Università degli Studi di Foggia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 1.480
EU - Europa 1.370
NA - Nord America 418
AF - Africa 121
SA - Sud America 73
OC - Oceania 40
Totale 3.502
Nazione #
IT - Italia 926
SG - Singapore 538
US - Stati Uniti d'America 345
IN - India 205
GB - Regno Unito 119
PK - Pakistan 85
TR - Turchia 80
DE - Germania 72
HK - Hong Kong 70
IR - Iran 70
TW - Taiwan 65
KR - Corea 60
CN - Cina 53
MY - Malesia 43
AU - Australia 39
TH - Thailandia 39
CA - Canada 38
ES - Italia 38
PH - Filippine 35
JP - Giappone 33
MX - Messico 32
BR - Brasile 29
FR - Francia 28
IQ - Iraq 26
ZA - Sudafrica 26
PT - Portogallo 25
CL - Cile 22
ID - Indonesia 22
NL - Olanda 22
EG - Egitto 21
IE - Irlanda 17
PL - Polonia 17
AT - Austria 16
RO - Romania 15
NG - Nigeria 14
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 13
CH - Svizzera 12
NO - Norvegia 12
AR - Argentina 9
DZ - Algeria 9
GH - Ghana 9
VN - Vietnam 9
BF - Burkina Faso 8
LK - Sri Lanka 8
PE - Perù 8
HR - Croazia 7
TZ - Tanzania 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
BE - Belgio 6
IL - Israele 6
KE - Kenya 6
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
DK - Danimarca 4
ET - Etiopia 4
FI - Finlandia 4
RS - Serbia 4
SE - Svezia 4
TN - Tunisia 4
BW - Botswana 3
CO - Colombia 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
GR - Grecia 3
MT - Malta 3
ZM - Zambia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
EC - Ecuador 2
KH - Cambogia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LR - Liberia 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
UA - Ucraina 2
UG - Uganda 2
YE - Yemen 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
EE - Estonia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LY - Libia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 3.502
Città #
Singapore 207
Rome 97
Naples 74
Milan 58
Birmingham 50
Bari 44
Hyderabad 42
Hong Kong 38
Turin 38
Florence 33
Ankara 26
Seattle 26
Bangkok 25
Bologna 24
Frankfurt am Main 23
Palermo 23
Faisalabad 22
Taipei 20
Bengaluru 19
Catania 19
Kuala Lumpur 19
Mexico City 18
Dublin 17
Istanbul 17
Taichung 17
Manfredonia 16
Santiago 16
Ashburn 15
Tehran 15
Chicago 14
Lisbon 14
Sydney 13
Chennai 12
Genoa 12
Los Angeles 12
New York 11
Nuremberg 11
Tokyo 11
Verona 11
Brescia 10
Brisbane 10
Gwanak-gu 10
Lahore 10
Manchester 10
Accra 9
Carpi 9
Delhi 9
Foggia 9
Islamabad 9
Karachi 9
Lucknow 9
Mesagne 9
Montreal 9
Padova 9
Perugia 9
Busan 8
Izmir 8
Mumbai 8
Najaf 8
New Taipei City 8
Ouagadougou 8
Pune 8
Shanghai 8
Venice 8
Wakaf Bharu 8
Amsterdam 7
Bergamo 7
Bitonto 7
Cagayan de Oro 7
Cape Town 7
Casoria 7
Charlottetown 7
Ho Chi Minh City 7
Lagos 7
Lima 7
Lincoln 7
Macao 7
Melbourne 7
Nagpur 7
Paris 7
Quezon City 7
Salem 7
Zug 7
Afragola 6
Central 6
Dar es Salaam 6
Edinburgh 6
Kristiansand 6
Legnano 6
Madrid 6
Manassas 6
Phuket 6
Ramadi 6
Taranto 6
Vienna 6
Zacatecas City 6
Zagazig 6
Atlanta 5
Bandar Puncak Alam 5
Buk-gu 5
Totale 1.633
Nome #
Effect of minimal processing steps and operation modes on quality of leafy vegetables 248
L’equity based crowdfunding e lo statuto dell’emittente 244
Il diritto all’oblio e i suoi confini: quando il dovere del ricordo annebbia l’ombra del tempo 237
Green degradation of mycotoxins by biotechnological application of enzymes from Pleurotus spp 232
Monocyte-derived miRNA and Extracellular Vesicles in patients with Multiple Sclerosis: evaluation as biomarkers MED/26 227
Tutela giurisdizionale delle imprese nel mercato degli appalti pubblici tra giurisdizione soggettiva ed oggettiva. Il modello processuale ed i profili critici 226
Evaluation of the effects of alternative physical approach on the metabolism and functional traits of useful microorganisms 224
Nrf2 Inhibition Is Required To Activate Hepatic Progenitor Cells 222
Study of biotic and abiotic stresses in Solanaceae by metabolic and proteomic approaches 221
Characterization Of Enzymes For The Food Industry And Active Packaging 220
Dissecting the IDDCA (Intellectual Developmental Disorder with Cardiac Arrhythmia) syndrome pathogenic mechanisms 218
Milk and human health: relationship between proteic and lipidic compounds of milk from different species and human nutrition 216
Utopia gastronomica nei frammenti della commedia attica antica 216
The Adoption of 4.0 Agriculture for Wine Production in Order to Improve Efficiency, Sustainability and Competitiveness 194
The Effect of Insurance on Farmers' Production, Technical Efficiency and Input Use: An Endogenous Stochastic Frontier Model to Analyse the Italian Case 131
Species Identification and Food Fraud Analysis in Commercial Fish Products Through DNA- based methods 125
Sustainability and innovation of the sweet cherry supply chain 123
