Dialetheism is the view that there are true contradictions – i.e., both true and false sentences. It is a controversial thesis and represents a genuine metaphysical revolution. Also, it might be very fruitful from several points of view. It seems to bring some remarkable advantages. Among them, dialetheism can be considered a 'solution' to the whole family of the paradoxes of self-reference – such as the liar and Russell’s paradoxes. Or, it might address some actual inconsistent phenomena, such as the transitions states and the topological boundaries. Again, it allows the development of an entirely new approach to mathematics, known as inconsistent mathematics, of which very little has been explored by logicians and mathematicians until now. However, there are also significant disadvantages, and the possible success of dialetheism strictly relies on it being cost-effective – i.e. rationally preferable – compared to its competing theories. Thus, this work aims to help the assessment of dialetheism and to give a contribution to tipping the scales in favor or against such a view. The main problem with dialetheism is known as the exclusion problem. In short, the formal dialetheic semantics lacks any exclusive connective, but it is acknowledged that every logic aspiring to be correct must include at least one. Prof. Graham Priest, one of the fathers of dialetheism, has proposed to recover exclusivity at the pragmatic level – in terms of the propositional attitudes of belief and rejection (and their related speech acts of assertion and denial). He claims that these pairs of notions are exclusive (i.e., incompatible) and that do not allow new paradoxes to emerge, being they uniquely formalized as force operators. However, I think this is too far. For in chapter 2 I prove and discuss two paradoxes – the denial and the rejection paradoxes – that originate from the notions of rejection and denial embedded as predicates. To prove them, I use the formal logic DLEAC, which faithfully mimics Priest’s pragmatics. Therefore, these paradoxes undermine his solution to the exclusion problem and consequently weaken the alleged supremacy of dialetheism. Another good point of dialetheism is that it enables the development of new metaphysical theories to face some long-standing metaphysical problems. This is the case of gluon theory, that Priest devised to solve the unfamous problem known as the one and the many problem. Such a theory is the result of combining some more basic theories, namely: dialetheism, a non-well-founded mereology, and modal meinongianism. It seems to solve the problem for which it was conceived – by breaking the infinite vicious Bradley regress. However, in chapter 3 I show that from this theory we can prove a very problematic theorem, which informally states the inconsistency of every object – i.e., that every object has at least one contradictory property. Then, this result put pressure on the validity of gluon theory, as well as on dialetheism as the most directly involved of its components. Finally, in chapter 4 I sketch and discuss a possible outline for an inconsistent megethology. This can be thought of as an alternative foundation to inconsistent mathematics: by combining an inconsistent mereology and plural quantification, it aims at expressing naive set theory as D. Lewis’ megethology expresses ZFC set theory.
Il dialeteismo è la tesi metafisica secondo cui esistono di contraddizioni vere, dette dialeteie. È una posizione controversa che rompe rispetto alla quasi totalità della tradizione filosofica occidentale precedente, da sempre schierata in difesa del principio di non contraddizione. Da quando G. Priest e R. Routley l’hanno proposta, si è innescato un ampio dibattito filosofico che ha toccato diversi ambiti, dalla logica alle filosofie del linguaggio e della matematica. Il punto cruciale di tale disputa corrisponde alla domanda: il dialeteismo è realmente la scelta migliore che si possa fare dal punto di vista razionale? I dialeteisti rispondono positivamente, mostrandone alcuni notevoli benefici. Ma i suoi detrattori controbattono mostrando che il dialeteismo porta con sé anche notevoli svantaggi, ritenuti tanto dannosi da renderlo inaccettabile. Questo lavoro intende contribuire alla valutazione razionale di questa teoria, discutendone alcune conseguenze che non erano ancora emerse in letteratura. Il Capitolo 1 è introduttivo. In §1.1 viene definito il concetto di “preferibilità razionale” di una teoria e vengono introdotte le nozioni di base della belief-revision e della theory choice. La §1.2 presenta formalmente il dialeteismo e la logica dialeteica che Priest predilige, che rappresenta l’oggetto dell’analisi di questo lavoro. Le §§1.3-4 discutono i principali vantaggi e svantaggi di questa teoria individuati fino ad ora. Il Capitolo 2 si concentra sul cosiddetto “exclusion problem”, introdotto in §2.1. La logica dialeteica di Priest non possiede le risorse sufficienti per esprimere un connettivo logico esclusivo, e questo è comunemente ritenuto problematico dal momento che una tale connettivo sembra essere necessario per diverse operazioni linguistiche. Priest propone di recuperare l’esclusività a livello pragmatico, in termini degli atteggiamenti proposizionali di credenza/rigetto e dei corrispondenti atti linguistici di assserzione/diniego, assunti come incompatibili. Egli