Università degli Studi di Genova
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 19.118
EU - Europa 13.336
NA - Nord America 6.825
AF - Africa 1.405
OC - Oceania 1.117
SA - Sud America 846
Totale 42.647
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.721
SG - Singapore 4.764
IT - Italia 4.625
GB - Regno Unito 1.897
DE - Germania 1.835
IN - India 1.806
CN - Cina 1.720
KR - Corea 1.600
HK - Hong Kong 1.447
JP - Giappone 1.294
AU - Australia 959
TW - Taiwan 873
TR - Turchia 868
IR - Iran 832
CA - Canada 766
PH - Filippine 748
PK - Pakistan 744
FR - Francia 731
NL - Olanda 617
ES - Italia 523
MY - Malesia 494
BR - Brasile 384
CH - Svizzera 316
ID - Indonesia 316
MX - Messico 284
EG - Egitto 277
IE - Irlanda 271
SE - Svezia 262
ZA - Sudafrica 225
BE - Belgio 205
RU - Federazione Russa 205
GR - Grecia 204
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 203
AT - Austria 196
PT - Portogallo 191
TH - Thailandia 189
VN - Vietnam 186
NO - Norvegia 183
FI - Finlandia 182
PL - Polonia 179
IL - Israele 167
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 158
SA - Arabia Saudita 158
MA - Marocco 152
IQ - Iraq 135
BD - Bangladesh 131
RO - Romania 115
DK - Danimarca 111
PE - Perù 108
CL - Cile 106
CO - Colombia 100
TN - Tunisia 99
KE - Kenya 98
DZ - Algeria 88
NG - Nigeria 87
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 80
ET - Etiopia 69
HU - Ungheria 68
BG - Bulgaria 61
AR - Argentina 60
GH - Ghana 58
NP - Nepal 58
LK - Sri Lanka 46
AZ - Azerbaigian 44
EC - Ecuador 42
CM - Camerun 39
UA - Ucraina 36
CY - Cipro 35
EE - Estonia 35
KZ - Kazakistan 34
TZ - Tanzania 33
LT - Lituania 31
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 27
RS - Serbia 27
LB - Libano 25
QA - Qatar 24
VE - Venezuela 23
BJ - Benin 21
JO - Giordania 21
LY - Libia 20
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 20
AM - Armenia 19
BF - Burkina Faso 19
SI - Slovenia 19
UG - Uganda 19
CR - Costa Rica 18
PS - Palestinian Territory 18
MT - Malta 17
OM - Oman 17
SN - Senegal 17
ME - Montenegro 16
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 16
YE - Yemen 15
HR - Croazia 14
LU - Lussemburgo 13
ZW - Zimbabwe 13
LV - Lettonia 12
UY - Uruguay 12
CI - Costa d'Avorio 11
IS - Islanda 11
Totale 42.468
Città #
Singapore 1.859
Milan 599
Genoa 592
Hamburg 519
Hong Kong 459
Tokyo 458
Los Angeles 444
Rome 390
Istanbul 278
Taipei 278
Melbourne 275
Seattle 228
Sydney 217
Brisbane 203
Turin 189
Shanghai 187
Ashburn 184
Lahore 184
Dublin 177
Frankfurt am Main 174
Chicago 172
Montreal 168
Naples 167
Seoul 160
Chennai 158
San Jose 158
Bengaluru 156
Beijing 148
Berlin 145
London 144
Ankara 137
Tehran 136
Amsterdam 132
Kuala Lumpur 128
New York 123
Bologna 120
Athens 117
Florence 116
Paris 114
Hyderabad 111
Mumbai 111
Helsinki 110
Zurich 107
Manchester 106
Birmingham 105
Islamabad 105
Kolkata 105
Taichung 105
Vienna 105
Cairo 103
Karachi 98
New Delhi 97
Wuhan 97
Bangkok 93
Madrid 90
Ho Chi Minh City 87
Barcelona 86
Munich 86
Quezon City 86
Guangzhou 85
Brussels 80
Osaka 80
Warsaw 78
New Taipei City 77
Budrio 76
Nairobi 76
Petaling Jaya 76
Toronto 75
Washington 73
Delhi 72
Kaohsiung 72
Mexico City 70
Jakarta 69
Moscow 67
Hanoi 66
Bari 65
Cebu City 65
Lima 64
Stockholm 64
Atlanta 63
Tel Aviv 63
Lisbon 59
Auckland 58
Cape Town 58
Suwon 58
Manila 57
Rawalpindi 57
Riyadh 56
Adelaide 55
Council Bluffs 55
Frascati 55
Baghdad 54
Incheon 54
Izmir 54
Glasgow 53
Gwangju 53
Oxford 53
Philadelphia 53
Phoenix 53
Seodaemun-gu 53
Totale 15.210
Nome #
A plan for sustainable tourism. Tools and strategies to guide local authorities. 315
L'agriculture face au défi du changement climatique : impacts, risques, politiques d'adaptation et perspectives du mouvement migratoire forcé vers l'Italie. Cas de la Tassaout Aval 281
Immersive Educational Environments to enhance L2 motivation and vocabulary in EFL students with dyslexia 260
Cybersecurity in LoRaWAN Networks: Vulnerability Analysis and Enhancing Security Measures for IoT Connectivity 227
Synthesis and Characterization of Halide Perovskites and Lower-Dimensional Metal Halide Based Materials 225
Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polycaprolactone Based Systems 216
Pure mycelium materials: characteristics and applications 202
Advanced Strategies towards High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 200
Application of capture-mark-recapture methods and hierarchical models for the conservation and monitoring of amphibians and reptiles 199
Development of functional coatings for different applications: from food packaging to fashion industry 198