Nad+ and aging: a focus on novel molecular mechanisms of werner syndrome 113
Unravelling neuroinflammatory pathways by using in vitro and in vivo models 107
A decision support system to identify good agricultural practices in Short Food Supply Chain 101
Dalle vecchie alle nuove schiavitù. Lo sfruttamento del lavoro dei migranti 101
Study of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) region as a molecular tool for identification of vascular fungi associated with Olive Quick Decline Syndrome in Southern Italy: Phaeoacremonium italicum as a study model 91
A novel biomarker for cancer and autoimmune diseases: IGFBP6 90
Optimization of food matrices enriched with bioactive compounds from fruits and vegetables 87
Innovative and non-destructive technologies to evaluate quality of rocket leaves for ready to eat salads 84
Adding unprecedented economic and social values to the side- and by-products of Mediterranean fruit and vegetables by reshaping them in novel sources of nutrients and tailored food products mediated by 3D printing technology 83
La semplificazione aministrativa nella legge Madia: Scia e nuove procedure edilizie 82
Dissecting the TRIM8 role in the pathogenesis of glioma 82
Ozone and electrolized water application to preserve quality of citrus fruit and effect of ozone on gene expression related to plant defense mechanisms 81
Toxigenic profile of fungi and multi mycotoxins analysis as supporting tools for a risk evaluation and mycotoxins minimization/degradation 80
Il fenomeno della disinformazione politica in Internet: prospettive europee 80
Oral Cancer: from the research of biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis to the treatment with nutraceuticals 80
KATÉCHON E CURA. Il dovere nell’età dei diritti 79
Development and valorisation of a nutritionally rich minor cereal (Eragrostis tef) by conventional and innovative techniques 79
Dalle vecchie alle nuove schiavitù. Lo sfruttamento del lavoro dei migranti 79
Study of Chemical, Biochemical and Technological characteristics of Gluten Friendly™ grains of cereals and derived products 79
Pasta with cholesterol-lowering effect on human health 78
Nad+ and aging: a focus on novel molecular mechanisms of werner syndrome 78
ICT tools for data management and analysis to support decisional process oriented to sustainable agri-food chains 78
Transglutaminase, nutrition and human health 78
Olive chain by-products for the functionalization of foods 78
Study of new molecular markers with non-invasive methods in respiratory diseases, with particular regard to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 78
Improvement of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency in wheat by application of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria as bio-fertilizers 78
Study of Protein Aggregation Machinery in Processed Food Products: New Details for a Supramolecular Organization 78
Exploitation of winery by-products as immune modulators in sheep 78
Prognostic relevance of comprehensive non-invasive imaging approach in a diabetic and non-diabetic asymptomatic population 78
Evaluation of the use of cardoon inulin to make a new type of pasta with a low glycemic index 78
Personality traits, anxiety, depression in gynecological cancer 78
Keap1/Nrf2 Pathway Profiling: Uncovers Molecular Intersection With Notch Pathway In Small Cell Lung Cancer 78
Angiotensin II receptor 1 blockers prolong time to recurrence after radiofrequency ablation in hepatocarcinoma patients. 77
Identification of fusion genes associated with sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis 77
Evaluation of the putative healthy effects of food phytochemicals: effect on blood antioxidant status, human cells and enzyme activities 77
Development of cryopreservation of human neural tissue as strategy to produce clinical-grade stem cells 77
Strategies for improving the nutritional quality of milk and dairy products from different species reared in the Mediterranean area 77
Mutational analysis of Kabuki Syndrome patients and functional dissection of KMT2D mutations 77
Studio dei polimorfismi recettoriali e dei livelli plasmatici e della terapia long-acting in pazienti affetti da schizofrenia 77
Fermentation – based food: influence of processing on product quality 77
Observational study on metabolic patterns and diet in female patients undergoing follow-up program for breast cancer 77
Sustainability of food industry wastes for the production of healthy food: the case study of olive pâté 76
Multi-integrated approach based on HPT-JT families for the identification of a set of biomarkers of Parathyroid Carcinoma 76
