Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 2.093
EU - Europa 2.066
NA - Nord America 1.864
SA - Sud America 86
AF - Africa 81
OC - Oceania 54
Totale 6.244
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.808
SG - Singapore 1.405
IT - Italia 1.349
DE - Germania 192
HK - Hong Kong 130
FR - Francia 101
IN - India 94
GB - Regno Unito 90
TR - Turchia 69
BE - Belgio 54
ID - Indonesia 54
CN - Cina 51
AU - Australia 49
KR - Corea 46
ES - Italia 45
TW - Taiwan 38
PT - Portogallo 37
NL - Olanda 34
BR - Brasile 33
IR - Iran 33
PH - Filippine 33
JP - Giappone 29
VN - Vietnam 27
CA - Canada 26
MX - Messico 25
EG - Egitto 23
GR - Grecia 22
PE - Perù 19
AT - Austria 17
PK - Pakistan 16
MY - Malesia 14
RU - Federazione Russa 14
SE - Svezia 14
FI - Finlandia 13
IE - Irlanda 13
TH - Thailandia 13
DZ - Algeria 12
AR - Argentina 11
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 10
ET - Etiopia 10
NG - Nigeria 10
CL - Cile 9
RO - Romania 9
CH - Svizzera 8
DK - Danimarca 8
BD - Bangladesh 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
EC - Ecuador 7
KE - Kenya 7
HU - Ungheria 6
IQ - Iraq 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
TN - Tunisia 6
UA - Ucraina 6
NO - Norvegia 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
PL - Polonia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
CM - Camerun 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
CY - Cipro 3
IL - Israele 3
LT - Lituania 3
NP - Nepal 3
UY - Uruguay 3
BO - Bolivia 2
CO - Colombia 2
IS - Islanda 2
JM - Giamaica 2
JO - Giordania 2
MV - Maldive 2
NA - Namibia 2
RS - Serbia 2
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MU - Mauritius 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 6.244
Città #
Singapore 874
Rome 189
Milan 117
New York 116
Hong Kong 101
Hamburg 95
Ancona 60
Naples 57
Seattle 53
Florence 38
Bologna 33
Los Angeles 30
Turin 27
Giulianova 24
Istanbul 23
Frankfurt am Main 22
Melbourne 22
Ashburn 20
Cairo 18
Brussels 17
Taipei 16
Amsterdam 14
Ghent 14
Nuremberg 14
Bengaluru 13
Lima 13
Palermo 13
Pescara 13
Bari 12
Lisbon 12
Perugia 12
Ankara 11
Pune 11
Addis Ababa 10
Athens 10
Beijing 10
Genoa 10
Ho Chi Minh City 10
Leuven 10
Mumbai 10
Padova 10
Pisa 10
Sacheon-si 10
Urbino 10
Emlichheim 9
Jakarta 9
Montreal 9
Oleiros 9
Orlando 9
Paris 9
Sydney 9
Trieste 9
Brescia 8
Chennai 8
Córdoba 8
Hanoi 8
Kuala Lumpur 8
Lavis 8
Siena 8
Tehran 8
Carini 7
Edinburgh 7
Galway 7
Hackney 7
Helsinki 7
Lahore 7
Lexington 7
Mexico City 7
Nairobi 7
Preganziol 7
Recanati 7
São Paulo 7
Venice 7
Vienna 7
Washington 7
Aversa 6
Berlin 6
Cagliari 6
Castegnato 6
Catania 6
Cesena 6
Donostia / San Sebastian 6
Karaj 6
Macerata 6
Modena 6
Nijmegen 6
Novara 6
Palmi 6
Taranto 6
Tarlac City 6
The Dalles 6
Toronto 6
Treviso 6
Tunis 6
Turku 6
Aalborg 5
Adana 5
Austin 5
Boardman 5
Braga 5
Totale 2.600
Nome #
Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modelling of Solar Cooker Prototypes with Thermal Energy Storage 85
Behavioural finance and financial markets: micro, macro and corporate 65
Data-driven methodologies for Predictive Maintenance and TPM implementation: research approaches and applications 53
A new strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) breeding program to advance critical steps and obtain new resilient and high-quality cultivars 46
Corporate Governance and Sustainability: The role of the board of directors 45
Growth control and productive aptitude of Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) 43
Three Essays on Inequality and Monetary Policy in a Macro AB-SFC Setting 43
Characterization of a personal learning environment as a lifelong learning tool 41
The quality of hue citadel in the urban development of vietnam, approach from architectural heritage and landscape value 41
Study of microbial diversity and yeast interactions using molecular methods 40
Investigation of corrosion resistance of 17-4 PH stainless steel additive-manufactured by Bound Metal Deposition and Binder Jetting 40
Dallo stress lavoro correlato al burnout negli operatori sanitari: studio pilota per la valutazione di un protocollo di ricerca 35
Deep Learning Techniques for Edge-Centric Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring 34
Physical vulnerability and exposure assessment in Historic City Centers: Development of methodologies and tools for risk reduction measures 33
