Istituto universitario di studi superiori di Pavia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 107
AS - Asia 104
NA - Nord America 8
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 221
Nazione #
SG - Singapore 95
IT - Italia 70
DE - Germania 13
AT - Austria 9
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8
LK - Sri Lanka 6
LU - Lussemburgo 4
GB - Regno Unito 3
BR - Brasile 2
GR - Grecia 2
NL - Olanda 2
FI - Finlandia 1
FR - Francia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
SE - Svezia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 221
Città #
Singapore 60
Nuremberg 11
Milan 9
Pantigliate 9
Bergamo 7
Kurunegala 6
Vienna 5
Foggia 4
Luxembourg 4
Cesena 3
Modena 3
Peschiera Borromeo 3
Rome 3
Trieste 3
Vicenza 3
Belém 2
Camden 2
Ciserano 2
Thessaloniki 2
Wageningen 2
Alzano Lombardo 1
Ashburn 1
Bologna 1
Bratislava 1
Cesenatico 1
Council Bluffs 1
Florence 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Hamburg 1
Helsinki 1
Ho Chi Minh City 1
Jakarta 1
Montesilvano Marina 1
Pavia 1
Pessac 1
Taipei 1
Tower Hamlets 1
Örebro 1
Totale 161
Nome #
Produzione Orale e Scritta in soggetti sani e con Afasia Primaria Progressiva: un confronto Cross-linguistico. 28
Un approccio neuropragmatico all’esperienza multimodale: dal linguaggio letterale al linguaggio figurato in popolazioni tipiche e atipiche 23
Infrastrutture per la riduzione del rischio alluvionale: funzioni parametriche di costo per le opere di mitigazione, e correlazione tra la mappatura del rischio e l'allocazione dei fondi. Il caso italiano. 18
The earthquake source in numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous earth media. 11
Nuovi approcci per gestire la resistenza agli antibiotici: una storia sul vaccine research e l’inibizione del divisoma. 7
Biochemical and structural studies on Monoamine Oxidases and UPD-Glucuronic acid 4- epimerase 7
Counteracting Oxidative Stress, Inflammation And Ab Aggregation With Nature-Inspired Hybrids: Relevance For Nrf2 Pathway Involvement In Neurodegeneration And Aging 7
Design of concentrically braced steel frames with RHS shape braces. 7
Riabilitazione sismica olistica: Integrazione di sostenibilità, perdite dirette e indirette nella progettazione e nell'ottimizzazione di interventi di retrofit mirati al rischio 7
Going on the road of antimycobacterial drug discovery: new, old, repurposed drugs and mechanisms of action. 6
Development and optimization of versatile screening methodologies in the context of DNA-encode chemical libraries 6
Engineered immunocytokines for an optimized payload delivery at the site of disease 6
Biochemical aspects of Neurodegeneration: an overview of Metal-Protein Interaction 6
The argument from revelation against physicalism 6
Progressi nelle metodologie basate sul rischio e sulle perdite per la valutazione di edifici in calcestruzzo armato con tamponature. 6
In Climate Veritas: metodologie per lo studio dell'impatto della variabilità climatica sulla produzione di uva in Italia 6
The Structural and Functional Characterization of Mammalian Flavin-containing Monooxygenases using Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction 6
Pragmatics in the lifespan and in clinical groups: Investigating the development and decay of pragmatic skills and designing strategies to train them 6
Valutazione del Rischio Sismico per RC Edifici con Sequenze Sismiche Incluse 5
The crosstalk between NuMA and multiple mitotic partners instructs division orientation in mammalian cells 5
Structural and biochemical investigation of human collagen lysyl hydroxylases 5
ALS-linked FUS mutation reduces DNA Damage Response activation through RNF168 signalling pathway 5
Insights into the seismic response of pile supported wharves subjected to liquefaction-induced ground deformations: implications for design. 5
Un approccio olistico alla valutazione della sicurezza chimica e all'innovazione in materia di disinquinamento sostenibile 5
Standard model precision calculations at lepton and hadron colliders. 5
Procedure Semplificate per la Valutazione Preliminare e la Classificazione di Interventi di Miglioramento Sismico Strutturale e Non-Strutturale 5
SAND: a screeinig for aphasia in neurodegeneration. Construction, normative data and validation study. 5
Investigating the multidimensionality of abstract concepts through a multidisciplinary approach 5