Simulation of a Natural Gas Steam Reforming Reactor at Different Scales 196
Next Generation Sequencing-based detection and characterization of microbial pathogens causing invasive infections and outbreaks in ICU: towards improved management of the high-risk patient 196
Rational development of intra-articular drug delivery systems for the treatment of osteoarthritis 186
Sensory information processing in mouse barrel cortex 185
Using movement kinematics to understand the motor side of Autism Spectrum Disorder 184
Novel Inverse-Scattering Methods in Banach Spaces 182
Modelling and Simulation of Airships in the Fields of Patrolling, Surveillance and Sustainable Transport 180
Different patterns of white matter and immunological alterations in the various phases of bipolar disorder 174
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Platinum Nanozymes 173
By-products from medicinal and aromatic plants: from tradition to innovation 171
Il governo delle comunaglie. Fonti, gestione, conflitti e tutela dei beni ad uso collettivo nella Liguria d’età moderna 170
Interactive Experience Design: Integrated and Tangible Storytelling with Maritime Museum Artefacts 170
Altered Reality: The Role of Immersive Technologies in Visual Disabilities Rehabilitators Training. 161
Sit-to-Stand Phases Detection by Inertial Sensors 159
Population dynamics and structure of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in Mediterranean Sea 159
Tuning of self-growing natural composite materials using non-pathogenic fungal strains-towards 3D constructs 158
Thermodynamic modelling and experimental validation of High Entropy Alloys containing Al, Co, Cr, Fe, Mo, Ni, Ta and W for high-temperature applications 157
Optimizing multiple truck trips in a cooperative environment through MILP and Game Theory 154
Drone Swarm System in Firefighting Activities 152
Out-of-equilibrium behaviour of copper-based alloys in industrial, artistic and historical gravity casting processes 151
Durability: importance in competition success across different age-related road cycling categories and training strategies to improve it. 151
Integrated Design of Compliant Upper Limb Prostheses: The UGentle Limb 150
Understanding metaphors in developmental dyslexia. From eye-tracking to academic text comprehension. 150
null 149
Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals: from synthesis to applications 147
High Sensitivity, Label-Free, Interferometric Biosensor for In Vitro Contractility Assessment of HiPSC Cardiomyocytes 146
Modeling and Optimal Management of Energy Storage Technologies in Smart Energy Systems 146
Implementation of impact mitigation measures for maritime transport: an analysis of alternative waste management practices, air emissions monitoring and GHG reduction 145
Green Conductive Inks for Flexible Electronics 143
Investigation of inorganic nanocrystals as electrode material for lithium and sodium ion batteries 143
Machine Learning Applications in the Steel Production Industry 143
Automated Analysis of Synchronization in Human Full-body Expressive Movement 142
Polymer nanoparticles and nanofibers: Drug delivery and environmental applications 140
Studio dei fattori di crescita coinvolti nello sviluppo tissutale e nella deposizione di matrice extracellulare del porifero Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847) con metodi immunoistochimici e di biologia molecolare. 140
Spatial Reasoning with Graph Neural Networks 139
Per una traduzione di immagini. Il Nordest degli anni Trenta in Italia. Jorge Amado, Graciliano Ramos e José Lins Do Rego: il libro-archivio 139
Developmental impact of blindness and sleep on neural multisensory processing 138
Locomotion system for ground mobile robots in uneven and unstructured environments 138
Acute mesenteric ischemia in the emergency department: a retrospective analysis to develop a clinical diagnostic tool and a prospective validation study supported by duplex ultrasound 137
Ultrasound-based non invasive intracranial pressure 137
Computational and Theoretical Issues of Multiparameter Persistent Homology for Data Analysis 137
The paroxysmal disorder gene PRRT2 downregulates NaV channels and neuronal excitability in human neurons 137
Approaches to shipboard power generation systems design and management. Probabilistic approach to load prediction and system optimal design, sizing and management 137
Cell membrane interactions with 3D multifunctional nanostructures 136
GABAergic synaptic protein dynamics measured by spectroscopic approaches. 136
