In the Italian legal framework, the question concerning the regulation of procedures and contents of collective bargaining represents one of the major labour law issues, which has not found a satisfying solution yet. The abovementioned topic is, in addition, strictly connected to the selection of criteria aimed to determine the actors of the bargaining process. The purpose of the present dissertation is then to examine, first of all, the historical development of the debate on the aforementioned issues in the Italian context, to focus attention, afterwards, on the most recent instances to enact a clearer regulation of the bargaining process, in reason of the crisis of trade unions’ cohesion and of the fragmentation of production originated by globalisation. Finally, the last part of the dissertation will be centred on a comparative analysis with the French regulative context that, in opposition to the Italian one, disciplined by law prerequisites and procedures to accede to collective bargaining process already at the beginning of XX Century. In particular, the first chapter starts from the matter of contention at the base of the whole national discussion referred to the regulative process of arrangements executed between employers’ and workers’ organizations: the incapability of the Italian legislator to enact a law concerning the collective bargaining proceeding respecting, in the meantime, the criteria set forth by Article 39 of the Constitution, that has been at the base of the consequential declaration of illegitimacy of all the legislative attempts to generalize the efficacy of the considered agreements, circumventing the provision of the Fundamental Chart. The analysis continues focusing on the evolution of collective agreements regulated by civil law in the national legal framework: highly centred during the Fifties, then organized on two ordered levels in the brief period of “contrattazione articolata” – introduced initially in public industries with the Protocol Intersind-Asap of 1962 and soon extended to the private field – until the total independence between company and sectorial bargaining level in the years between the end of the Sixties and the beginning of the Seventies, and to the particular characteristics assumed by the said agreements during the oil crisis and in the following years, when the practice of the three-side covenants executed between main trade unions, employers’ organizations and the government, with different outcomes, perdured until the middle of 2000’s. In this context, particular attention is devoted to the collective agreements executed at national level in July-December 1993 that, during the following twenty years, have been considered the fulcrum of the two-level collective bargaining system, and which attempted, in the meantime, with the introduction of Trade unions’ Unitary Representative bodies (in Italian, Rappresentanze Sindacali Unitarie, RSU) to contrast the deep crisis of representativeness of workers’ organizations, whose gravitas has been highlighted, several months after, by the national referendum held in 1995 on Article 19 of law no. 300 of 1970. The last section of the first chapter founds an ideal continuation in the second one. In this field, the main topic become the most recent issues concerning the Italian bargaining system, and significantly the one which moved social actors of the industrial sector – on the base of the crisis of the system of 1993, showed by the Fiat dispute of 2009-2011, followed by the connected judgment of Constitutional Court that in 2013 modified another time the interpretation of Article 19 of law no. 300 of 1970, expanding the criteria to admit workers’ organization to benefits provided by the law, and by the enactment of Article 8 of law-decree no. 138 of 2011 – to affirm that is come the time to set new rules to try to govern the bargaining system. On this point, the dissertation focuses attention on the three national collective agreements held on 28 June 2011, 31 May 2013 and 10 January 2014 and on the further arrangement of 28 February-9 March 2018 and on the respective debate centred, in a perspective of reform, on the opportunity to introduce a bill able to completely fulfil the requirements of Article 39 of the Italian Constitution. The third chapter, finally, follows the scheme of the precedent ones, from the point of view of the French legal framework. Therefore, firstly is described the evolution of the said juridical context, from the loi of 1919 concerning collective agreements regulated by civil law and the regulations of 1936 and of 1950 on the extension erga omnes, through an administrative decree, of collective agreements signed by representative trade unions, until the new model of “citizenship in the company” promoted by the laws Auroux enacted in 1982 and to the fragmentation of the labour law system occurred between the 80s and 2000s, characterised by measures without a systematic approach and, sometimes, in contrast between each other. The attention is focused, then, on the reforms that, recently, heavily redefined the structure of the French labour law framework consisting in the introduction, in 2008, of objective criteria to select representative trade unions, in the extension of this model to employers’ organizations in 2014-2016 and, with reference to the bargaining structure, in the disputed reform responding to the name of loi Travail, held in 2016, and in the ordonnances promoted by the new President Macron in the late 2017, towards the direction of a relevant and decisive expansion of company collective agreement, to the detriment of sectoral level. The arrival point of the path traced above regards the attempt to reply to the issue concerning the opportunity to provide or not, in the Italian context, for a law regulating collective bargaining and the related obligations and rights of social actors, to clarify and stabilize the arrangement system. Secondly, also on the base of the comparison with the French frame of reference, the dissertation is closed by a reflection on the possible legal institutes to be introduced in the Italian juridical framework, in order to assure a general extension of collective bargaining, in the light to allow an harmonious development also of the company level.
