International contracts frequently adopt clauses on contractual invalidity: waiver of avoidance clauses and severability and inseverability clauses. This work focuses on the issue of validity of such covenants under Italian law, together with some additional profiles. The first chapter analysis the origin of these agreements: tailor-made international contracts and standard contracts, intended to regulate a plurality of identical relationships. Parties to contracts of the first type need their agreement to be stable and, therefore, they are willing to waive remedies that may cause its avoidance. This explains the provision of clauses that exclude claims for avoidance. In standard contracts, on the other hand, the predisposing party feels the need to bargain on uniform terms to decrease transaction costs. To do so, it is necessary to reduce interferences of the applicable law. The adoption of severability and inseverability clauses predetermine the extension of a clause’s invalidity and serves this purpose. The second chapter focuses on the waiver of avoidance clause. Scholars deem the clause invalid, as Article 1462 Civil Code prohibits waiver of the objection of avoidance and Article 1444 Civil Code prevents prior confirmation. However, it is maintained that these arguments apply only to the waiver of the objection of avoidance, but not to the waiver of the claim for avoidance. Next, we argue in favour of the clause’s validity as to avoidance for mistake, based on the possibility of excluding the warranty for lack of quality of the goods purchased. Lastly, agreements to waive a claim for avoidance on the ground of fraud, threat and incapacity are deemed null and void under Article 1322(2) of the Civil Code. The same tends to apply as far as conflict of interests is concerned. The clause is unfair and, therefore, invalid when adopted in consumer contracts. The third chapter focuses on severability and inseverability clauses. These terms are void as they infringe the mandatory rule of Art. 1419 of the Civil Code. However, they must be considered to verify whether other possible void terms, included in the same agreement, are essential under Art. 1419(1) of the Civil Code. Next, automatic adjustment or renegotiation mechanisms provided for by the parties are analysed. Finally, the thesis verifies the influence that these clauses can have on a possible judgement as to the determinative nature of fraud under Article 1439 Civil Code or the seriousness of the non-performance pursuant to Art. 1455 of the Civil Code. It is concluded that severability and inseverability clauses will make it more difficult – or easier - for the aggrieved party to prove the fundamental nature of the breach or to show that, should the fraud did not occur, it would have nonetheless signed the agreement. We then examine the interference between these covenants and termination clauses or exclusive remedy clauses.
La tesi nasce dalla constatazione che la contrattualistica internazionale adotta frequentemente clausole sull’invalidità contrattuale: clausole di rinuncia all’azione di annullamento e clausole di scindibilità o inscindibilità (severability e inseverability clauses). Il lavoro analizza la validità di tali patti in diritto italiano, congiuntamente ad alcuni profili ulteriori. Il primo capitolo è dedicato allo studio dell’origine di queste pattuizioni: contratti internazionali tailormade e contratti standard, destinati a regolare una pluralità di rapporti in serie. I primi sono caratterizzati dal bisogno di stabilità del vincolo negoziale, che porta i contraenti a escludere i rimedi ablativi. Si spiega, dunque, la previsione di clausole che escludono l’azione di annullamento del contratto. Nei contratti standard, invece, il predisponente avverte la necessità di contrattare a condizioni uniformi, per abbattere i costi di transazione. Per farlo, è necessario ridurre le interferenze della legge applicabile. L’adozione di patti che predeterminano l’incidenza sul resto dell’accordo dell’eventuale nullità di una clausola è funzionale a questo scopo. Il secondo capitolo analizza la clausola di rinuncia all’azione di annullamento. Si esaminano i principali ostacoli alla sua validità: il divieto di rinuncia all’eccezione di annullabilità ex art. 1462 c.c. e l’impossibilità ex art. 1444 c.c. di operare una convalida preventiva. Si conclude che tali obiezioni valgono per la rinuncia all’eccezione di annullabilità, ma non per la rinuncia all’azione di annullamento. Successivamente, si individuano alcuni indici favorevoli alla rinunciabilità dell’azione di annullamento per errore, come la possibilità di escludere convenzionalmente la garanzia per mancanza di qualità della cosa compravenduta. Da ultimo, si ravvisa un limite di validità nel giudizio di meritevolezza ex art. 1322, comma 2, c.c., che porta alla nullità dei patti di rinuncia all’azione di annullamento per dolo, violenza, incapacità naturale, legale e, in alcuni casi, per conflitto di interessi. Inoltre, la clausola non è ammissibile nel contesto dei contratti con i consumatori. