This project focuses on the JAK tyrosine kinase and their inhibitors, JAKi, and has the aim of developing in vitro tools to personalize in oncohematological and autoimmune diseases, such as Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (AGS). The first tool is an in vitro ELISA assay based on peptide biosensors (PJAK2-L and PJAK2-S) to measure aberrant JAK2 activity. The second tool is the setting up of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived neurons for testing JAKi safety and efficacy in AGS- patient specific models. Oncohematological cell lines (HEL, SET-2 and MHH-CALL-4) harboring genetic alterations leading to an hyperactivated JAK2-STAT5 pathway showed that HEL and SET-2 were sensitive to JAKi ruxolitinib, baricitinib, tofacitinib and pacritinib. We optimize the ELISA protocol working on the ABL1 tyrosine kinase as published (Montecchini, Braidotti et. al, 2021, Front Pharmacol) and applied to PJAK2-L and PJAK2-S, without success because peptides were not phosphorylated after whole cell lysates incubation. The assay was then performed on JAK2 immunoprecipitated from HEL lysates; a relevant phosphorylation signal emerges for PJAK2-Lcompared to background (fluorescence intensity: HEL lysate, 2510.26±931.01; HEL lysate + PJAK2-L, 87710.99± 3278.33, P<0.0001), but not for PJAK2-S (HEL lysate + PJAK2-S, 2074.34±964.74). Attempts to optimize the conditions of the assay with PJAK2-L followed, including the increase in lysate amount (4 vs 40 μg), the incubation temperature (25°C vs 37°C) and time (1h vs 2h), however with no improvement in the phosphorylation signal of PJAK-L. The ideal experimental settings for the ELISA assay still need to be defined. iPSCs were obtained by reprogramming fibroblasts of 3 AGS patients (AGS1, AGS2 and AGS7, harboring mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2B, IFIH1 genes respectively), and 1 healthy donor (BJ) and differentiated into neural stem cells (NSC) to investigate in vitro cytotoxicity by JAKi. Only pacritinib was cytotoxic to iPSC and NSC (IC50 range: 0.67-1.44 μM, by MTT assay). A 3-day exposure to high concentration of ruxolitinib (>2.5 μM) increased cell viability in AGS2-iPSC compared to controls BJ-iPSC (P<0.05); a similar result was observed for AGS7-iPSC and ruxolitinib or baricitinib at 2.5 μM (P<0.05). The exposure to high concentrations of ruxolitinib, baricitinib and tofacitinib increased cell viability in AGS7- NSC compared to BJ-NSC (P<0.05); similarly, AGS2-NSC and baricitinib at 0.6 μM and 2.5 μM (P<0.001) or tofacitinib at 2.5 μM (p<0.05), and for AGS1-NSC treated with tofacitinib at 10 μM (P<0.05). Expression of genes involved in JAKi pharmacodynamics (JAK1/STAT1, TYK2/STAT2) were comparable between iPSC and NSC, and among NSC and iPSC. In conclusion, the majority of JAKi are safe for NSC. As a future prospective, It may be interesting to broaden the panel of drugs tested on NSC, to differentiate NSC into neurons and investigate the cytotoxic effects of all drugs used to treat AGS in clinics, also in NSC-derived neuronal cells.
Questo progetto si concentra sulle tirosin chinasi della famiglia JAK e sui suoi inibitori, JAKi, e ha l'obiettivo di sviluppare strumenti in vitro per la personalizzazione nelle malattie oncoematologiche e autoimmuni, come la sindrome di Aicardi-Goutieres (AGS). Il primo tool è un saggio ELISA in vitro basato su biosensori peptidici (PJAK2-L e PJAK2-S) per misurare l'attività aberrante di JAK2. Il secondo invece è la creazione di neuroni derivati da cellule staminali pluripotenti indotte (iPSC) per testare la sicurezza e l'efficacia dei JAKi in modelli paziente-specifici di AGS. Le linee cellulari oncoematologiche (HEL, SET-2 e MHH-CALL-4) caratterizzate da alterazioni genetiche che portano all’attivazione della pathway JAK2-STAT5, hanno mostrato che HEL e SET-2 erano sensibili ai JAKi ruxolitinib, baricitinib, tofacitinib e pacritinib. Abbiamo ottimizzato il protocollo ELISA lavorando prima sulla tirosina chinasi ABL1 come pubblicato (Montecchini, Braidotti et. al, 2021, Front Pharmacol) e applicando poi la metodologia ai peptidi PJAK2-L e PJAK2-S, ma senza successo dal momento che i peptidi non sono stati fosforilati dopo l'incubazione dei lisati ottenuti dalle linee cellulari. Il saggio è stato quindi eseguito sulla chinasi JAK2 immunoprecipitata a partire da lisati della linea HEL; emerge un segnale di fosforilazione rilevante per PJAK2-L rispetto al background (intensità di fluorescenza: HEL lisato, 2510,26±931,01; HEL lisato + PJAK2-L, 87710,99± 3278,33, P<0.0001), ma non per PJAK2-S (HEL lisato + PJAK2- S, 2074,34±964,74). Si sono susseguiti tentativi di ottimizzare le condizioni del saggio con PJAK2-L, tra cui l'aumento della quantità di lisato (4 vs 40 μg), la temperatura di incubazione (25°C vs 37°C) e il tempo (1h vs 2h), ma senza miglioramento del segnale