The concept of Resilience, initially introduced in the scientific literature in the context of ecology as a way to understand the nonlinear dynamics observed in ecosystems, has evolved following independent paths in various disciplines and is today closely related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The impact of natural and technological disasters is potentially greater in urban areas, where the high population density increases the seriousness of the socio-economic consequences due to the interruption of essential services. In the city context it is therefore necessary to strengthen the resilience characteristics, in order to increase the system capacity to absorb disturbance and change, reorganize and preserve basic structures and essential services to cope with natural disasters. The construction industry is traditionally associated with the reconstruction phase. However, today there is a growing awareness of how different professionals of the built environment play a crucial role in anticipating, evaluating and preparing response and post-disaster recovery.The built heritage holds in fact an increasingly important role in defining and increasing the urban disasters resilience. In particular, the historical Italian cities are a significant example of urban organism, able to evolve and adapt to the seismic events that have characterized the history of the country.The research work focuses on defining the role of the built heritage in the constitution of urban resilience by analyzing the correlation between masonry construction technique, morphology and seismic vulnerability of historical buildings in the urban system. The goal of the research is to provide indications and strategies to integrate the concept of urban resilience in daily logic of Land Management, which nowadays must address the issues of risk and safety as a matter of fundamental input, overcoming the limits of disciplinary specialization called in to face the damage already manifest. In particular, the proposed approach is aimed to integrate the phase of preventive planning, demonstrating that it is possible to develop ex-ante appropriate knowledge processes and analysis on the built environment, useful to face so- called “residual risk” and to address decision-making and design choices of the professionals involved in post-disaster reconstruction.From the analysis of the reconstructions processes carried out in the last century in Italy and the reconstruction plans developed so far, it is possible to identify some key elements that constitute a shared knowledge base for preventive planning. The settlement is vulnerable as a system, so there is need for a multi-scale approach to develop strategies and guidelines for both the “prevention” and “reconstruction” phases. From this point of view, to plan entails establishing an order of priority in which activities will take place. Through the analysis of case studies of Italian historical centers, the proposed methodology identifies preparedness strategies to the crisis by systematizing analysis on the material data of the built heritage (vulnerability analysis, character of construction and evolutionary phases of the aggregates), with urban analysis, through a matrix approach aimed at identifying priorities for action in the historic city. The chosen case studies are the historic cities of Rieti (Lazio) and San Gemini (TR – Umbria), both located in an area with upper-middle seismic hazard (zone 2) and representing a significant proportion of Italian municipalities in terms of size and population. The research results show how the morphological features of the urban fabric and the aggregation characteristics assume significant influence on the performance of the built heritage, and how these contributions must be deepened and integrated into the current evaluation of seismic vulnerability, with a view to Land Management. The analysis on the data of the built heritage material has allowed to highlight and understand the relationship between the changes that took place on the built environment and the relative seismic vulnerability, increasing the knowledge of the current configuration of the historic city. In addition, the simulations performed with the mechanical model 3Muri, allowed the validation of two observational and typological parameters of the expeditious assessment tool used in the analysis of vulnerability. The results confirmed the relevance of geometric features of the historical aggregates on the seismic behavior. Overall, the research work aims to contribute to the implementation of the body of knowledge on the behavior of aggregated construction of the historic cities, representing a scientific basis to support the principles and guidelines of intervention for improving the performance of existing buildings, aware that action on built heritage cannot operate only on individual buildings out of their own context..
