Assisted reproductive technologies are generally understood as practices aimed at extending the procreative freedom of future parents. However, some bioethicists argue that they also bring out unprecedented moral obligations, in light of the growing control that parents have in the procreative context. Through the tools of bioethical-philosophical reflection, I want to analyze the concept of procreative responsibility in the light of the continuous development of assisted reproductive technologies, focusing in particular on those that will be available in the future. The thesis is composed of six chapters. The first two have an introductory function. In Chapter 1 I will present the reproductive techniques currently available and those that are likely to be in the future. I will provide an overview of what the current possibilities and limitations are and what the future prospects of such practices could be. In Chapter 2 I will offer an analysis of the concept of responsibility in the procreative context, proposing a distinction between parental, procreative, procreative-parenting and reproductive responsibility. From this, I will specify how responsibility in the procreative context should be understood in light of the complexity of human reproduction. The remaining chapters constitute the ethical-philosophical heart of the thesis. Here I will analyze the arguments proposed in the literature to assess whether or not there is an effective extension of procreative responsibility in the light of the new technological possibilities at the beginning of life and, from this, to propose original reflections on this issue. In Chapter 3 I will discuss and criticize the impersonal approaches to procreative choices, analyzing the principle of procreative beneficence. In Chapter 4 I will analyze person-affecting morality, conceiving it as a solid starting point for discussing the instances of procreative responsibility. I will argue that the availability of practices for the genetic modification for early embryos or fetuses brings out new moral reasons compared to selective techniques, such as pre-implantation and post-implantation genetic testing. In this regard, I will discuss two models of procreative-parental responsibility: the model of the bold restriction of procreative autonomy and that of the mild limitation of procreative autonomy and I will provide reasons in favor of the latter, which will be balanced against the instances of reproductive responsibility. In Chapter 5, I will assess whether future parents are morally required to enhance the future child through genetic treatments at the embryonic stage, analyzing the child’s right to an open future argument. Finally, in Chapter 6 I will propose a discussion on procreation that considers not only the consequences of procreative choices, but also the moral relevance of intentions and attitudes. After defending the argument of the relevance of the parent-child relationship in the moral evaluation of procreative choices in the selective context, I will argue that considering intentions and attitudes brings out reasons for deciding to procreate using genetic modification and ectogenesis techniques, rehabilitating the model of the bold restriction of procreative autonomy. In conclusion, I will argue that the continuous development of assisted reproductive technologies may in the future bring out good reasons to support an effective extension of procreative responsibility. This thesis is defensible both by considering the consequences of procreative choices from a person-affecting perspective, and by considering the moral relevance of intentions and attitudes in the procreative context.
Le tecniche di riproduzione medicalmente assistita sono generalmente intese come delle pratiche volte ad estendere la libertà procreativa dei futuri genitori. Tuttavia, alcuni bioeticisti sostengono che esse facciano emergere anche degli inediti vincoli morali, alla luce del crescente controllo di cui i genitori disporrebbero nel contesto procreativo. Attraverso gli strumenti della riflessione bioetico-filosofica, si intende analizzare il concetto di responsabilità procreativa alla luce del continuo sviluppo delle tecniche di riproduzione medicalmente assistita, con particolare riferimento a quelle che saranno disponibili in futuro. Lo scritto è composto di sei capitoli. I primi due hanno una funzione introduttiva. Nel Capitolo 1 si presenteranno le tecniche riproduttive attualmente disponibili e quelle che verosimilmente lo saranno in futuro. In questo modo si intende fornire una panoramica di quali sono le possibilità e i limiti attuali e quali potrebbero essere le prospettive future di tali pratiche. Il Capitolo 2 intende offrire un’analisi del concetto di responsabilità in relazione a quello di sviluppo tecnologico, da declinare poi nel contesto procreativo: si proporrà una distinzione tra responsabilità genitoriale, procreativa, procreativo-genitoriale e riproduttiva. Da ciò, si specificherà come le istanze di responsabilità nel contesto procreativo dovrebbero essere intese alla luce della complessità della riproduzione umana. I restanti capitoli costituiscono il cuore etico-filosofico della tesi. Qui si intendono analizzare gli argomenti proposti in letteratura per valutare se vi sia o meno un’effettiva estensione della responsabilità procreativa alla luce delle nuove possibilità tecnologiche all’inizio della vita e, da ciò, proporre delle riflessioni originali in merito. Nel Capitolo 3 si intende discutere e criticare gli approcci impersonali al contesto procreativo e lo si farà attraverso l’analisi e il rifiuto del principio di beneficenza procreativa. Nel Capitolo 