The object of this thesis is article 323 of the Italian penal code (Abuso d’ufficio), which, after the reform approved in 2020, sanctions the public agent who, in carrying out his/her functions, violates a law being specific and binding or fails to abstain in presence of conflict of interests and intentionally obtains an undue patrimonial advantage for himself, attributes an undue patrimonial advantage to others or causes an unjust damage to others. The provision of article 323 c.p. has always – since its introduction in 1889 – been controversial. The principal reason is that the legislator, sanctioning the wrongful use of public power, allows Prosecutors and Judges to syndicate how administrative discretion has been used and therefore puts the principle of separation of powers at risk; the other reason why article 323 c.p. has been discussed over times is that its previous formulations were considered vague. The thesis is divided in two sections. In the first section, around 500 judgements of the Italian Supreme Court are analysed from a double perspective: criminological, to understand the role of public officials who normally commit abuse of office, the sector in which they operate, the objective they pursue (attribute ad advantage to others, obtain an advantage for themselves, cause a damage to others); and legal, to understand the interpretative problems and the practical difficulties that the disposition poses when it has to be applied. The first part of the present work has the scope to help lawyers and Courts to apply the disposition correctly and equally. The second section of the thesis is about recent proposals to amend the disposition, a ruling by the Constitutional court defining the limit of a possible legislative intervention on art. 323 and the effectiveness of non-criminal instruments in the repression of Abuso d’ufficio. The scope of this second section is to understand whether the provision in force after 2020 reform is necessary and sufficient to sanctions all the behaviours (and only the behaviours) which can be considered serious and that do not fall within the scope of application of different provisions, and, if necessary, formulate a proposal for the reformulation of art. 323 c.p.
Il presente lavoro di ricerca è dedicato all’analisi dell’art. 323 c.p. (Abuso d’ufficio), riformulato nel 2020 ad opera del c.d. “decreto semplificazioni” e da sempre oggetto di dubbi interpretativi e financo di discussioni in ordine all’opportunità del suo mantenimento all’interno del sistema dei delitti contro la Pubblica Amministrazione. La disposizione è, come noto, controversa in quanto, sanzionando il cattivo esercizio del potere pubblico da parte di pubblici ufficiali e incaricati di pubblico servizio, essa consente l’intromissione di pubblici ministeri e giudici sul terreno scivoloso della discrezionalità amministrativa, creando così un rischio di compromissione del principio della separazione dei poteri. La tesi è divisa in due parti. La prima è dedicata all’analisi di circa 500 sentenze emesse dalla Corte di cassazione dal 1997 ad oggi e massimate, studiate in una duplice prospettiva: criminologica, onde individuare le categorie di pubblici ufficiali all’interno delle quali rientrano i tipici autori di abuso d’ufficio, i settori in cui operano e gli obiettivi che perseguono; e giuridica, onde cogliere le sfumature interpretative e le difficoltà pratico-applicative che hanno interessato la disposizione. L’obiettivo della prima parte del lavoro è quello di fornire all’operatore del diritto uno strumento utile per risolvere uniformemente i dubbi che sorgono al momento dell’applicazione della disposizione, onde garantire un’interpretazione eguale e prevedibile della legge penale. La seconda parte di questo lavoro è dedicata all’analisi di alcuni recenti Disegni di Legge di riforma dell’art. 323 c.p. e di una pronuncia della Corte costituzionale del 2022, con la quale la Corte delinea i limiti di un possibile intervento riformatore. Inoltre, prendiamo in esame gli strumenti extra-penali, domandandoci se essi siano in grado di offrire adeguata tutela ai fatti oggi ricompresi all’interno dell’ambito applicativo dell’art. 323 c.p. Questa seconda parte del lavoro si pone in una prospettiva de iure condendo: il nostro scopo è comprendere se l’art. 323 c.p. sanzioni oggi tutti e soltanto i fatti meritevoli di sanzione penale insuscettibili di integrare diverse disposizioni di legge, e quindi di verificare se la previsione di questa disposizione di chiusura dei delitti contro la P.A. sia necessaria e se non lasci – al contrario – impuniti comportamenti gravi e pericolosi per il buon andamento della P.A. e per i diritti fondamentali dei privati.
The object of this thesis is article 323 of the Italian penal code (Abuso d’ufficio), which, after the reform approved in 2020, sanctions the public agent who, in carrying out his/her functions, violates a law being specific and binding or fails to abstain in presence of conflict of interests and intentionally obtains an undue patrimonial advantage for himself, attributes an undue patrimonial advantage to others or causes an unjust damage to others. The provision of article 323 c.p. has always – since its introduction in 1889 – been controversial. The principal reason is that the legislator, sanctioning the wrongful use of public power, allows Prosecutors and Judges to syndicate how administrative discretion has been used and therefore puts the principle of separation of powers at risk; the other reason why article 323 c.p. has been discussed over times is that its previous formulations were considered vague. The thesis is divided in two sections. In the first section, around 500 judgements of the Italian Supreme Court are analysed from a double perspective: criminological, to understand the role of public officials who normally commit abuse of office, the sector in which they operate, the objective they pursue (attribute ad advantage to others, obtain an advantage for themselves, cause a damage to others); and legal, to understand the interpretative problems and the practical difficulties that the disposition poses when it has to be applied. The first part of the present work has the scope to help lawyers and Courts to apply the disposition correctly and equally. The second section of the thesis is about recent proposals to amend the disposition, a ruling by the Constitutional court defining the limit of a possible legislative intervention on art. 323 and the effectiveness of non-criminal instruments in the repression of Abuso d’ufficio. The scope of this second section is to understand whether the provision in force after 2020 reform is necessary and sufficient to sanctions all the behaviours (and only the behaviours) which can be considered serious and that do not fall within the scope of application of different provisions, and, if necessary, formulate a proposal for the reformulation of art. 323 c.p.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 03/04/2026
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