The platinum-group elements (PGE) are six metallic elements that are grouped together in the periodic table. They consist of rhodium, ruthenium palladium, with progressive atomic numbers 44-46, and platinum iridium, osmium with progressive atomic numbers 76-78. They have similar chemical and physical properties and occur together in nature. The properties of PGE, such as high melting points, corrosion resistance, and catalytic qualities, make them indispensable to many industrial applications, therefore mine exploration continues to be a thriving business for many countries (i.e. Canada, USA, Russia, Columbia, Zimbabwe and South Africa). PGE are among the rarest metals on Earth. Moreover their siderophile/calcophile geochemical affinity, determined their differentiation in the Earth’s core, during the early stage of the Earth’s evolution (McDonough, 2016), leaving a PGE-highly depleted silicate layer (mantle + crust). At present, the upper crust of the Earth contains about 0.0005 parts per million (ppm) platinum. Today, the average grade of PGE in ores mined primarily for their PGE concentrations range from 5 to 15 ppm (USGS 2020 source). Most of the world’s PGE are concentrated in magmatic ore deposits, which form during the cooling and crystallization of magma. If mafic to ultramafic magmas become saturated in sulfur, an immiscible sulfide liquid will separate from the silicate magma and form globules that naturally concentrate metals like copper, nickel, and as minor/trace contents the PGE. The presence of PGE can be detected by laboratory analysis only, and determining trace and ultratrace PGE concentrations in geological and recycled (environmental) materials is one of the most challenging analytical problems. The aim of this thesis was to find a successful strategy to measure the bulk contents PGEs without analyte preconcentration. For this thesis a new analytical protocol for bulk PGE’s analyses in silicate rocks and soils, using a last generation of TQ-ICP-MS is developed. This include to skip the matrix separation to obtain the best detection limits. Ultramafic samples (and a few prepared twice), two meteorites (ordinary chondrite) and soils bearing residual of automobile catalyst emissions (a few prepared twice) were initially chemically characterized and subsequently prepared as diluted solution for TQ-ICP-MS. The first important results confirm the potential of the triple quadrupole compared with the single quadrupole. This is immediately evident from the results on Ru: it is very clear how the use of oxygen as a reaction gas, IDL decreases by one order of magnitude and BEC is halved. The comparison with the reference value of the UBN serpentinite standard is excellent. Elements such as rhenium, rhodium and platinum also give good results. Unfortunately, the Pd case is different: in TQ the IDL is reduced by a fifth, but the BEC is almost the same as the SQ. Using oxygen as a reaction gas, does not guarantee the detection of Pd at these concentration levels: the last test evidenced that this interference need to be better investigated, to reduce more this interference. The lockdown periods (March-May2020), due to the COVID-19 pandemia did not allowed to complete the instrument setting, and proceed with the experimental program. Therefore I will be ready for the PhD board thesis presentation and submission to referees in the second call for the PhD final exam (June 2021).
Gli elementi del gruppo del platino (PGE) sono sei elementi metallici che sono raggruppati insieme nella tavola periodica. Sono costituiti da rodio, rutenio palladio, con numeri atomici progressivi 44-46 e platino iridio, osmio con numeri atomici progressivi 76-78. Hanno proprietà chimiche e fisiche simili e si trovano insieme in natura. Le proprietà del PGE, come gli alti punti di fusione, la resistenza alla corrosione e le qualità catalitiche, li rendono indispensabili per molte applicazioni industriali. Per questa ragione l'esplorazione mineraria continua a essere un'attività fiorente per molti paesi (ad esempio Canada, USA, Russia, Columbia, Zimbabwe e Sud Africa). I PGE sono tra i metalli più rari sulla Terra. Durante la fase iniziale dell'evoluzione terrestre, la loro affinità geochimica siderofilo / calcofilo, ha determinato la loro concentrazione nel nucleo terrestre, (McDonough, 2016), lasciando uno strato silicatico altamente impoverito da PGE (mantello + crosta). Al momento, la crosta superiore della Terra contiene circa 0,0005 parti per milione (ppm) di platino. Il contenuto in PGE dei minerali oggi coltivati per l’estrazione dei PGE è mediamente dell’ordine di 5-15 ppm (fonte USGS 2020). La maggior parte dei platinoidi del mondo è concentrata in depositi di minerali magmatici, che si formano durante il raffreddamento e la cristallizzazione del fuso. Se magmi, da femici ad ultrafemici, si saturano in zolfo, un liquido solfureo immiscibile si separa dal fuso silicatico e forma globuli che concentrano naturalmente metalli come rame, nichel e gli stessi platinoidi. La presenza dei PGE può essere rilevata solo mediante analisi di laboratorio e la misura della loro concentrazione, a livello di tracce ed ultra tracce nei materiali geologici e riciclati (ambientali) è uno dei problemi analitici più impegnativi. Lo scopo di questa tesi era la messa a punto di un metodo per misurare il contenuto totale in PGE di un campione