This doctoral thesis aims to analyse the prohibition of abuse of law within the EU legal order. The main objective of this research is to determine whether a theoretical framework can be found in order to clarify the scope of this prohibition and its function within the EU legal order. To do so, attention is paid to the way the prohibition of abuse of law is applied by the European Court of Justice (EUCJ), which has thus far mainly defined it in negative terms. Chapter I begins by explaining the methodology used and then continues delimitating the scope of the abuse of law within the EU legal order – excluding from it fraud and abuse of right. With a systematic approach to the subject, it is argued that the peculiar aspects of the abuse of EU law should be fully taken into consideration when defining the theoretical framework aimed at clarifying the EUCJ rulings in this area. Therefore, Chapter I draws a distinction between internal abuse of law (where the abuse only regards the EU legal system) and cross-border abuse of law (where the abuse regards both the EU and national systems). Relying on this classification, Chapter II considers the case law of the internal abuse of law in the fields of common agricultural and fiscal policies. A critical analysis of the EUCJ case law outlines that the Court has adopted an abuse test identifying those recurring conditions, whose existence entails the occurrence of an abuse in the abovementioned harmonised sectors. The picture changes significantly if the abusive construction involves several legal systems, as it is shown in Chapter III. In this context, the work refers to two different scenarios. The first one regards those cases where the individual can use his or her right to free movement to circumvent his or her national legislation and benefit from that (more favourable) of another Member State. The second, instead, regards those cases where the individual takes advantage of same right to circumvent the applicable national regulation and seeks the application of the EU secondary law. The analysis of the relevant case law regarding cross-border abuse law reveals the existing divergence between statements of principle and the actual application of those statements by the EUCJ, proving that the same construction which is considered as abusive in the opinion of the Member State, cannot be qualified as such within the EU legal order. This is mainly due to structural reasons. After highlighting the considerable difficulties the EUCJ faces when applying the criteria of the abuse test in the area of cross-border abuse of law, Chapter IV takes into consideration the other instruments the EUCJ employs to combat certain abuses of the EU law, such as the restrictive interpretation of the scope of EU provisions, as well as the admission of Member States’ restrictive measures based on over-riding reasons relating to the general interest. In this regard, Chapter IV examines the possible interrelations between the various substitutive instruments mentioned in the chapter, as well as the consequences arising from the application of each of those measures, in order to highlight differences and criticalities in their practical application. Finally, based on the difficulties – mostly structural – the EUCJ faces in fighting abuses of the EU law, Chapter V focuses on the consequences of the Court’s attitude towards Member States’ legal systems, also considering the role of national and European legislators in fighting the abuse of the EU law.
La tesi è dedicata all’analisi del divieto di abuso di diritto nell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea. Il principale obiettivo della ricerca è quello di stabilire se sia riscontrabile uno schema interpretativo che consenta di chiarire la portata del divieto di abuso del diritto e l’operatività dello stesso nell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea per come è applicato dalla Corte di giustizia, che in molti casi lo definisce principalmente in termini negativi. Il capitolo I illustra il metodo utilizzato nella ricerca, al contempo delimitandone l’ambito, nel senso di escludere la frode e l’abuso del diritto in senso stretto. Volendo sistematizzare la materia, lo schema interpretativo volto a chiarire l’orientamento della Corte riguardo alle manifestazioni abusive deve tenere conto dell’elemento di spiccata originalità del contesto in cui si inserisce il divieto di abuso del diritto UE. Pertanto, la classificazione prescelta distingue il caso in cui la manifestazione abusiva coinvolga solo l’ordinamento UE (c.d. internal abuse of law) e il caso in cui coinvolga più ordinamenti, UE e nazionali (c.d. cross-border abuse of law). Con l’ausilio di questa classificazione, nel capitolo II viene analizzata la casistica relativa all’ipotesi in cui l’operazione abusiva coinvolge unicamente l’ordinamento sovranazionale, in materia di politica agricola comune e fiscale. La lettura critica della giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dimostra come nel tempo siano state definite condizioni uniformi (attraverso l’elaborazione di un abuse test), in presenza delle quali può constatarsi un comportamento abusivo nei settori armonizzati. Il quadro muta sensibilmente nel caso in cui la costruzione abusiva coinvolga più sistemi giuridici (c.d. cross-border abuse of law), ipotesi analizzata nel capitolo III, cui sono riconducibili sia i casi in cui il singolo, attraverso l’esercizio del diritto di circolazione precostituisce