Background: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a pathological condition caused by bleeding into the subarachnoid space. Central and peripheral complications worsen patient outcome. Vasospasm is a severe central complication of SAH. It can cause ischemia and permanent brain damage or death. Bleeding-induced inflammation in the subarachnoid space contributes to vasospasm pathogenesis. In addition, peripheral organs develop inflammatory and infectious complications that seem to be a direct consequence of central injury. Indeed, cytokine production induced by brain damage causes activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, sympathetic nerve signalling and cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. These signals induce immunodepression that could partly account for SAH-related increased susceptibility to infection. In peripheral tissues, activation of 2-adrenoreceptors triggers local inflammatory response and leukocyte recruitment. No consistently efficacious therapies have been identified and implemented in clinical practice for this dire condition. Treatment with melanocortins could constitute an innovative therapeutic strategy. Melanocortin peptides, such as -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH) and adrenocorticotropic ormone (ACTH), are pro-opiomelanocortin derivatives that exert potent anti-inflammatory, immunodulatory, and antipyretic action. These molecules can directly modulate expression of pro-inflammatory molecules in responsive cells and activate endogenous anti-inflammatory neural circuits. Objectives: The general aim in the present research is to implement a novel therapeutic approach for SAH treatment. Specific goals were: A) To identify and characterize SAH-induced molecular alterations in the basilar artery and in the spleen, large intestine and liver; B)To evaluate whether melanocortin treatment can attenuate SAH-associated central and peripheral complications. The present research is divided in 3 phases: 1) Development of an experimental model to induce SAH in the rat; 2) Analysis of SAH-associated molecular alterations in the basilar artery and in peripheral organs at 4 hours and 5 days post-hemorrhage; 3) Evaluation of the potential protective action of melanocortin treatment. Results: Optimization and standardization of surgical procedure based on single autologous blood injection into the cisterna magna to induce SAH in the rat. Gene profiling analysis indicates that SAH induced a profound gene expression alteration in the basilar artery at 4 h. Morphometric analysis shows a marked vasoconstriction in the basilar arteries from the SAH group relative to controls. Preliminary data indicate that hemorrhage exerts detrimental effects in the spleen and liver. Further investigations are required to better analyze peripheral consequences of central injury. Systemic administration of the synthetic melanocortin NDP-MSH prevented most of SAH-induced alterations in the basilar artery. Protective effect is exerted through modulation of different signaling pathways. In addition, NDP-MSH significantly attenuated basilar artery vasoconstriction at 5 days post-SAH.
Background: L'emorragia subaracnoidea (ESA) è una condizione patologica caratterizzata da un accumulo di sangue nello spazio subaracnoideo conseguente a trauma cranico o rottura di un aneurisma. Il decorso clinico è gravato da complicanze cerebrovascolari e sistemiche che peggiorano significativamente la prognosi del paziente. La complicanza più comune e grave dell’ESA è il vasospasmo dell’arteria basilare, che può causare ischemia cerebrale. L'intensa reazione infiammatoria che si sviluppa nello spazio subaracnoideo costituisce un importante fattore patogenetico del vasospasmo. Le complicanze periferiche infettive e infiammatorie,assai frequenti in pazienti con ESA, sembrano essere anche una conseguenza diretta del danno cerebrale. Infatti, il rilascio di citochine nel SNC attiva in modo incontrollato l’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene, il sistema nervoso simpatico e la via anti-infiammatoria colinergica. Ciò causa l’induzione di uno stato di immunodepressione che aumenta la suscettibilità dell'organismo alle infezioni. Contemporaneamente, nei tessuti periferici, si verifica l'attivazione della risposta flogistica e dell’infiltrazione leucocitaria. Ad oggi, non esiste ancora una strategia risolutiva per il trattamento dell’ESA. Le melanocortine potrebbero costituire un'opportunità terapeutica innovativa. Tali peptidi, derivati dal precursore pro-opiomelanocortina, sono rappresentati principalmente dall’l'ormone -melanocitostimolante (-MSH) e dalll'adrenocorticotropina (ACTH). Essi esercitano potente attività anti-infiammatoria, anti-piretica e immunomodulante. Gli effetti delle melanocortine si esplicano attraverso la modulazione dell’espressione di mediatori pro-infiammatori e l’attivazione di circuiti neurali immunomodulanti endogeni. Obiettivi