Cellular disease modelling using patient-specific iPSCs is one of the tools used to study the biological and pathological mechanisms underlying specific disease. The main objective of this PhD thesis was to generate iPSCs from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from patients with Cri-du-Chat Syndrome (CdCS) and differentiation into mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). CdCS is a genetic disease caused by a total or partial deletion in the short arm of chromosome 5, characterized by a high-pitched cry, dysmorphic features, poor growth, and developmental delay. Haploinsufficiency of the genes located within 5p contributed to the phenotype. PBMCs were reprogrammed into iPSCs by introducing the Yamanaka factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc using a nonintegrating CytoTune-iPS 2.0 reprogramming vectors and characterized for pluripotency and stemness and their ability to differentiate into the three germ layers. Then CdCs-iPSCs were differentiated into iMSCs using MesenCult™-ACF Plus Medium and Culture Kit. CdCs-iMSCs were plastic adherent, expressed MSC surface markers and could differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondroblasts. These properties satisfy the minimal criteria of human MSCs proposed by the International Society of Cellular Therapy. Urine has been tremendously studied to discover biomarkers of distinct renal pathologies; hence it reflects a holistic picture of the entire urinary system. It could be collected repeatedly in a noninvasive manner. The analysis of urinary Extracellular Vesicles, uEVs, encountered in urine provides an attractive solution due to their cargo (Proteins, RNAs, lipids, and Glycans) which remains protected. Ultracentrifugation is the common technique for isolating EVs from biological fluids. However, this technique is laborious, time-consuming, and usually requires expensive equipment. In this PhD thesis, firstly, to isolate uEVs from healthy human donors, we utilized ExoGAG (NasasBiotech, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) Extracellular vesicles purification kit and conventional Ultracentrifugation method. Secondly, to assess uEVs internalization and primary cilia colocalization in 2D culture of mouse inner medullary-collecting duct 3 (mIMCD3) cells, the isolated uEVs were Labelled with Vybrant™ DiD Red Cell stain, and primary cilia were immunologically stained with anti-acetylated α -Tubulin. Confocal microscopy images were obtained for further analysis. We successfully isolated uEVs from healthy donors expressing the surface tetraspanins CD63 and CD81 protein markers and assessed their RNAs contents with Spectrometry Nanodrop and Capillary Tapstation Electrophoresis System. Isolated uEVs with ExoGAG commercial kit and Ultracentrifugation could not be internalized and uptaken by Mouse inner medullary-collecting duct 3 (mIMCD3), Confocal Microscopy images revealed the lack of colocalization of expressed primary cilia and uEVs stained with Vybrant™ DiD Cell-Labelling solution
L’utilizzo delle cellule iPSC–paziente specifiche costituiscono uno degli strumenti -di modello malattia- utilizzati per studiare i meccanismi biologici e patologici alla base di una specifica malattia. L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi di dottorato è stato quello di generare iPSC da cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico (PBMC) ottenute da pazienti con Sindrome di Cri-du-Chat (CdCS), poi differenziate in cellule staminali mesenchimali indotte (iMSC). CdCS è un malattia genetica causata da una delezione totale o parziale nel braccio corto del cromosoma 5, caratterizzata da un grido acuto, caratteristiche dismorfiche, scarsa crescita e ritardo dello sviluppo. L'aploinsufficienza dei geni situati all'interno di 5p contribuisce al fenotipo. Le cellule PBMC sono state riprogrammate in cellule staminali pluripotenti indotte (iPSC) mediante i fattori Yamanaka Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 e c-Myc utilizzando un vettore di riprogrammazione CytoTune-iPS 2.0 non integrato; le cellule iPSC ottenute sono state caratterizzate per la pluripotenza e la staminalità. Le cellule CdC-iPSC sono state differenziate in iMSC utilizzando MesenCult™-ACF Plus Medium e Culture Kit. Tali cellule CdCs-iMSC sono risultate aderenti alla plastica, positive per i marcatori delle cellule MSC e capaci di differenziarsi in osteociti, adipociti, e condroblasti. Tali proprietà hanno soddisfatto i criteri minimi delle MSC umane proposti dalla Società Internazionale di Terapia Cellulare. Nel periodo trascorso presso l’Università di Santiago De Compostela (Spagna), l’obiettivo dell’attività sperimentale è stato quello di isolare vescicole extracellulari da urina (uEV). L'urina infatti è stata ampiamente studiata per identificare biomarcatori di patologie renali; quindi riflette un quadro olistico dell'intero sistema urinario ed i campioni possono essere raccolti ripetutamente in modo non