Modelling Neuron Morphology: Automated Reconstruction from Microscopy Images 135
Design and development of robust hands for humanoid robots 135
An innovative approach to performance metrics calculus in cloud computing environments: a guest-to-host oriented perspective 135
Detection and Mitigation of Steganographic Malware 134
Ciclo di sviluppo di Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) ed interazioni con organismi planctonici. 134
The Administrative judge and the Court of Justice: the Dialogue in the light of the Preliminary ruling 134
Analytics and Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing 134
Mappe media città. Territorializzazioni e orizzonti di progetto nell'epoca dei Big Data 134
Onere della prova e inversioni: tra bilanciamento di interessi e principio di vicinanza 133
Optimal Input Design for Active Parameter Identification of Dynamic Nonlinear Systems 133
Modeling the flow over superhydrophobic and liquid-impregnated surfaces 133
The significance of fluoride uptake and inflammation within the atherosclerotic plaque: a PET/CT analysis 132
Mesenchymal stem cells modulate microglia activation via exosome-shuttled microRNA 132
Inverse Problems in data-driven multi-scale Systems Medicine: application to cancer physiology 132
Development of a novel coupled-mode fluttering energy harvester through electromagnetic coupling and dielectric elastomer generator 132
Surface Chemistry of Lead and Lead Free Metal Halide Nanocrystals 132
Design and Control of a Knee Exoskeleton for Assistance and Power Augmentation 132
Design and optimization of partial discharge measurement systems for conducted and irradiated signals 132
Design and HPC implementation of unsupervised Kernel methods in the context of molecular dynamics 132
Investigating the potential of ephyrae Jellyfish (Cnidaria) as model organism in ecotoxicology for sea water quality assessment 132
Multiscale mathematical models for simulation and scale-up of green processes in the perspective of industrial sustainability 132
Geoarchaeology of the coastal plain of the Bisagno stream during the Middle Holocene. A high resolution multi-proxy analysis of data from deep geological cores. 131
Die Sprache des Herzens: un'indagine terminologica basata su corpus sulla lingua tedesca della cardiologia 131
Manufacturing Value Modelling, Flexibility, and Sustainability: from theoretical definition to empirical validation 131
Evaluation of human movement qualities: A methodology based on transferable-utility games on graphs. 131
La vaccinazione antipneumococcica nell'adulto e nell'anziano: valutazione dell’impatto epidemiologico, dell’efficacia clinica e del profilo di tollerabilità e sicurezza del preparato 13-valente in Liguria 131
Platelet derivatives: from bench to bedside. Molecular characterization of the effect of platelet derivatives on cells and their use for skin chronic ulcer treatment 131
Multiscale modeling of delamination fracture in multilayered structures 131
Multisensory learning in adaptive interactive systems 131
Developing drug delivery systems based on alginate and brushite 130
Study of the criteria and methodologies for existing buildings energetic and functional retrofit: architecture/energy systems integration towards nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) 130
The Marble Faun. Art, Nature, and Morals Between Classicism and Aestheticism 130
Motion Planning and Control for the Locomotion of Humanoid Robot 130
Eppur mi piace... Intersezioni tra femminismi e pornografie 130
Study of N-linked Glycosylation of Mouse Peripheral Myelin A MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry approach 130
Renal nerve denervation reduces blood pressure in resistant hypertension: the role of full four quadrant ablation technique and number of ablations 130
Synaptic and Memory Dysfunction Induced by Tau Oligomers is Rescued by Up-regulation of the Nitric Oxide Cascade. 130
Il Theatro Universale di Giulio Camillo: l'inedito manoscritto genovese. 130
La problematica dello Hole argument, alcune proposte di soluzione ad essa e l'ontologia dello spaziotempo 130
Towards the Design and Evaluation of Robotic Legs of Quadruped Robots 130
null 130
Intermolecular Interactions in the TMEM16A Dimer Controlling Channel Activity 130
Totale 15.307

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20248.948 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.269 5.679
2024/202577.448 3.781 6.926 8.379 8.703 9.872 10.572 10.468 10.265 8.482 0 0 0
Totale 86.396