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato ai patti sulla nullità parziale: severability e inseverability clauses. Si dimostra che essi sono nulli per contrasto con la norma imperativa dell’art. 1419 c.c. Tuttavia, queste clausole devono essere valorizzate nel giudizio ex art. 1419, comma 1, c.c., per comprendere se la pattuizione nulla, contenuta nel medesimo accordo, sia essenziale. Successivamente, si analizzano gli eventuali meccanismi di adeguamento automatico o rinegoziazione previsti dai contraenti. Da ultimo, ci si sofferma sull’influenza che queste clausole esercitano nel contesto di un eventuale giudizio circa la natura determinante del dolo o la gravità dell’inadempimento ex art. 1455 c.c. Si conclude che le clausole di scindibilità e inscindibilità aggravano o alleviano l’onere della prova di cui sono onerati il creditore che agisca in risoluzione o la vittima dell’inganno della controparte. Si esamina poi l’interferenza tra i patti sulla nullità parziale e le clausole che attribuiscano a una pattuizione del contratto un’importanza opposta a quella discendente dalla severability o inseverability clause, come le clausole risolutive espresse o i patti di irresolubilità.
International contracts frequently adopt clauses on contractual invalidity: waiver of avoidance clauses and severability and inseverability clauses. This work focuses on the issue of validity of such covenants under Italian law, together with some additional profiles. The first chapter analysis the origin of these agreements: tailor-made international contracts and standard contracts, intended to regulate a plurality of identical relationships. Parties to contracts of the first type need their agreement to be stable and, therefore, they are willing to waive remedies that may cause its avoidance. This explains the provision of clauses that exclude claims for avoidance. In standard contracts, on the other hand, the predisposing party feels the need to bargain on uniform terms to decrease transaction costs. To do so, it is necessary to reduce interferences of the applicable law. The adoption of severability and inseverability clauses predetermine the extension of a clause’s invalidity and serves this purpose. The second chapter focuses on the waiver of avoidance clause. Scholars deem the clause invalid, as Article 1462 Civil Code prohibits waiver of the objection of avoidance and Article 1444 Civil Code prevents prior confirmation. However, it is maintained that these arguments apply only to the waiver of the objection of avoidance, but not to the waiver of the claim for avoidance. Next, we argue in favour of the clause’s validity as to avoidance for mistake, based on the possibility of excluding the warranty for lack of quality of the goods purchased. Lastly, agreements to waive a claim for avoidance on the ground of fraud, threat and incapacity are deemed null and void under Article 1322(2) of the Civil Code. The same tends to apply as far as conflict of interests is concerned. The clause is unfair and, therefore, invalid when adopted in consumer contracts. The third chapter focuses on severability and inseverability clauses. These terms are void as they infringe the mandatory rule of Art. 1419 of the Civil Code. However, they must be considered to verify whether other possible void terms, included in the same agreement, are essential under Art. 1419(1) of the Civil Code. Next, automatic adjustment or renegotiation mechanisms provided for by the parties are analysed. Finally, the thesis verifies the influence that these clauses can have on a possible judgement as to the determinative nature of fraud under Article 1439 Civil Code or the seriousness of the non-performance pursuant to Art. 1455 of the Civil Code. It is concluded that severability and inseverability clauses will make it more difficult – or easier - for the aggrieved party to prove the fundamental nature of the breach or to show that, should the fraud did not occur, it would have nonetheless signed the agreement. We then examine the interference between these covenants and termination clauses or exclusive remedy clauses.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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