invasivo. L'analisi delle uEV, isolate appunto dalle urine, può fornire una soluzione interessante per il loro -cargo- (proteine, RNA, lipidi e glicani) che rimane protetto. L'ultracentrifugazione è la tecnica comune per isolare le EV da fluidi biologici. Tuttavia, tale tecnica è laboriosa, dispendiosa in termini di tempo e di solito richiede apparecchiature costose. In questa tesi di dottorato, per isolare le uEV da donatori umani sani, abbiamo utilizzato ExoGAG (NasasBiotech, Santiago de Compostela, Spagna) Kit ed il metodo convenzionale di ultracentrifugazione. Quindi, per esaminare l'internalizzazione delle uEV nelle cellule di topo mIMCD3 e la colocalizzazione delle cilia primarie in colture 2D di tali cellule del dotto di raccolta midollare interno 3 (mIMCD3) di topo, le uEV isolate sono state marcate con la colorazione dei globuli rossi Vybrant™ DiD e le ciglia primarie sono state indagate con anticorpi anti α -Tubulina acetilata ed analisi al microscopio confocale. In particolare abbiamo isolato con successo da donatori sani le uEV che esprimono le tetraspanine di superficie CD63 e marcatori proteici CD81 ed abbiamo valutato il loro contenuto di RNA con Spectrometry Nanodrop e Capillary Tapstation Electhrophoresis. I dati ottenuti dimostrano che sia le uEV isolate con il kit ExoGAG, sia le uEV isolate con ultracentrifugazione non sono state internalizzate dalle cellule mIMCD3 e la microscopia confocale ha rivelato la mancanza di colocalizzazione delle cilia primarie e delle uEV colorate con Vybrant™ DiD Cell-labeling solution. Questi risultati indicano che potrà essere utile utilizzare in questo tipo di esperimenti cellule umane.
Advances in the Application of Biotechnological Approaches in Experimental Medicine: Generation and Characterization of iMSC From Cri-du Chat Syndrome Patient and Isolation of Urinary EVs by Different Procedures.
Cellular disease modelling using patient-specific iPSCs is one of the tools used to study the biological and pathological mechanisms underlying specific disease. The main objective of this PhD thesis was to generate iPSCs from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from patients with Cri-du-Chat Syndrome (CdCS) and differentiation into mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). CdCS is a genetic disease caused by a total or partial deletion in the short arm of chromosome 5, characterized by a high-pitched cry, dysmorphic features, poor growth, and developmental delay. Haploinsufficiency of the genes located within 5p contributed to the phenotype. PBMCs were reprogrammed into iPSCs by introducing the Yamanaka factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc using a nonintegrating CytoTune-iPS 2.0 reprogramming vectors and characterized for pluripotency and stemness and their ability to differentiate into the three germ layers. Then CdCs-iPSCs were differentiated into iMSCs using MesenCult™-ACF Plus Medium and Culture Kit. CdCs-iMSCs were plastic adherent, expressed MSC surface markers and could differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondroblasts. These properties satisfy the minimal criteria of human MSCs proposed by the International Society of Cellular Therapy. Urine has been tremendously studied to discover biomarkers of distinct renal pathologies; hence it reflects a holistic picture of the entire urinary system. It could be collected repeatedly in a noninvasive manner. The analysis of urinary Extracellular Vesicles, uEVs, encountered in urine provides an attractive solution due to their cargo (Proteins, RNAs, lipids, and Glycans) which remains protected. Ultracentrifugation is the common technique for isolating EVs from biological fluids. However, this technique is laborious, time-consuming, and usually requires expensive equipment. In this PhD thesis, firstly, to isolate uEVs from healthy human donors, we utilized ExoGAG (NasasBiotech, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) Extracellular vesicles purification kit and conventional Ultracentrifugation method. Secondly, to assess uEVs internalization and primary cilia colocalization in 2D culture of mouse inner medullary-collecting duct 3 (mIMCD3) cells, the isolated uEVs were Labelled with Vybrant™ DiD Red Cell stain, and primary cilia were immunologically stained with anti-acetylated α -Tubulin. Confocal microscopy images were obtained for further analysis. We successfully isolated uEVs from healthy donors expressing the surface tetraspanins CD63 and CD81 protein markers and assessed their RNAs contents with Spectrometry Nanodrop and Capillary Tapstation Electrophoresis System. Isolated uEVs with ExoGAG commercial kit and Ultracentrifugation could not be internalized and uptaken by Mouse inner medullary-collecting duct 3 (mIMCD3), Confocal Microscopy images revealed the lack of colocalization of expressed primary cilia and uEVs stained with Vybrant™ DiD Cell-Labelling solutionI documenti in UNITESI sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.