Della Ricerca: L'obiettivo generale è proporre un nuovo approccio terapeutico per il trattamento dell’ESA. Gli scopi specifici erano: A) Identificare e caratterizzare le modificazioni molecolari indotte a livello dell'arteria basilare e negli organi periferici (milza, fegato e intestino) durante ESA sperimentale; B) Valutare l'efficacia della terapia con una melanocortina sintetica nel prevenire o attenuare le alterazioni associate all'ESA. Lo studio è articolato in 3 fasi: 1) Sviluppo del modello di ESA nel ratto; 2) Analisi molecolare delle ripercussioni precoci e tardive nell’arteria basilare e in periferia; 3) Valutazione dell’efficacia terapeutica delle melanocortine. Risultati: Ottimizzazione e standardizzazione della procedura basata su singola iniezione di sangue autologo in cisterna magna per indurre l’ESA nel ratto. L’analisi di gene profiling indica che l’ESA induce già a 4 ore una profonda alterazione del profilo di espressione dell’arteria basilare. La valutazione del calibro dell'arteria a 5 giorni mostra una riduzione del diametro vascolare del 50%. I risultati preliminari in organi periferici forniscono indicazioni circa la capacità dell’ESA di attivare una risposta extracerebrale e incoraggiano il proseguimento della ricerca allo scopo di caratterizzare in maniera più approfondita tale fenomeno. Il trattamento sistemico con la melanocortina sintetica NDP-MSH ha prevenuto molte delle alterazioni indotte dall’ESA nell’arteria basilare. L’effetto protettivo sembra essere esercitato attraverso la modulazione di diverse vie di segnalazione. NDP-MSH ha ridotto significativamente la vasocostrizione dell’arteria basilare a 5 giorni post-ESA.
Background: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a pathological condition caused by bleeding into the subarachnoid space. Central and peripheral complications worsen patient outcome. Vasospasm is a severe central complication of SAH. It can cause ischemia and permanent brain damage or death. Bleeding-induced inflammation in the subarachnoid space contributes to vasospasm pathogenesis. In addition, peripheral organs develop inflammatory and infectious complications that seem to be a direct consequence of central injury. Indeed, cytokine production induced by brain damage causes activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, sympathetic nerve signalling and cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. These signals induce immunodepression that could partly account for SAH-related increased susceptibility to infection. In peripheral tissues, activation of 2-adrenoreceptors triggers local inflammatory response and leukocyte recruitment. No consistently efficacious therapies have been identified and implemented in clinical practice for this dire condition. Treatment with melanocortins could constitute an innovative therapeutic strategy. Melanocortin peptides, such as -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH) and adrenocorticotropic ormone (ACTH), are pro-opiomelanocortin derivatives that exert potent anti-inflammatory, immunodulatory, and antipyretic action. These molecules can directly modulate expression of pro-inflammatory molecules in responsive cells and activate endogenous anti-inflammatory neural circuits. Objectives: The general aim in the present research is to implement a novel therapeutic approach for SAH treatment. Specific goals were: A) To identify and characterize SAH-induced molecular alterations in the basilar artery and in the spleen, large intestine and liver; B)To evaluate whether melanocortin treatment can attenuate SAH-associated central and peripheral complications. The present research is divided in 3 phases: 1) Development of an experimental model to induce SAH in the rat; 2) Analysis of SAH-associated molecular alterations in the basilar artery and in peripheral organs at 4 hours and 5 days post-hemorrhage; 3) Evaluation of the potential protective action of melanocortin treatment. Results: Optimization and standardization of surgical procedure based on single autologous blood injection into the cisterna magna to induce SAH in the rat. Gene profiling analysis indicates that SAH induced a profound gene expression alteration in the basilar artery at 4 h. Morphometric analysis shows a marked vasoconstriction in the basilar arteries from the SAH group relative to controls. Preliminary data indicate that hemorrhage exerts detrimental effects in the spleen and liver. Further investigations are required to better analyze peripheral consequences of central injury. Systemic administration of the synthetic melanocortin NDP-MSH prevented most of SAH-induced alterations in the basilar artery. Protective effect is exerted through modulation of different signaling pathways. In addition, NDP-MSH significantly attenuated basilar artery vasoconstriction at 5 days post-SAH.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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