The origin of the withdrawal right is tied to the move in Corporate Law to majority approval of fundamental corporate changes, and away from a requirement of unanimous shareholder consent. The system of the withdrawal right assures a safe exit for minority shareholders, especially when they are members of a not listed company. Unlike limited liability companies whose stocks are sold in the capital market, in not listed ones the rule “if you do not like the management, sell your stock” is not valid. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out the evolution this right had in recent years: now withdrawal right can also be an instrument to juggle a shareholder’s stay in corporation, using the weight of their shares and the loss of liquidity for the company, to achieve a favorable change in majority’s policy or to prevent transactions.In this polyfunctional exit procedure it is important to balance protection between the shareholder who has decided to leave the company and, on the other side, the corporation which still continues to exist without the capital of withdrawn shareholder. What happens in withdrawal right is something similar to what economists call ”prisoner’s dilemma”, because every involved subject does not know the reaction to his decision made by the other one, despite the common known goal being the highest individual payoff. Every part, like in the games theory, is obliged to suffer the effects of other’s action. The withdrawal right can be a serious threat if the shareholder, using the option of the exit, loses less than the damage inflicted by the company with the majority decision taken. It must be considered that the exit process from the company is not always fast and accepted, but there are phases requiring time (shareholder’s decision has to be communicated to the company; company should provide to liquidate the participation or hinder shareholder’s proposal). In this length of time, that can last months or years in case of judicial controversy, it fails to grasp if shareholder is still a member or not of organization with their traditional rights and power. In the Italian system of Law the latter company reform (d.lgs. 6/2003) has provided discipline of exit remedy but a certain statement about the moment of the loss of shareholder membership has not been provided. Two different perspectives are possible: if a shareholder is considered as a stakeholder, they should have only a claim of credit from the company, because they are yet considered outside the business corporation; while if they are considered as a shareholder, it should be necessary to identify boundaries of their acting. The risk is that shareholder could abuse their residual position and their rights to hinder or damage the company, due to them being no longer interested in pursuing the best corporate policy, having already an issued, unmodifiable credit claim on the corporation. Nevertheless, it is also true that the withdrawn shareholder is inside the company until the debt is not liquidated, so they could play an active part, although reduced, in corporate governance. The question to solve for withdrawal procedure is the destiny of shareholders who have decided to leave and their surviving role in corporation as shareholders or stakeholders. The thesis try to identify power and rights of members who want to leave company, but are still inside during the withdrawal right procedure. These questions are essential for certain, swift and efficient capital relationships.
La tesi prende in esame, nell’ambito del diritto societario, la disciplina del recesso del socio da società per azioni ed in particolare il tema della efficacia della dichiarazione di recesso e la perdita dello status socii. La riforma delle società di capitali attuata dal d.lgs n. 6/2003 ha modificato in modo rilevante l’istituto del recesso, assegnando alla fattispecie una nuova vitalità. Nel sistema originario del codice civile del 1942 il legislatore aveva delineato la figura del recesso del socio di società di capitali quale strumento eccezionale, preoccupandosi di definirne più i limiti che le potenzialità. A causa dell’efficacia disgregatrice ed esiziale per l’organizzazione d’impresa, la direttrice utilizzata fu quella della marginalizzazione della fattispecie. Solo ad inizio del nuovo millennio il legislatore ha voluto attribuire a questo istituto un ruolo più incisivo, a partire dallo spazio riservato nell’impianto codicistico di sei articoli, in sostituzione dell’unico originario, così da poter parlare di(ri)nascita di una fattispecie lasciata fino ad allora in uno stato embrionale, annientata nelle sue potenzialità di tutela del socio. Alla tradizionale funzione legata all’interesse dell’azionista a sciogliere il vincolo societario per dissenso verso le scelte della maggioranza, se ne è affiancata un’altra che, in linea con l’obiettivo perseguito dalla riforma di rendere le società collettori di capitali più attraenti, consente al socio di disinvestire agilmente la propria partecipazione. Il recesso legittimamente esercitato offre uno strumento utile a fini di negoziazione endosocietaria, non più solo meccanismo di difesa del socio di minoranza avverso le decisioni assunte dalla maggioranza in grado di alterare sensibilmente le condizioni di rischio dell’investimento, ma anche mezzo di rinegoziazione del programma societario.Nonostante i meriti riconosciuti alla riforma di aver fornito all’autonomia privata un istituto del recesso riformato ed ampliato, a più di dieci anni dall’entrata in vigore delle modifiche societarie, permangono ancora punti oscuri che determinano