le condizioni per eludere la normativa dello Stato membro di appartenenza e vedersi applicare un’altra normativa nazionale a sé più favorevole sia quelli in cui il diritto di circolazione viene invocato allo scopo di eludere la normativa nazionale altrimenti applicabile e contestualmente ricercare l’applicazione del diritto derivato dell’Unione europea. Lo studio della giurisprudenza in quest’ambito dimostra il divario sussistente tra statuizioni di principio e applicazione dei principi stessi, dimostrando come la medesima manifestazione, considerata abusiva sotto la “lente” dello Stato membro d’origine, non sia qualificabile come tale dall’ordinamento dell’Unione europea. E ciò per ragioni principalmente strutturali. Messe in luce le consistenti difficoltà cui va incontro la Corte nel rilevare la manifestazione abusiva sulla base dei criteri dell’abuse test con riferimento al c.d. cross-border abuse of law, nel capitolo IV si analizzano le altre tecniche di tutela che la Corte di giustizia impiega per contrastare i contegni abusivi, quali l’interpretazione restrittiva dell’ambito di applicazione delle norme UE, nonché l’accettazione dell’invocazione da parte degli Stati membri dei motivi imperativi di interesse generale per lottare contro le pratiche abusive. Al riguardo, vengono approfondite le possibili interrelazioni tra i diversi “palliativi” evocati e le conseguenze che comporta l’impiego dell’uno piuttosto che dell’altro, evidenziando differenze e criticità sul piano dell’applicazione pratica. Nel capitolo V, infine, enucleate le difficoltà, precipuamente strutturali, cui va incontro la Corte di giustizia nella lotta di abuso, viene dedicata attenzione alle conseguenze dell’attitudine della Corte sugli ordinamenti nazionali, soffermandosi sul ruolo che possono svolgere nella lotta all’abuso il legislatore nazionale e dell’Unione europea.
This doctoral thesis aims to analyse the prohibition of abuse of law within the EU legal order. The main objective of this research is to determine whether a theoretical framework can be found in order to clarify the scope of this prohibition and its function within the EU legal order. To do so, attention is paid to the way the prohibition of abuse of law is applied by the European Court of Justice (EUCJ), which has thus far mainly defined it in negative terms. Chapter I begins by explaining the methodology used and then continues delimitating the scope of the abuse of law within the EU legal order – excluding from it fraud and abuse of right. With a systematic approach to the subject, it is argued that the peculiar aspects of the abuse of EU law should be fully taken into consideration when defining the theoretical framework aimed at clarifying the EUCJ rulings in this area. Therefore, Chapter I draws a distinction between internal abuse of law (where the abuse only regards the EU legal system) and cross-border abuse of law (where the abuse regards both the EU and national systems). Relying on this classification, Chapter II considers the case law of the internal abuse of law in the fields of common agricultural and fiscal policies. A critical analysis of the EUCJ case law outlines that the Court has adopted an abuse test identifying those recurring conditions, whose existence entails the occurrence of an abuse in the abovementioned harmonised sectors. The picture changes significantly if the abusive construction involves several legal systems, as it is shown in Chapter III. In this context, the work refers to two different scenarios. The first one regards those cases where the individual can use his or her right to free movement to circumvent his or her national legislation and benefit from that (more favourable) of another Member State. The second, instead, regards those cases where the individual takes advantage of same right to circumvent the applicable national regulation and seeks the application of the EU secondary law. The analysis of the relevant case law regarding cross-border abuse law reveals the existing divergence between statements of principle and the actual application of those statements by the EUCJ, proving that the same construction which is considered as abusive in the opinion of the Member State, cannot be qualified as such within the EU legal order. This is mainly due to structural reasons. After highlighting the considerable difficulties the EUCJ faces when applying the criteria of the abuse test in the area of cross-border abuse of law, Chapter IV takes into consideration the other instruments the EUCJ employs to combat certain abuses of the EU law, such as the restrictive interpretation of the scope of EU provisions, as well as the admission of Member States’ restrictive measures based on over-riding reasons relating to the general interest. In this regard, Chapter IV examines the possible interrelations between the various substitutive instruments mentioned in the chapter, as well as the consequences arising from the application of each of those measures, in order to highlight differences and criticalities in their practical application. Finally, based on the difficulties – mostly structural – the EUCJ faces in fighting abuses of the EU law, Chapter V focuses on the consequences of the Court’s attitude towards Member States’ legal systems, also considering the role of national and European legislators in fighting the abuse of the EU law.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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