sostiene che queste coppie di nozioni, in quanto operatori pragmatici, non consentano l’emergere di ulteriori problemi, come i ‘paradossi della vendetta’. In §2.3 si mostra come, invece, questo non sia vero: è possibile formulare, sia informalmente che formalmente (utilizzando la logica DLEAC, introdotta in §2.2) due paradossi che indeboliscono la tenuta della logica dialeteica di Priest: il paradosso del rigetto e quello del diniego. In §2.4 vengono discusse alcune ipotetiche soluzioni a questi paradossi, che tuttavia, in ultima analisi, si dimostrano insoddisfacenti. Nell’appendice 2.5 vengono presentate alcune nuove dimostrazioni di alcuni teoremi rilevanti di DLEAC. Il Capitolo 3 non riguarda il dialeteismo direttamente, ma indirettamente, discutendo alcune conseguenze problematiche della teoria dei gluoni. Tale teoria, concepita da Priest a partire dalla sua posizione dialeteista, intende risolvere il problema metafisico noto come “the one and the many problem”, ed è costituita da diverse parti, introdotte nelle sezioni §§3.1-3: il noneismo, la mereologia non-well-founded e la logica plurale. La teoria dei gluoni è ampiamente discussa in §§3.4-5, mentre in §§3.6-7 si dimostrano due sue inattese conseguenze potenzialmente dannose: che ogni oggetto risulta inconsistente e che gli oggetti “nothing” e “everything” sono parti reciproche. La §3.8 discute la portata di queste conseguenze. Infine, il Capitolo 4 costituisce un primo parziale tentativo di costruzione di una meghetologia inconsistente. In §4.1 viene introdotta la meghetologia classica di D. Lewis. La §4.2 presenta la naive set theory, ovvero una versione inconsistente della teoria degli insiemi, ottenuta utilizzando la logica della rilevanza nota come DKQ. Infine, la §4.3 getta le basi per sviluppare una meghetologia inconsistente.
Gluoni, rifiuto epistemico e altre questioni dialeteiche: nuove prospettive
Dialetheism is the view that there are true contradictions – i.e., both true and false sentences. It is a controversial thesis and represents a genuine metaphysical revolution. Also, it might be very fruitful from several points of view. It seems to bring some remarkable advantages. Among them, dialetheism can be considered a 'solution' to the whole family of the paradoxes of self-reference – such as the liar and Russell’s paradoxes. Or, it might address some actual inconsistent phenomena, such as the transitions states and the topological boundaries. Again, it allows the development of an entirely new approach to mathematics, known as inconsistent mathematics, of which very little has been explored by logicians and mathematicians until now. However, there are also significant disadvantages, and the possible success of dialetheism strictly relies on it being cost-effective – i.e. rationally preferable – compared to its competing theories. Thus, this work aims to help the assessment of dialetheism and to give a contribution to tipping the scales in favor or against such a view. The main problem with dialetheism is known as the exclusion problem. In short, the formal dialetheic semantics lacks any exclusive connective, but it is acknowledged that every logic aspiring to be correct must include at least one. Prof. Graham Priest, one of the fathers of dialetheism, has proposed to recover exclusivity at the pragmatic level – in terms of the propositional attitudes of belief and rejection (and their related speech acts of assertion and denial). He claims that these pairs of notions are exclusive (i.e., incompatible) and that do not allow new paradoxes to emerge, being they uniquely formalized as force operators. However, I think this is too far. For in chapter 2 I prove and discuss two paradoxes – the denial and the rejection paradoxes – that originate from the notions of rejection and denial embedded as predicates. To prove them, I use the formal logic DLEAC, which faithfully mimics Priest’s pragmatics. Therefore, these paradoxes undermine his solution to the exclusion problem and consequently weaken the alleged supremacy of dialetheism. Another good point of dialetheism is that it enables the development of new metaphysical theories to face some long-standing metaphysical problems. This is the case of gluon theory, that Priest devised to solve the unfamous problem known as the one and the many problem. Such a theory is the result of combining some more basic theories, namely: dialetheism, a non-well-founded mereology, and modal meinongianism. It seems to solve the problem for which it was conceived – by breaking the infinite vicious Bradley regress. However, in chapter 3 I show that from this theory we can prove a very problematic theorem, which informally states the inconsistency of every object – i.e., that every object has at least one contradictory property. Then, this result put pressure on the validity of gluon theory, as well as on dialetheism as the most directly involved of its components. Finally, in chapter 4 I sketch and discuss a possible outline for an inconsistent megethology. This can be thought of as an alternative foundation to inconsistent mathematics: by combining an inconsistent mereology and plural quantification, it aims at expressing naive set theory as D. Lewis’ megethology expresses ZFC set theory.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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