dubbi nell’applicazione di un istituto che ha ormai assunto un ruolo centrale negli equilibri sociali. Incerti continuano ad essere i tempi ed, in particolare, perdura l’interrogativo sul momento di efficacia del recesso in termini di definitiva perdita da parte del recedente della sua qualità di socio ed insieme dei connessi diritti sociali, differenti da quello residuo al rimborso. Tenuto conto dell’articolato (e spesso non breve) iter che separa l’istante della ricezione della dichiarazione di exit del socio da parte della società, da quello dell'effettivo versamento del valore di liquidazione della partecipazione, l’individuazione dell’istante in cui possa dirsi cessato il rapporto sociale ha centrale importanza per la certezza dei rapporti giuridici. È proprio su questo limbo temporale che la tesi concentra l’attenzione, al fine di comprendere se e fino a quando il socio recedente possa considerarsi ancora tale o sia per lui prospettabile un depotenziamento delle prerogative partecipative. Si tratta di un problema di rilievo, in quanto ciascuna differente soluzione ha ricadute diverse sull’agere della società e sulla certezza dei rapporti giuridici. Lo studio condotto analizza lo status socii a partire dai principali diritti, amministrativi e patrimoniali di cui l’azionista dispone, quali il diritto di voto, il potere di impugnare le delibere assembleari, di esercitare l’azione di responsabilità nei confronti degli amministratori, il diritto d’opzione. Ciascuno di essi tutela interessi differenti e, con riguardo al socio uscente, si analizza se essi sopravvivano nelle more del procedimento di recesso o se la dichiarata volontà di non far parte più del sodalizio sociale faccia venir meno la ragione giustificatrice del diritto. La prospettiva adottata è stata quella di ricercare un delicato equilibrio tra posizioni contrapposte, della società e dell’azionista uscente, valorizzando il “multiforme ingegno” del recesso, oggi strumento sia di voice che di exit.
The origin of the withdrawal right is tied to the move in Corporate Law to majority approval of fundamental corporate changes, and away from a requirement of unanimous shareholder consent. The system of the withdrawal right assures a safe exit for minority shareholders, especially when they are members of a not listed company. Unlike limited liability companies whose stocks are sold in the capital market, in not listed ones the rule “if you do not like the management, sell your stock” is not valid. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out the evolution this right had in recent years: now withdrawal right can also be an instrument to juggle a shareholder’s stay in corporation, using the weight of their shares and the loss of liquidity for the company, to achieve a favorable change in majority’s policy or to prevent transactions.In this polyfunctional exit procedure it is important to balance protection between the shareholder who has decided to leave the company and, on the other side, the corporation which still continues to exist without the capital of withdrawn shareholder. What happens in withdrawal right is something similar to what economists call ”prisoner’s dilemma”, because every involved subject does not know the reaction to his decision made by the other one, despite the common known goal being the highest individual payoff. Every part, like in the games theory, is obliged to suffer the effects of other’s action. The withdrawal right can be a serious threat if the shareholder, using the option of the exit, loses less than the damage inflicted by the company with the majority decision taken. It must be considered that the exit process from the company is not always fast and accepted, but there are phases requiring time (shareholder’s decision has to be communicated to the company; company should provide to liquidate the participation or hinder shareholder’s proposal). In this length of time, that can last months or years in case of judicial controversy, it fails to grasp if shareholder is still a member or not of organization with their traditional rights and power. In the Italian system of Law the latter company reform (d.lgs. 6/2003) has provided discipline of exit remedy but a certain statement about the moment of the loss of shareholder membership has not been provided. Two different perspectives are possible: if a shareholder is considered as a stakeholder, they should have only a claim of credit from the company, because they are yet considered outside the business corporation; while if they are considered as a shareholder, it should be necessary to identify boundaries of their acting. The risk is that shareholder could abuse their residual position and their rights to hinder or damage the company, due to them being no longer interested in pursuing the best corporate policy, having already an issued, unmodifiable credit claim on the corporation. Nevertheless, it is also true that the withdrawn shareholder is inside the company until the debt is not liquidated, so they could play an active part, although reduced, in corporate governance. The question to solve for withdrawal procedure is the destiny of shareholders who have decided to leave and their surviving role in corporation as shareholders or stakeholders. The thesis try to identify power and rights of members who want to leave company, but are still inside during the withdrawal right procedure. These questions are essential for certain, swift and efficient capital relationships.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 18/01/2019
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