4 si analizzerà la moralità person-affecting, intendendola come un solido punto di partenza per discutere delle istanze di responsabilità procreativa. Si sosterrà che la disponibilità di pratiche per la modifica genetica di embrioni precoci o feti faccia emergere delle ragioni morali inedite rispetto alle tecniche di tipo selettivo, come i test genetici preimpianto e post-impianto. A tale proposito, si discuteranno due modelli di responsabilità procreativo-genitoriale: il modello della limitazione forte della libertà procreativa e quello della limitazione debole della libertà procreativa e si forniranno ragioni a favore di quest’ultimo, il quale verrà bilanciato alle istanze di responsabilità riproduttiva. Nel Capitolo 5, ci si chiederà se i futuri genitori siano moralmente tenuti a potenziare il futuro figlio attraverso trattamenti genetici allo stadio embrionale, analizzando l’argomento del diritto al futuro aperto. Infine, nel Capitolo 6 si intende proporre una discussione che consideri non solo le conseguenze delle scelte procreative, ma anche la rilevanza morale delle intenzioni e degli atteggiamenti. Dopo aver difeso l’argomento della rilevanza della relazione genitore-generato nella valutazione morale delle scelte procreative nel contesto selettivo, si sosterrà che considerare le intenzioni e le attitudini faccia emergere delle ragioni per decidere di procreare ricorrendo alle tecniche di modifica genetica e di ectogenesi, riabilitando il modello di limitazione forte della libertà procreativa. In conclusione, si sosterrà che il continuo sviluppo delle tecniche di riproduzione medicalmente assistita potrà in futuro far emergere buone ragioni per sostenere un’effettiva estensione della responsabilità procreativa.
Ridefinire i confini della responsabilità procreativa alla luce del continuo sviluppo delle tecniche di riproduzione medicalmente assistita
Assisted reproductive technologies are generally understood as practices aimed at extending the procreative freedom of future parents. However, some bioethicists argue that they also bring out unprecedented moral obligations, in light of the growing control that parents have in the procreative context. Through the tools of bioethical-philosophical reflection, I want to analyze the concept of procreative responsibility in the light of the continuous development of assisted reproductive technologies, focusing in particular on those that will be available in the future. The thesis is composed of six chapters. The first two have an introductory function. In Chapter 1 I will present the reproductive techniques currently available and those that are likely to be in the future. I will provide an overview of what the current possibilities and limitations are and what the future prospects of such practices could be. In Chapter 2 I will offer an analysis of the concept of responsibility in the procreative context, proposing a distinction between parental, procreative, procreative-parenting and reproductive responsibility. From this, I will specify how responsibility in the procreative context should be understood in light of the complexity of human reproduction. The remaining chapters constitute the ethical-philosophical heart of the thesis. Here I will analyze the arguments proposed in the literature to assess whether or not there is an effective extension of procreative responsibility in the light of the new technological possibilities at the beginning of life and, from this, to propose original reflections on this issue. In Chapter 3 I will discuss and criticize the impersonal approaches to procreative choices, analyzing the principle of procreative beneficence. In Chapter 4 I will analyze person-affecting morality, conceiving it as a solid starting point for discussing the instances of procreative responsibility. I will argue that the availability of practices for the genetic modification for early embryos or fetuses brings out new moral reasons compared to selective techniques, such as pre-implantation and post-implantation genetic testing. In this regard, I will discuss two models of procreative-parental responsibility: the model of the bold restriction of procreative autonomy and that of the mild limitation of procreative autonomy and I will provide reasons in favor of the latter, which will be balanced against the instances of reproductive responsibility. In Chapter 5, I will assess whether future parents are morally required to enhance the future child through genetic treatments at the embryonic stage, analyzing the child’s right to an open future argument. Finally, in Chapter 6 I will propose a discussion on procreation that considers not only the consequences of procreative choices, but also the moral relevance of intentions and attitudes. After defending the argument of the relevance of the parent-child relationship in the moral evaluation of procreative choices in the selective context, I will argue that considering intentions and attitudes brings out reasons for deciding to procreate using genetic modification and ectogenesis techniques, rehabilitating the model of the bold restriction of procreative autonomy. In conclusion, I will argue that the continuous development of assisted reproductive technologies may in the future bring out good reasons to support an effective extension of procreative responsibility. This thesis is defensible both by considering the consequences of procreative choices from a person-affecting perspective, and by considering the moral relevance of intentions and attitudes in the procreative context.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 23/12/2023
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