In recent years, the fight against climate change has gained momentum, leading to a rise in environmental protests around the world. Since the early Friday school strikes by Greta Thunberg in 2018, these protests have seen significant participation from younger people, mainly from members of Generation Z, resulting in a rise of environmental youth organizations all over the world (Hattenstone, 2021; Wahlström et al., 2019). The popularity of environmental themes within this generation, their high level of environmental awareness (Seemiller & Grace, 2018), and their unique use of digital tools (Parker & Igielnik, 2020), have favoured a substantial surge of digital activism and the subsequent presence of these associations on social media, particularly on Instagram. Given these conditions, this research aims to shed light on the social epistemology GenZ environmental associations, meaning how their knowledge about climate issues is conceptualized, reproduced, and transmitted on Instagram through a corpus-driven study of their phraseology (Groom, 2009). Following a closed-class keywords only methodology for discourse analysis (Groom, 2010), the investigation will begin by analysing the grammatical keywords of two ad hoc corpora: the GCIC of social media texts and the GCWC of web texts, from three GenZ environmental associations sampled beforehand. For both corpora, the recurring phraseology will be investigated by identifying semantic sequences (Hunston, 2008), highlighting possible peculiarities in climate change epistemology and genre-specific ones between the two digital mediums. As this generation has organized and educated itself on environmental issues mostly through the internet, and with a strong centrality of social media in their communication strategy (Seemiller & Grace, 2018; Wahlström et al., 2019; Tyson et al., 2021), the study aims to contribute to the understanding of how the language used by GenZ environmental associations reflects their epistemology of the issue.
Negli ultimi anni, la lotta globale contro il cambiamento climatico è entrata al centro del dibattito pubblico a seguito delle proteste ambientali in tutto il mondo. I primi Friday school strikes di Greta Thunberg del 2018 sono riusciti a catalizzare una significativa partecipazione, in particolare da parte dei giovani, prevalentemente della Generazione Z. Questo coinvolgimento crescente ha portato alla creazione di movimenti giovanili ambientalisti in tutto il mondo (Hattenstone, 2021; Wahlström et al., 2019). La Generazione Z, infatti, caratterizzata da una profonda consapevolezza ambientale (Seemiller & Grace, 2018) e dall'uso abile degli strumenti digitali (Parker & Igielnik, 2020), è stata in grado di portare una notevole diffusione dell'attivismo digitale, facendo sì che piattaforme come Instagram diventassero luoghi chiave per l’ambientalismo e l’attivismo giovanile. Sulla base di queste premesse, la ricerca mira a gettare luce sull’epistemologia sociale delle associazioni ambientaliste di giovani della Generazione Z, esaminando nello specifico come le loro conoscenze in materia di cambiamento climatico e problemi ambientali sia concepita, riprodotta e trasmessa su Instagram. Attraverso uno studio corpus-driven della fraseologia (Groom, 2009), l'indagine seguirà una metodologia di analisi delle parole chiave grammaticali (Groom, 2010) all'interno di due corpora compilati ad hoc: il GCIC comporta da post di Instagram e il GCWC di testi web di tre associazioni ambientaliste della Generazione Z. Lo studio mira a identificare la fraseologia ricorrente esplorando le sequenze semantiche (Hunston, 2008) e a scoprire possibili peculiarità nell'epistemologia del cambiamento climatico specifica ai due media digitali su cui si basa la ricerca. Infine, considerato che la Generazione Z si è affidata in gran parte a Internet per acquisire conoscenze sul cambiamento climatico e per organizzare il loro attivismo, con un forte accento sui social media nella loro strategia di comunicazione (Seemiller & Grace, 2018; Wahlström et al., 2019; Tyson et al., 2021), questa ricerca contribuisce a comprendere come il linguaggio utilizzato dalle associazioni ambientaliste della Generazione Z rifletta la loro epistemologia del cambiamento climatico.
Epistemologia del cambiamento climatico online: uno studio corpus-driven sulla fraseologia delle associazioni ambientaliste della Generazione Z
In recent years, the fight against climate change has gained momentum, leading to a rise in environmental protests around the world. Since the early Friday school strikes by Greta Thunberg in 2018, these protests have seen significant participation from younger people, mainly from members of Generation Z, resulting in a rise of environmental youth organizations all over the world (Hattenstone, 2021; Wahlström et al., 2019). The popularity of environmental themes within this generation, their high level of environmental awareness (Seemiller & Grace, 2018), and their unique use of digital tools (Parker & Igielnik, 2020), have favoured a substantial surge of digital activism and the subsequent presence of these associations on social media, particularly on Instagram. Given these conditions, this research aims to shed light on the social epistemology GenZ environmental associations, meaning how their knowledge about climate issues is conceptualized, reproduced, and transmitted on Instagram through a corpus-driven study of their phraseology (Groom, 2009). Following a closed-class keywords only methodology for discourse analysis (Groom, 2010), the investigation will begin by analysing the grammatical keywords of two ad hoc corpora: the GCIC of social media texts and the GCWC of web texts, from three GenZ environmental associations sampled beforehand. For both corpora, the recurring phraseology will be investigated by identifying semantic sequences (Hunston, 2008), highlighting possible peculiarities in climate change epistemology and genre-specific ones between the two digital mediums. As this generation has organized and educated itself on environmental issues mostly through the internet, and with a strong centrality of social media in their communication strategy (Seemiller & Grace, 2018; Wahlström et al., 2019; Tyson et al., 2021), the study aims to contribute to the understanding of how the language used by GenZ environmental associations reflects their epistemology of the issue.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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embargo fino al 27/05/2027
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