Disuguaglianze della salute e profesione infermieristica: risorse e criticità per la equità del sistema sanitario 32
Common Ownership, Market Power, and Investment Efficiency 31
Essays on monetary policy and firms' capital structure 30
A low-cost structural health monitoring system for residential buildings: experimental tests on a scale model 30
Design, Manufacturing, Testing, and Mathematical Modeling of Concentrating Solar Systems: a Study Applied to Prototypes of Parabolic Trough Collector and Solar Box Cooker 30
Three essays on the economics of crime, unemployment and health 30
Appetite control: study of pathways involved in food intake and metabolism regulation in teleost fish 29
Impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Island Intensity in Europe: a global assessment method based on sensitivity and uncertainty analysis with UWG model 28
Technological solutions for the EU challenges of zero pollution and circular economy in the management of urban wastewater and non-hazardous water-based waste 28
The impact of oil and natural gas prices on financial markets returns in the long-run 28
New insights into the microbiota of European typical fermented foods of animal origin 28
The Value of Neighbourhood: Collective predation upon large prey by benthic Cnidaria and its influence on individual predator behaviour, group fitness and population dynamics 27
New strategies for vineyard management 26
Early language development in monolingual and bilingual children: from a web-based assessment tool to a language intervention 26
Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Analysis and Reconstruction of Audio Signals 25
Ongoing selective forces driving King penguin evolution 25
Three Essays on Energy Econometrics 25
Arbitration Tax Proceedings for International Tax-Treaty Related Disputes 24
Exploring State-Space Substructuring for time-domain dynamic substructuring applications 24
Cluster analysis e pattern sintomatologici nella fibromialgia - risultati di uno studio policentrico su piattaforma web-based 24
Category management: il valore della relazione nella supply chain 24
Tourism destination competitiveness: theoretical models and empirical evidence 23
La sostenibilità economica della filiera corta agroalimentare 23
Sponges of the coralligenous community in the Mediterranean sea 23
Sustainable management of local olive production by using precision farming system and development of terrritory 23
Bamboo structures: italian culms as likely resource for green buildings 23
Emerging Biotoxins in marine organisms: chemical methods of analysis, bioaccumulation and eco-toxicological studies. 22
Sostenibilità e imprese della GDO: nuovi approcci di business. Il caso di un grocery retailer 22
Genic characterization of "Living Fossil" Latimeria menadoensis 22
Machine Learning approaches for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring 22
Digital Transformation: implementazione e sviluppo nel settore retail. Il caso Magazzini Gabrielli S.p.A. 22
Disuguaglianze di salute e diabete mellito di tipo 1 in età pediatrica 21
Perpendicularly magnetized synthetic antiferromagnets for flexible spintronic and biomedical applications 21
Towards Material Testing 2.0: thermomechanical characterization of steels through inverse methods 21
Biomonitoraggio ambientale dei parchi e delle riserve naturali delle Marche mediante l'utilizzo dell'Ape domestica (Apis mellifera L.) 20
Correlati neurocognitivi della Sindrome di Capgras e della paramnesia reduplicativa per i luoghi 20
Ecology, morphological variability and life cycle stages of the toxic benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata 20
Innovative 3D-printed gamma-camera collimators for medical imaging 19
Intensificazione dell'olivicoltura: aspetti fisiologici e architetturali 19
Sustainable antimicrobial compounds for use in social farming 19
Variazioni longitudinali, batimetriche e biogeografiche di abbondanza, biomassa e diversità della meiofauna a foraminiferi bentonici nel Mediterraneo profondo e Atlantico 19
Rational drug design of new efflux pump inhibitors of Gram-negative bacteria: novel in silico/in vitro combined approach to overcome antimicrobial resistance. 19
Distribution of heavy metals in the Antarctic marine environment: possible relationships between aerosol, seawater and phytoplankton 19
