivelli tra scafo e coperta, ecc.). A supporto della tesi sono presentate una serie di interviste a persone con disabilità, molto attive nel campo della navigazione a vela e diverse esperienze progettuali condotte nel corso della ricerca.
PROGETTARE IMBARCAZIONI INCLUSIVE. Linee guida e soluzioni per l'accessibilità delle imbarcazioni a vela da diporto.
The research focuses on the definition of a new design approach aimed at creating accessible and inclusive vessels, which takes into consideration the typical problems of users with disability and the so-called weak groups (children, the elderly, preganant women). Starting from the analysis of the state of the art concerning existing sailing yachts, between 10 and 24 meters, it was possible to determine a series of cases in which the user, depending on his limit, may encounter problems accessibility and use of external and internal spaces. The objective of the research is to define the best solutions to each of them, from boarding to safety, circulation of the wheelchair both above and below deck, to the description of particular systems that create a reference standard in naval design , in order to promote accessibility and inclusion. The in-depth analysis of this theme, which is not easy due to the numerous variables that make up the disability framework and the peculiarities of the "boat" environment, has led to the drafting of a sort of guide that includes and analyzes as many project solutions as possible, so as to completely eliminate the architectural barriers present on board (stairs, narrow passageways, unserviceable toilets, traditional furnishings, differences in height between hull and deck, etc.). In support of the thesis, there is a series of interviews to people with disabilities, very active in the field of sailing and various design experiences conducted during the research.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Tesi Dottorato Paolo Ferrari.pdf
Open Access dal 29/03/2022
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