direttamente, senza ricorrere a tecniche di preconcentrazione degli analiti. Per questa tesi viene sviluppato un nuovo protocollo analitico per le determinazioni dei PGE in rocce e terreni silicatici, utilizzando uno spettrometro di ultima generazione di TQ-ICP-MS. Tale metodo permette di ottenere ottimi limiti di rivelabilità anche senza dover ricorrere alla separazione della matrice dall’analita. Campioni ultrafemici, due meteoriti (condriti ordinarie) e terreni contenenti residui di emissioni di catalizzatori automobilistici sono stati inizialmente caratterizzati chimicamente e successivamente ridotti in soluzione per l’analisi in TQ-ICP-MS. I primi importanti risultati confermano le potenzialità del triplo quadrupolo rispetto al singolo quadrupolo. Questo è evidente dai risultati ottenuti per il Ru: è chiaro come l'uso dell'ossigeno come gas di reazione IDL diminuisca l’ IDL di un ordine di grandezza e dimezzi il BEC. E’ inoltre ottimo il confronto con il valore di riferimento dello standard UBN. Anche elementi come renio, rodio e platino danno buoni risultati. Purtroppo il caso del Pd è diverso: in TQ l'IDL si riduce di un quinto, ma il BEC è quasi lo stesso del SQ. L'utilizzo dell'ossigeno come gas di reazione, non garantisce la rilevazione del Pd a questi livelli di concentrazione: gli ultimi test hanno infatti evidenziato che il settaggio strumentale per questo elemento necessita ulteriori indagini per ridurre maggiormente il segnale delle specie interferenti. Il periodo del lockdown (marzo-maggio2020), a causa della pandemia di COVID-19, non ha consentito di completare la configurazione dello strumento e di procedere con il programma sperimentale. Sarò perciò pronto per la presentazione della tesi di dottorato e l'invio ai referee solo nella seconda sessione della prova finale di dottorato (giugno 2021)
The platinum-group elements (PGE) are six metallic elements that are grouped together in the periodic table. They consist of rhodium, ruthenium palladium, with progressive atomic numbers 44-46, and platinum iridium, osmium with progressive atomic numbers 76-78. They have similar chemical and physical properties and occur together in nature. The properties of PGE, such as high melting points, corrosion resistance, and catalytic qualities, make them indispensable to many industrial applications, therefore mine exploration continues to be a thriving business for many countries (i.e. Canada, USA, Russia, Columbia, Zimbabwe and South Africa). PGE are among the rarest metals on Earth. Moreover their siderophile/calcophile geochemical affinity, determined their differentiation in the Earth’s core, during the early stage of the Earth’s evolution (McDonough, 2016), leaving a PGE-highly depleted silicate layer (mantle + crust). At present, the upper crust of the Earth contains about 0.0005 parts per million (ppm) platinum. Today, the average grade of PGE in ores mined primarily for their PGE concentrations range from 5 to 15 ppm (USGS 2020 source). Most of the world’s PGE are concentrated in magmatic ore deposits, which form during the cooling and crystallization of magma. If mafic to ultramafic magmas become saturated in sulfur, an immiscible sulfide liquid will separate from the silicate magma and form globules that naturally concentrate metals like copper, nickel, and as minor/trace contents the PGE. The presence of PGE can be detected by laboratory analysis only, and determining trace and ultratrace PGE concentrations in geological and recycled (environmental) materials is one of the most challenging analytical problems. The aim of this thesis was to find a successful strategy to measure the bulk contents PGEs without analyte preconcentration. For this thesis a new analytical protocol for bulk PGE’s analyses in silicate rocks and soils, using a last generation of TQ-ICP-MS is developed. This include to skip the matrix separation to obtain the best detection limits. Ultramafic samples (and a few prepared twice), two meteorites (ordinary chondrite) and soils bearing residual of automobile catalyst emissions (a few prepared twice) were initially chemically characterized and subsequently prepared as diluted solution for TQ-ICP-MS. The first important results confirm the potential of the triple quadrupole compared with the single quadrupole. This is immediately evident from the results on Ru: it is very clear how the use of oxygen as a reaction gas, IDL decreases by one order of magnitude and BEC is halved. The comparison with the reference value of the UBN serpentinite standard is excellent. Elements such as rhenium, rhodium and platinum also give good results. Unfortunately, the Pd case is different: in TQ the IDL is reduced by a fifth, but the BEC is almost the same as the SQ. Using oxygen as a reaction gas, does not guarantee the detection of Pd at these concentration levels: the last test evidenced that this interference need to be better investigated, to reduce more this interference. The lockdown periods (March-May2020), due to the COVID-19 pandemia did not allowed to complete the instrument setting, and proceed with the experimental program. Therefore I will be ready for the PhD board thesis presentation and submission to referees in the second call for the PhD final exam (June 2021).File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 20/09/2024
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