Levetiracetam influences downstream protein interactions at synapses expressing SV2A 18
DESIGNING RESILIENCE Trans-scalar architecture for marginal habitats of Marche Region 18
Sustainable materials for improving Indoor Air Quality 18
Edge AI for human-behavior monitoring: designing lightweight Deep Learning methods on resource-constrained devices 18
The uterine fibrotic process 18
Systemic and tailored solutions for urban-industrial-rural symbiosis for the valorisation of urban and industrial wastewater and municipal organic waste 18
Synchrotron-based Phase-Contrast High Resolution Tomography of Collagen Organization in Physiologic, Pathologic and Engineered Tissues 18
Meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nella sarcopenia dell’anziano: ruolo dell’esercizio fisico sullo stress ossidativo e la funzionalità mitocondriale 18
Innovative methods for modelling and design of compression drivers 17
The strategic role of patent oppositions in the Cosmetic sector 17
The effect of Phytochemical Compounds on Uterine Myometrial and Leiomyoma Cells 17
Social Housing: Strumenti progettuali per la Sostenibilità Sociale 17
Yeast biotechnology for biofuels production 17
Mixed fermentations, yeast interactions and metabolites production in industrial fermentations 17
Disturbi della Condotta Alimentare e Amenorrea: correlati psicopatologici ed endocrinologici 17
The ecodesign issue: proposal for a new approach, methodology and tools 17
A new raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.) breeding program for selecting new resilient and high quality cultivars. 16
Aeromobile a pilotaggio remoto (APR) nelle indagini ambientali ed energetiche 16
Smart surfaces for architectural heritage: self-cleaning titanium dioxide nano-coatings on travertine 16
Sediment transport processes in harbour settings: investigation of the effects induced by natural and anthropogenic forcing 16
Architettura dell'albero, potatura e qualità del frutto nel susino e nel pesco 16
CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN THE AGRI-FOOD SECTOR DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Paths for sustainable and innovative valorization of agri-food waste and by-products for the Marche Region 16
Sulfur metabolism in microalgae 16
Studio di materiali avanzati a matrice cementizia per l’additive manufacturing 16
Migrazione di soluti e fenomeni chimico-osmotici nelle barriere bentonitiche per il contenimento di inquinanti 16
High resolution FTIR spectroscopy for new insights into oncological issues 16
On population dynamics of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the Adriatic Sea: from an analytical to an ecological perspective 15
The development of data management systems by BIM for the built heritage 15
La Sindrome di Burn-Out negli operatori socio-sanitari dell'Asur Marche, zona territoriale n. 7 di Ancona e dell'Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria Ospedali riuniti di Ancona 15
Macrofauna biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the deep-sea. Mediterranean sediments: analysis at different spatial scales 15
Alternatives to synthetic fungicides to control postharvest diseases of strawberry, sweet cherry and table grapes 15
Design, test and mathematical modeling of parabolic trough solar collectors 15
CT scan definition of intramural course in the anomalous coronary artery with an inter-arterial course: a single centre experience. 15
A multidisciplinary approach for the air quality evaluation in industrial settlements 15
Digital health technologies to improve diabetes prevention and optimize therapy: from model-based approaches to feature-based machine learning 15
Dynamic response of piles under lateral loading: full scale field test and numerical analysis 15
Socio-Economic Analysis of Mediterranean Deep-Sea Ecosystem Goods and Services 15
Alzheimer’s disease: an overview on oxidative/nitrosative stress and gender related aspects 15
Multi-Scale Analysis of Solid Oxide Cells for Energy Applications: Experimental Characterization and System-level Simulation 15
Totale 2.390

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20245.918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.546 2.372
2024/20256.439 8 358 865 1.263 828 919 2.198 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.357