di fosforilazione di PJAK-L. Il set-up sperimentale ideale per il saggio ELISA non è ancora stato definito. Le iPSC sono state ottenute riprogrammando i fibroblasti di 3 pazienti con AGS (AGS1, AGS2 e AGS7, che ospitano rispettivamente mutazioni nei geni TREX1, RNASEH2B, IFIH1) e 1 donatore sano (BJ) e differenziati in cellule staminali neurali (NSC) per studiare la citotossicità in vitro di JAKi. Solo pacritinib era citotossico per iPSC e NSC (intervallo IC50: 0,67-1,44 μM, mediante test MTT). Un'esposizione di 3 giorni a un'alta concentrazione di ruxolitinib (> 2, 5 μM) ha aumentato la vitalità cellulare in AGS2-iPSC rispetto ai controlli BJ-iPSC ( P <0, 05); un risultato simile è stato osservato per AGS7-iPSC e ruxolitinib o baricitinib a 2,5 μM (P <0,05). L'esposizione ad alte concentrazioni di ruxolitinib, baricitinib e tofacitinib ha aumentato la vitalità cellulare in AGS7-NSC rispetto a BJ-NSC (P<0,05); allo stesso modo, AGS2-NSC e baricitinib a 0,6 μM e 2,5 μM (P <0,001) o tofacitinib a 2,5 μM (p <0,05) e per AGS1-NSC trattato con tofacitinib a 10 μM (P <0,05). L'espressione dei geni coinvolti nella farmacodinamica JAKi (JAK1/STAT1, TYK2/STAT2) era paragonabile tra iPSC e NSC e tra NSC e iPSC. In conclusione, la maggior parte dei JAKi è sicura per NSC. Come prospettiva futura, potrebbe essere interessante ampliare il panel di farmaci testati su NSC, per differenziare NSC in neuroni e studiare gli effetti citotossici di tutti i farmaci usati per trattare l'AGS nelle cliniche, anche nelle cellule neuronali derivate da NSC.
Terapia di precisione per malattie autoimmuni mediate da chinasi: sviluppo di un sistema in vitro per la diagnosi e il monitoraggio clinico.
This project focuses on the JAK tyrosine kinase and their inhibitors, JAKi, and has the aim of developing in vitro tools to personalize in oncohematological and autoimmune diseases, such as Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (AGS). The first tool is an in vitro ELISA assay based on peptide biosensors (PJAK2-L and PJAK2-S) to measure aberrant JAK2 activity. The second tool is the setting up of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived neurons for testing JAKi safety and efficacy in AGS- patient specific models. Oncohematological cell lines (HEL, SET-2 and MHH-CALL-4) harboring genetic alterations leading to an hyperactivated JAK2-STAT5 pathway showed that HEL and SET-2 were sensitive to JAKi ruxolitinib, baricitinib, tofacitinib and pacritinib. We optimize the ELISA protocol working on the ABL1 tyrosine kinase as published (Montecchini, Braidotti et. al, 2021, Front Pharmacol) and applied to PJAK2-L and PJAK2-S, without success because peptides were not phosphorylated after whole cell lysates incubation. The assay was then performed on JAK2 immunoprecipitated from HEL lysates; a relevant phosphorylation signal emerges for PJAK2-Lcompared to background (fluorescence intensity: HEL lysate, 2510.26±931.01; HEL lysate + PJAK2-L, 87710.99± 3278.33, P<0.0001), but not for PJAK2-S (HEL lysate + PJAK2-S, 2074.34±964.74). Attempts to optimize the conditions of the assay with PJAK2-L followed, including the increase in lysate amount (4 vs 40 μg), the incubation temperature (25°C vs 37°C) and time (1h vs 2h), however with no improvement in the phosphorylation signal of PJAK-L. The ideal experimental settings for the ELISA assay still need to be defined. iPSCs were obtained by reprogramming fibroblasts of 3 AGS patients (AGS1, AGS2 and AGS7, harboring mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2B, IFIH1 genes respectively), and 1 healthy donor (BJ) and differentiated into neural stem cells (NSC) to investigate in vitro cytotoxicity by JAKi. Only pacritinib was cytotoxic to iPSC and NSC (IC50 range: 0.67-1.44 μM, by MTT assay). A 3-day exposure to high concentration of ruxolitinib (>2.5 μM) increased cell viability in AGS2-iPSC compared to controls BJ-iPSC (P<0.05); a similar result was observed for AGS7-iPSC and ruxolitinib or baricitinib at 2.5 μM (P<0.05). The exposure to high concentrations of ruxolitinib, baricitinib and tofacitinib increased cell viability in AGS7- NSC compared to BJ-NSC (P<0.05); similarly, AGS2-NSC and baricitinib at 0.6 μM and 2.5 μM (P<0.001) or tofacitinib at 2.5 μM (p<0.05), and for AGS1-NSC treated with tofacitinib at 10 μM (P<0.05). Expression of genes involved in JAKi pharmacodynamics (JAK1/STAT1, TYK2/STAT2) were comparable between iPSC and NSC, and among NSC and iPSC. In conclusion, the majority of JAKi are safe for NSC. As a future prospective, It may be interesting to broaden the panel of drugs tested on NSC, to differentiate NSC into neurons and investigate the cytotoxic effects of all drugs used to treat AGS in clinics, also in NSC-derived neuronal cells.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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