Nell’ordinamento italiano, il tema della disciplina delle procedure e dei contenuti della contrattazione collettiva rappresenta una delle maggiori questioni giuslavoristiche, che non ha ancora trovato una stabile soluzione. Ad essa, inoltre, si lega strettamente il tema della regolamentazione, a fini negoziali, dei soggetti dell’autonomia collettiva. La finalità della presente trattazione è quella di esaminare, dapprima, lo sviluppo storico del dibattito nell’ordinamento italiano, per concentrare, in seguito, l’attenzione sulle tematiche più recenti che, anche alla luce della crisi dell’unità sindacale e della frammentazione dei tessuti produttivi generata dalla globalizzazione, evidenziano una richiesta di regolamentazione obiettiva dell’attività negoziale. In merito a tali questioni verrà infine esaminato, in una logica comparata, l’ordinamento francese che, a differenza di quello italiano, ha disciplinato per legge i presupposti, le procedure e i requisiti di accesso alla negoziazione collettiva sin dalla prima metà del XX Secolo. In particolare, il primo capitolo della tesi prende in esame, dapprima, la questione che si pone alla base dell’intero dibattito nazionale sulle modalità di regolamentazione della contrattazione collettiva: la mancata attuazione da parte del legislatore della seconda parte dell’art. 39 Cost. e la conseguente illegittimità costituzionale di quelle norme volte a generalizzare l’efficacia degli accordi collettivi aggirando quanto previsto dalla Carta fondamentale. L’analisi prosegue con la disamina dell’evoluzione storica della contrattazione anomica nel nostro ordinamento: a partire dalla negoziazione accentrata a livello nazionale nei primi anni Cinquanta, dalle istanze di decentramento e dall’effimera introduzione della contrattazione articolata con il Protocollo Intersind-Asap del 1962, fino alla bipolarità totale tra livello confederale e aziendale manifestatasi tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e la metà degli anni Settanta del Novecento, per giungere alla negoziazione collettiva della crisi, con gli accordi triangolari e la concertazione che, tra alterni risultati, hanno prodotto i loro effetti fino alla metà degli anni Duemila. In tale contesto, particolare attenzione è dedicata al sistema degli accordi del luglio-dicembre 1993 che, per quasi vent’anni, hanno costituito il fulcro di una disciplina delle relazioni industriali organizzata su due livelli, e che hanno tentato, nel contempo, con l’introduzione delle RSU, di contrastare la crisi di rappresentatività delle organizzazioni sindacali, evidenziata nella sua gravità, pochi mesi dopo, dal referendum del 1995 sull’art. 19 della l. 300/1970. La parte finale del primo capitolo si pone in ideale continuazione con l’inizio del secondo. Al centro dell’esame vi sono le questioni dei nostri giorni che hanno indotto le parti sociali, significativamente del settore industriale – a seguito della crisi del sistema del 1993, che ha avuto il proprio epicentro nella vertenza Fiat del 2009-2011, della successiva e connessa sentenza manipolativa della Corte Costituzionale del 2013 in riferimento, ancora una volta, all’art. 19 St. lav., e all’introduzione da parte del legislatore del discusso art. 8 del d.l. 138/2011 – a ritenere maturi i tempi per una nuova regolamentazione pattizia del sistema. Al riguardo, vengono analizzati nel dettaglio i tre accordi interconfederali del 28 giugno 2011, 31 maggio 2013 e 10 gennaio 2014, l’ulteriore e recentissima intesa del 28 febbraio-9 marzo 2018 e il dibattito, in una prospettiva de iure condendo, sull’opportunità di introduzione di una legge sindacale, capace, eventualmente, di dare completa attuazione all’art. 39 Cost. Il terzo capitolo, infine, si pone in parallelo con i primi due, dal punto di vista dell’ordinamento francese. Pertanto viene inizialmente presa in considerazione l’evoluzione normativa di tale contesto giuridico, a partire dalla loi del 1919 sulla contrattazione collettiva di diritto comune e dalla leggi del 1936 e 1950 sull’estensione erga omnes in via amministrativa dei contratti collettivi sottoscritti dalle organizzazioni sindacali rappresentative, fino al nuovo modello di “cittadinanza nell’impresa” proposto dalla leggi Auroux del 1982 e alla frammentazione del sistema tra gli anni Ottanta e Duemila, punteggiata di provvedimenti privi di carattere sistematico e, in alcuni casi, contraddittori. Ci si sofferma, infine, sulle riforme che, in tempi recenti, hanno svolto il ruolo di pietre angolari nella ridefinizione degli assetti dell’ordinamento francese: l’introduzione di criteri obiettivi per la selezione dei sindacati rappresentativi nel 2008, l’estensione di tale modello alle organizzazioni datoriali nel triennio 2014-2016 e, sul versante dell’assetto contrattuale, le discusse riforme introdotte con la loi Travail dell’8 agosto 2016 e dalle ordonnances promosse dal neo-presidente Macron nell’autunno del 2017, nella direzione di una forte valorizzazione del secondo livello negoziale, a discapito delle conventions de branche. Il punto d’arrivo del percorso tracciato supra porterà a cercare di dare una risposta, da un lato, all’interrogativo inerente all’opportunità di intervenire, nell’ordinamento italiano, con una legge sindacale, per fornire certezza, chiarezza e stabilità al sistema contrattuale e, in seconda istanza, anche sulla base della riflessione comparata, ad una valutazione su quali potrebbero essere gli istituti più efficienti da adottare, nei termini anzidetti, per assicurare un’estensione generalizzata della contrattazione collettiva, idonea a permettere un armonico sviluppo anche degli accordi di secondo livello.