Il concetto di Resilienza, inizialmente introdotto nella letteratura scientifica in ambito ecologico come un modo per comprendere le dinamiche non lineari osservate negli ecosistemi, si è evoluto seguendo percorsi generalmente indipendenti in varie discipline ed è ad oggi strettamente legato al Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). L’impatto di disastri naturali e tecnologici risulta potenzialmente maggiore sulle aree urbane, dove l’elevata densità abitativa incrementa la gravità delle ripercussioni socio-economiche dovute all’interruzione dei servizi essenziali. Nel contesto delle città occorre pertanto potenziare le caratteristiche di resilienza, in modo da incrementare le capacità del sistema di assorbire i disturbi e di cambiare, riorganizzare e conservare le strutture di base ed i servizi essenziali a fronte di eventi calamitosi. Il settore delle costruzioni è tradizionalmente associato alle fasi di ricostruzione. Tuttavia, ad oggi vi è una crescente consapevolezza di come i diversi professionisti operanti sull’ambiente costruito abbiano un ruolo cruciale anche nell’anticipare, valutare e preparare la reazione e il recupero post disastro. Il patrimonio costruito riveste infatti un ruolo sempre più importante nella definizione e nell’incremento della resilienza urbana ai disastri. In particolare, le città storiche italiane rappresentano un significativo esempio di organismo urbano capace di evolversi ed adattarsi agli eventi sismici che hanno caratterizzato la storia del paese. Il lavoro di ricerca si concentra sulla definizione del ruolo del patrimonio costruito nella costituzione della resilienza urbana, analizzando la stretta correlazione tra tecnica costruttiva muraria, morfologia e vulnerabilità sismica del costruito storico nel sistema urbano. L’obiettivo della ricerca è quello di costruire indirizzi e strategie per integrare il concetto di resilienza urbana nella logica quotidiana della gestione del territorio, che ormai deve affrontare le tematiche di rischio e sicurezza come dato di input fondamentale, superando i limiti degli specialismi chiamati in causa a fronte di danni ormai manifesti. In particolare, l’approccio proposto è mirato ad integrare la fase di pianificazione preventiva, dimostrando che è possibile avviare ex-ante opportuni processi di conoscenza e analisi sull’ambiente costruito, utili a fronteggiare quello che viene definito “rischio residuale” e ad indirizzare le scelte decisionali e progettuali dei professionisti coinvolti nella ricostruzione post-disastro. Dall’analisi delle ricostruzioni dell’ultimo secolo in Italia e dei piani di ricostruzione finora elaborati è possibile identificare alcuni elementi fondamentali che costituiscono una base conoscitiva condivisa su cui strutturare la pianificazione preventiva. L’insediamento urbano è vulnerabile in quanto sistema, pertanto vi è bisogno di un approccio multiscalare per definire strategie e indirizzi da seguire nelle fasi denominate convenzionalmente prevenzione e ricostruzione. Da questo punto di vista, pianificare include stabilire un ordine di priorità col quale si svolgeranno le attività. Attraverso l’analisi su casi studio di centri storici italiani, la metodologia proposta individua strategie di preparazione alla crisi mettendo a sistema il dato materiale del costruito (analisi di vulnerabilità, caratteri del costruito e fasi evolutive degli aggregati), con analisi di tipo urbanistico/sistemico, attraverso un approccio matriciale volto all’individuazione di priorità di intervento nella città storica. I casi studio scelti sono le città storiche di Rieti (Lazio) e San Gemini (TR – Umbria, entrambe collocate in una zona con pericolosità sismica medio alta (zona 2) e rappresentative di una percentuale significativa dei comuni italiani in quanto a dimensione e popolazione insediata. I risultati della ricerca evidenziano come i caratteri morfologici dei tessuti urbani ed i caratteri di aggregazione assumano una rilevanza sulle prestazioni del costruito, e come in un’ottica di gestione del territorio tali apporti vadano approfonditi ed integrati nelle attuali valutazioni della vulnerabilità sismica. L’analisi sul dato materiale del patrimonio costruito ha permesso di evidenziare e comprendere il rapporto esistente tra le modificazioni avvenute sull’edificato e la relativa vulnerabilità sismica, contribuendo ad accrescere la conoscenza della configurazione attuale della città storica. Inoltre, la verifica tramite modellazione meccanica con il software 3Muri di due parametri osservazionali e tipologici della valutazione speditiva utilizzata nell’analisi di vulnerabilità, ha permesso la validazione e la descrizione quantitativa degli apporti geometrici sugli aggregati storici. Più generale il lavoro di ricerca mira a contribuire all’implementazione di un corpo di conoscenza relativo al comportamento del costruito in aggregato delle città storiche, che rappresenti una base scientifica su cui fondare principi e linee guida di intervento per il miglioramento delle performance del costruito esistente, ponendosi nell’ottica, di una ragionata modalità di azione sull’edificato in aggregato che non può interessarsi solo del singolo intervento edilizio prescindendo dal contesto costruito in cui si inserisce.
