Sundarbans is the largest contiguous mangrove forest of the world, spanning between Bangladesh and India. Sundarbans is considered a hotspot for biodiversity conservation and an important provider of a wide range of ecosystem services for millions of people. However, the areas and density of Bangladesh and Indian Sundarbans are decreasing due to anthropogenic activities and climate change-related factors. The sea-level rise (SLR) in Sundarbans regions is higher than the global rate. Therefore, many assumptions that the SLR will impact the Sundarbans significantly. The anthropogenic disturbances are because most people are unaware of the significance of Sundarbans ecosystem services and their effects on human life. However, insufficient studies have been undertaken in Sundarbans to track and discuss the numerous causes of land use and land cover (LULC) change and its impact on ecosystem services. The present study first evaluated the importance of Sundarbans by economic and livelihood valuation of ecosystem services. After that, the land cover changes were detected from 1975 to 2020. Finally, the study projected the inundation and impacted land cover areas of Sundarbans due to SLR by the end of the twenty-first century. The economic and livelihood values of Sundarbans ecosystem services are estimated based on a meta-analysis. LULC changes (1975 to 2020) and potential inundation and impacts due to SLR by the end of the twenty-first century are detected through a geospatial approach. The findings of economic and livelihood valuation of ecosystem services indicate that the number of ecosystem services valuation studies of Sundarbans is scanty, and it has gradually increased over time, focusing mainly on the estimation of provisioning ecosystem services. However, the early studies have been focused on the estimation of regulating and maintenance, and cultural ecosystem services. The number of studies on ecosystem services found was higher for the Bangladesh part of Sundarbans than the Indian one. The estimated economic values of Sundarbans provisioning, regulating and maintenance, and cultural ecosystem services were US $ 713.30 ha-1yr-1, US $ 2584.46 ha-1yr-1, and US $ 151.88 ha-1yr-1, respectively. Except for cultural ecosystem services, the identified values for ecosystem services were higher for Bangladesh Sundarbans compared to Indian ones. The results of the meta-regression model showed that the estimated economic and livelihood value of ecosystem services is affected by the type of ecosystem services, valuation methods, study area, and other socio-economic factors. The findings of the LULC study show that the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of the classified images ranged from 84.8% to 90.0% and 0.81 to 0.87, respectively. Results depict forest at its highest cover in 1975 and then decreasing by an estimated annual rate of 1.3% from 1975 to 2020, but not consistently. The dense forest cover decreased from 1975 to 1990 and 2005 to 2020 with an annual rate of 2.75% and 2.25%, respectively. However, the dense forest increased by giving a yearly rate of 0.40% from 1990 to 2005. Moderate and sparse forests increased from 1975 to 2020, but these two types of forests decreased from 1990 to 2005. The increasing annual rates of moderate-dense and sparse forest were greater than the dense forest from 1975 to 2020, which indicates the dense forest class mostly turned moderate and sparse; most of the sparse forest class turned to barren land. Most of the barren lands were located near the boundary between forest and human settlement, and these two classes were more frequent in the Indian part of Sundarbans than in the Bangladesh part.
La Sundarbans è la più grande foresta di mangrovie contigua del mondo; si estende tra il Bangladesh e l'India. E’ considerata un hotspot per la conservazione della biodiversità e un importante fonte di un'ampia gamma di servizi ecosistemici per milioni di persone. Tuttavia, le aree e la densità delle Sundarbans del Bangladesh e dell'India stanno diminuendo a causa delle attività antropiche e dei fattori legati al cambiamento climatico. L'innalzamento del livello del mare (sea level rise, SLR) in questa regione ha un impatto maggiore rispetto alla media. I disturbi antropici sono dovuti al fatto che la maggior parte delle persone non è consapevole dell'importanza dei servizi ecosistemici delle Sundarbans e dei loro effetti sulla vita umana. Nonostante questo, non sono stati intrapresi studi sufficienti per identificare e discutere le numerose cause del cambiamento di uso e copertura del suolo (land use land cover - LULC) e il suo impatto sui servizi ecosistemici. Il presente studio ha innanzitutto valutato l'importanza delle Sundarbans attraverso la valutazione economica e dei mezzi di sussistenza dei servizi ecosistemici. Successivamente, sono stati rilevati i cambiamenti della copertura del suolo dal 1975 al 2020. Infine, lo studio ha proiettato le aree inondate e i cambiamenti della copertura del suolo nella Sundarbans dovuti alla SLR entro la fine del XXI secolo. I valori economici e di sussistenza dei servizi ecosistemici della Sundarbans sono stati stimati sulla base di una meta-analisi. I cambiamenti LULC (dal 1975 al 2020) e la potenziale inondazione e gli impatti dovuti allo SLR entro la fine del XXI secolo sono stati rilevati attraverso un approccio geospaziale. I risultati della valutazione economica e dei mezzi di sussistenza dei servizi ecosistemici indicano che il numero di studi di valutazione dei servizi ecosistemici delle Sundarbans è scarso e che è gradualmente aumentato nel tempo, concentrandosi principalmente sulla stima dei servizi ecosistemici di approvvigionamento. Tuttavia, i primi studi si sono concentrati sulla stima