In the Italian legal framework, the question concerning the regulation of procedures and contents of collective bargaining represents one of the major labour law issues, which has not found a satisfying solution yet. The abovementioned topic is, in addition, strictly connected to the selection of criteria aimed to determine the actors of the bargaining process. The purpose of the present dissertation is then to examine, first of all, the historical development of the debate on the aforementioned issues in the Italian context, to focus attention, afterwards, on the most recent instances to enact a clearer regulation of the bargaining process, in reason of the crisis of trade unions’ cohesion and of the fragmentation of production originated by globalisation. Finally, the last part of the dissertation will be centred on a comparative analysis with the French regulative context that, in opposition to the Italian one, disciplined by law prerequisites and procedures to accede to collective bargaining process already at the beginning of XX Century. In particular, the first chapter starts from the matter of contention at the base of the whole national discussion referred to the regulative process of arrangements executed between employers’ and workers’ organizations: the incapability of the Italian legislator to enact a law concerning the collective bargaining proceeding respecting, in the meantime, the criteria set forth by Article 39 of the Constitution, that has been at the base of the consequential declaration of illegitimacy of all the legislative attempts to generalize the efficacy of the considered agreements, circumventing the provision of the Fundamental Chart. The analysis continues focusing on the evolution of collective agreements regulated by civil law in the national legal framework: highly centred during the Fifties, then organized on two ordered levels in the brief period of “contrattazione articolata” – introduced initially in public industries with the Protocol Intersind-Asap of 1962 and soon extended to the private field – until the total independence between company and sectorial bargaining level in the years between the end of the Sixties and the beginning of the Seventies, and to the particular characteristics assumed by the said agreements during the oil crisis and in the following years, when the practice of the three-side covenants executed between main trade unions, employers’ organizations and the government, with different outcomes, perdured until the middle of 2000’s. In this context, particular attention is devoted to the collective agreements executed at national level in July-December 1993 that, during the following twenty years, have been considered the fulcrum of the two-level collective bargaining system, and which attempted, in the meantime, with the introduction of Trade unions’ Unitary Representative bodies (in Italian, Rappresentanze Sindacali Unitarie, RSU) to contrast the deep crisis of representativeness of workers’ organizations, whose gravitas has been highlighted, several months after, by the national referendum held in 1995 on Article 19 of law no. 300 of 1970. The last section of the first chapter founds an ideal continuation in the second one. In this field, the main topic become the most recent issues concerning the Italian bargaining system, and significantly the one which moved social actors of the industrial sector – on the base of the crisis of the system of 1993, showed by the Fiat dispute of 2009-2011, followed by the connected judgment of Constitutional Court that in 2013 modified another time the interpretation of Article 19 of law no. 300 of 1970, expanding the criteria to admit workers’ organization to benefits provided by the law, and by the enactment of Article 8 of law-decree no. 138 of 2011 – to affirm that is come the time to set new rules to try to govern the bargaining system. On this point, the dissertation focuses attention on the three national collective agreements held on 28 June 2011, 31 May 2013 and 10 January 2014 and on the further arrangement of 28 February-9 March 2018 and on the respective debate centred, in a perspective of reform, on the opportunity to introduce a bill able to completely fulfil the requirements of Article 39 of the Italian Constitution. The third chapter, finally, follows the scheme of the precedent ones, from the point of view of the French legal framework. Therefore, firstly is described the evolution of the said juridical context, from the loi of 1919 concerning collective agreements regulated by civil law and the regulations of 1936 and of 1950 on the extension erga omnes, through an administrative decree, of collective agreements signed by representative trade unions, until the new model of “citizenship in the company” promoted by the laws Auroux enacted in 1982 and to the fragmentation of the labour law system occurred between the 80s and 2000s, characterised by measures without a systematic approach and, sometimes, in contrast between each other. The attention is focused, then, on the reforms that, recently, heavily redefined the structure of the French labour law framework consisting in the introduction, in 2008, of objective criteria to select representative trade unions, in the extension of this model to employers’ organizations in 2014-2016 and, with reference to the bargaining structure, in the disputed reform responding to the name of loi Travail, held in 2016, and in the ordonnances promoted by the new President Macron in the late 2017, towards the direction of a relevant and decisive expansion of company collective agreement, to the detriment of sectoral level. The arrival point of the path traced above regards the attempt to reply to the issue concerning the opportunity to provide or not, in the Italian context, for a law regulating collective bargaining and the related obligations and rights of social actors, to clarify and stabilize the arrangement system. Secondly, also on the base of the comparison with the French frame of reference, the dissertation is closed by a reflection on the possible legal institutes to be introduced in the Italian juridical framework, in order to assure a general extension of collective bargaining, in the light to allow an harmonious development also of the company level.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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