Risk Stratification for in-Hospital Complications in Patients with Takotsubo Syndrome: the Geist Score 76
Pathogenic parasites in ready-to-eat salads and berries sold on the Italian market 67
Study of biochemical mechanisms induced by Gluten Friendly™ in vitro and in vivo on coeliac patients 66
Democrazia e giovani nell’era Digitale 61
Il contributo delle tecnologie per la promozione della salute attraverso le attività corporeo-motorie 59
Expression analysis of LASP1 in human cancer cell lines, role of Src signaling pathways in endothelial cell permeability and natural compounds in chemoprevention 56
Changes in Post-Stroke Skeletal Muscles: an Ultrasonographic Evaluation 55
La questione docente: identità, formazione, sviluppo professionale 50
Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin B1-producing Aspergilli in pistachios, almonds, and hazelnuts from Sicily. Detection and evaluation of ozone as an alternative control strategy 49
In Vitro Delivery of Brassica oleracea L. (Broccoli)- Derived Nanovesicles (BDNVs) to Lung Epithelial Cell Lines as Potential approach for the treatment of Chronic Respiratory Diseases 49
La musica nei CPIA: ripensare il processo di inclusione culturale e linguistica degli immigrati. 47
Biomolecular identification of fish species by PCR and analysis of microbiological risk linked to the consumption of ready to eat fishery products 45
In Vitro analysis of biological effects of Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato)-Derived Nanovesicles (TDNVs) as a potential therapeutic for wound treatment 45
L’incidenza del disagio scolastico e dei DSA nelle devianze 45
Crisi d’impresa e (in)sostenibilità ambientale. Argomenti e prospettive di una ricerca interdisciplinare 44
Novel technologies: study for application to fresh dairy sector 44
Hypoxia mediates cancer development and progression through HIF-1a and microRNA regulation 42
La Tutela della Proprietà Intellettuale Agroalimentare nel mercato Nazionale, Europeo e Internazionale 41
Studio pedagogico della resilienza ecosistemica. Adolescenza, disagio e scuola: prospettive di ricerca. 40
The potential use of non destructive optical-based techniques for early detection of chilling injury and freshness in horticultural commodities 35
L’animalità salvifica e compensatoria: Ortese, Delibes e Buzzati 34
The use of edible insects in conventional and innovative foods. Applications in extruded and 3D printed snacks 33
Analysis of Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Barley Supply Chain: a Healthy Crop for Human Nutrition 31
Detection of prognostic biomarkers and application in clustering patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, according to the risk of relapse 31
Role of a Nutraceutical Mixture in Ameliorating Liver Steatosis by Preventing Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a NAFLD Model 30
Decision Support System (DSS) for policy formulation in the Apulian regional health system 30
Il suicidio. Analisi epistemologica del fenomeno e studio sperimentale dell’espressione dei fattori neurotrofici BDNF e GDNF nell’encefalo di soggetti deceduti in seguito ad atto suicidario. 29
The business opportunities for the fresh-cut industry and post-harvest technologies in China 29
The role of adipose stem cells seeded on a cross-linked bovine tendon collagen and glycosaminoglycan (chondroitin-6-sulfate) scaffold in the treatment of ulcers of the lower limbs. 28
Il manager della terza età: funzioni, obiettivi, competenze 28
Evaluation of the impact of vegan-vegetarian diets on maternal-fetal health in pregnancy: our experience 26
Essay in health economics 26
MicroRNAs expression in serum exosomes from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients and the role of exosomes derived from MS patients and Mesenchymal Stem Cells to modulate the inflammatory profile of microglia 26
Learning analytics, LMS e piattaforme digitali: soluzioni innovative per apprendimenti student-centered 26
Early-age stress exposure and psychopathology development: vulnerability mechanisms and resilience 24
Valuing the Mediterranean Diet from Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity to tangible resource of the te territory: a Contingent Valuation study 24
Optimization of critical aspects for processing fennel (foeniculum vulgare mill. Subsp. Vulgare var. Azoricum) as a fresh-cut product 24
Tempo di lavoro e di non lavoro: Italia e Spagna a confronto. 24
Genetic analysis on biosynthesis of compounds affecting bitterness in almond tree (Amygdalus communis L.= Prunus Dulcis Mill.) 24
Totale 8.805

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 821
2024/20259.946 404 580 627 707 1.443 1.657 1.712 1.653 1.163 0 0 0
Totale 10.906