dei servizi ecosistemici di regolazione e mantenimento e di quelli culturali. Il numero di studi sui servizi ecosistemici è maggiore per la parte delle Sundarbans del Bangladesh rispetto a quella indiana. I valori economici stimati dei servizi ecosistemici di approvvigionamento, regolazione e mantenimento e culturali delle Sundarbans sono stati rispettivamente di 713,30 dollari USA ha-1a-1, 2584,46 dollari USA ha-1a-1 e 151,88 dollari USA ha-1a-1. Ad eccezione dei servizi ecosistemici culturali, i valori identificati per i servizi ecosistemici erano più alti per le Sundarbans del Bangladesh rispetto a quelle indiane. I risultati del modello di meta-regressione hanno mostrato che il valore economico e di sussistenza stimato dei servizi ecosistemici è influenzato dal tipo di servizi ecosistemici, dai metodi di valutazione, dall'area di studio e da altri fattori socio-economici. I risultati dello studio LULC mostrano che l'accuratezza complessiva e il coefficiente kappa delle immagini classificate variano rispettivamente dall'84,8% al 90,0% e da 0,81 a 0,87. I risultati mostrano una copertura forestale massima nel 1975, che poi diminuisce ad un tasso annuo stimato dell'1,3% dal 1975 al 2020, ma non in modo costante. La copertura forestale densa è diminuita dal 1975 al 1990 e dal 2005 al 2020 con un tasso annuale del 2,75% e del 2,25%, rispettivamente. Le foreste moderatamente dense e rade sono aumentate dal 1975 al 2020, ma la copertura di queste due classi è diminuita dal 1990 al 2005. I tassi annuali di crescita delle foreste moderate e rade sono stati superiori a quelli delle foreste dense dal 1975 al 2020, il che indica che la classe delle foreste dense è diventata per lo più moderata e rada; la maggior parte della classe delle foreste rade si è trasformata in terreni aridi.
Analisi delle dinamiche di cambiamento della foresta di mangrovie attraverso telerilevamento e strumenti geospaziali per comprendere l'impatto sui servizi ecosistemici
Sundarbans is the largest contiguous mangrove forest of the world, spanning between Bangladesh and India. Sundarbans is considered a hotspot for biodiversity conservation and an important provider of a wide range of ecosystem services for millions of people. However, the areas and density of Bangladesh and Indian Sundarbans are decreasing due to anthropogenic activities and climate change-related factors. The sea-level rise (SLR) in Sundarbans regions is higher than the global rate. Therefore, many assumptions that the SLR will impact the Sundarbans significantly. The anthropogenic disturbances are because most people are unaware of the significance of Sundarbans ecosystem services and their effects on human life. However, insufficient studies have been undertaken in Sundarbans to track and discuss the numerous causes of land use and land cover (LULC) change and its impact on ecosystem services. The present study first evaluated the importance of Sundarbans by economic and livelihood valuation of ecosystem services. After that, the land cover changes were detected from 1975 to 2020. Finally, the study projected the inundation and impacted land cover areas of Sundarbans due to SLR by the end of the twenty-first century. The economic and livelihood values of Sundarbans ecosystem services are estimated based on a meta-analysis. LULC changes (1975 to 2020) and potential inundation and impacts due to SLR by the end of the twenty-first century are detected through a geospatial approach. The findings of economic and livelihood valuation of ecosystem services indicate that the number of ecosystem services valuation studies of Sundarbans is scanty, and it has gradually increased over time, focusing mainly on the estimation of provisioning ecosystem services. However, the early studies have been focused on the estimation of regulating and maintenance, and cultural ecosystem services. The number of studies on ecosystem services found was higher for the Bangladesh part of Sundarbans than the Indian one. The estimated economic values of Sundarbans provisioning, regulating and maintenance, and cultural ecosystem services were US $ 713.30 ha-1yr-1, US $ 2584.46 ha-1yr-1, and US $ 151.88 ha-1yr-1, respectively. Except for cultural ecosystem services, the identified values for ecosystem services were higher for Bangladesh Sundarbans compared to Indian ones. The results of the meta-regression model showed that the estimated economic and livelihood value of ecosystem services is affected by the type of ecosystem services, valuation methods, study area, and other socio-economic factors. The findings of the LULC study show that the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of the classified images ranged from 84.8% to 90.0% and 0.81 to 0.87, respectively. Results depict forest at its highest cover in 1975 and then decreasing by an estimated annual rate of 1.3% from 1975 to 2020, but not consistently. The dense forest cover decreased from 1975 to 1990 and 2005 to 2020 with an annual rate of 2.75% and 2.25%, respectively. However, the dense forest increased by giving a yearly rate of 0.40% from 1990 to 2005. Moderate and sparse forests increased from 1975 to 2020, but these two types of forests decreased from 1990 to 2005. The increasing annual rates of moderate-dense and sparse forest were greater than the dense forest from 1975 to 2020, which indicates the dense forest class mostly turned moderate and sparse; most of the sparse forest class turned to barren land. Most of the barren lands were located near the boundary between forest and human settlement, and these two classes were more frequent in the Indian part of Sundarbans than in the Bangladesh part.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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