Resilienza urbana ai disastri. Il ruolo del patrimonio costruito. Urban disaster resilience. The role of the built heritage
D'Amico, Alessandro
The concept of Resilience, initially introduced in the scientific literature in the context of ecology as a way to understand the nonlinear dynamics observed in ecosystems, has evolved following independent paths in various disciplines and is today closely related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The impact of natural and technological disasters is potentially greater in urban areas, where the high population density increases the seriousness of the socio-economic consequences due to the interruption of essential services. In the city context it is therefore necessary to strengthen the resilience characteristics, in order to increase the system capacity to absorb disturbance and change, reorganize and preserve basic structures and essential services to cope with natural disasters. The construction industry is traditionally associated with the reconstruction phase. However, today there is a growing awareness of how different professionals of the built environment play a crucial role in anticipating, evaluating and preparing response and post-disaster recovery.The built heritage holds in fact an increasingly important role in defining and increasing the urban disasters resilience. In particular, the historical Italian cities are a significant example of urban organism, able to evolve and adapt to the seismic events that have characterized the history of the country.The research work focuses on defining the role of the built heritage in the constitution of urban resilience by analyzing the correlation between masonry construction technique, morphology and seismic vulnerability of historical buildings in the urban system. The goal of the research is to provide indications and strategies to integrate the concept of urban resilience in daily logic of Land Management, which nowadays must address the issues of risk and safety as a matter of fundamental input, overcoming the limits of disciplinary specialization called in to face the damage already manifest. In particular, the proposed approach is aimed to integrate the phase of preventive planning, demonstrating that it is possible to develop ex-ante appropriate knowledge processes and analysis on the built environment, useful to face so- called “residual risk” and to address decision-making and design choices of the professionals involved in post-disaster reconstruction.From the analysis of the reconstructions processes carried out in the last century in Italy and the reconstruction plans developed so far, it is possible to identify some key elements that constitute a shared knowledge base for preventive planning. The settlement is vulnerable as a system, so there is need for a multi-scale approach to develop strategies and guidelines for both the “prevention” and “reconstruction” phases. From this point of view, to plan entails establishing an order of priority in which activities will take place. Through the analysis of case studies of Italian historical centers, the proposed methodology identifies preparedness strategies to the crisis by systematizing analysis on the material data of the built heritage (vulnerability analysis, character of construction and evolutionary phases of the aggregates), with urban analysis, through a matrix approach aimed at identifying priorities for action in the historic city. The chosen case studies are the historic cities of Rieti (Lazio) and San Gemini (TR – Umbria), both located in an area with upper-middle seismic hazard (zone 2) and representing a significant proportion of Italian municipalities in terms of size and population. The research results show how the morphological features of the urban fabric and the aggregation characteristics assume significant influence on the performance of the built heritage, and how these contributions must be deepened and integrated into the current evaluation of seismic vulnerability, with a view to Land Management. The analysis on the data of the built heritage material has allowed to highlight and understand the relationship between the changes that took place on the built environment and the relative seismic vulnerability, increasing the knowledge of the current configuration of the historic city. In addition, the simulations performed with the mechanical model 3Muri, allowed the validation of two observational and typological parameters of the expeditious assessment tool used in the analysis of vulnerability. The results confirmed the relevance of geometric features of the historical aggregates on the seismic behavior. Overall, the research work aims to contribute to the implementation of the body of knowledge on the behavior of aggregated construction of the historic cities, representing a scientific basis to support the principles and guidelines of intervention for improving the performance of existing buildings, aware that action on built heritage cannot operate only on individual buildings out of their own context..File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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