Impaired osteoblasts homeostasis and matrix quality in Osteogenesis Imperfecta are rescued by 4-phenylbutyrate 5
Il recettore lectinico CD93 nelle piastrine del sangue: un nuovo attore nella trombosi e nell'immunità 5
Targeting Nrf2 and NF-kB signaling pathways to counteract degenerative processes by new molecular entities 5
Weak Structuralism, Mutual Grounding and Quasi-Thin Objects: Steps Towards a New Taxonomy of Reality 5
Improved tools and strategies for the derivation of analytical fragility curves of existing URM buildings. 4
Meso factors of development. The role of the context for human development achievements 4
Conflittualità e gestione dei conflitti interpartitici nelle coalizioni di governo : uno studio sulla governance coalizioni con una analisi di alcuni casi dell'Italia della Seconda Repubblica. 4
Metodi e misure per migliorare il percorso chirurgico, in particolare l'efficienza delle sale operatorie. 4
La partecipazione azionaria nelle società quotate tra investimento e impresa : profili critici. 3
Indagine numerica 3D dell'interazione sismica non lineare suolo-struttura in torri murarie a fondazione superficiale con integrazione mista implicita-esplicita per una maggiore stabilità della soluzione 2
New playwriting at Shakespeare’s globe dramaturgical constructs for an audience-centred reconstructed theatre. 2
Performance-based seismic design of tall RC wall buildings. 2
L'internalizzazione del danno ambientale tra ordinamento europeo e nazionale. 2
Stima accurata e computazionalmente accessibile della risposta globale e locale di nuclei di pareti in calcestruzzo armato sottoposti a carico sismico torsionale. 2
Development and Piloting the disaster resilience framework for Latin America and the Caribbean. 2
High resolution SHA in the vicinity of earthquake sources. 2
Functional dissection of the human replicator LamB2-ori to understand the crosstalk between origin firing and gene silencing. 2
Fibroina della seta e cellule staminali isolate da tessuto adiposo per le terapie avanzate. 2
Influence of hazard modeling methods and the uncertainty of GMPES on the results of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses. 2
Response of diagrid tall building to wind and earthquake actions. 2
Performance-based seismic analysis and design of earth dams. 2
The two faces of chemotherapy : analysis of the effects of new compounds and study of resistance mechanisms in human cell lines. 2
Electrophysiological analysis and muscarinic modulation of the GABAergic and pyramidal neurons of the perirhinal cortex. 1
New insights into pathogenetic mechanisms of hereditary macrothrombocytopenias. 1
Functional analysis of a murine monoclonal antibody to the repetitive region of the fibronectin-binding adhesins FnBPA and FnBPB from Staphylococcus aureus. 1
Counteracting oxidative stress, inflammation and Aβ aggregation with nature-inspired hybrids : relevance for Nrf2 pathway involvement in neurodegeneration and aging. 1
Telomeric repeats far from the ends : mechanism of origin, transcription and polymorphism. 1
Connected speech in neurodegenerative language diseases : a review and machine learning study. 1
Flavoenzymes at the crossroads of biocatalysis and structural biology. 1
Physiopathological functions of Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein and its metabolic products. 1
Characterization of the molecular flexibility of the extracellular domains of muscle-specific kinase MuSK. 1
Risk and emergency managament : obtained in the framework of the doctoral programme in understanding and managing extremes. 1
Seismic shear and moment demands in RC wall buildings. 1
Structural and biochemical study on Flavin-dependant monooxygenases. 1
DDBD of rocking walls with mild steel dissipaters. 1
An innovative superelastic system for base isolation. 1
Human-environment systems vulnerability to floods : integrating spatial information and ecosystem services. 1
Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the enzyme tyrosinase. 1
Studio della morte cellulare indotta da composti del platino su colture di neuroblastoma di ratto : cisPt Vs PtAcacDMS. 1
From record selection to risk targeted spectra for risk-based assessment and design. 1
Nonlinear constitutive model of a beam element with cyclic degradation and damage assessment for advanced dynamic analyses of soil-structure interaction problems. 1
Isogeometric and immersogeometric analysis of incompressible flow problems. 1
Modelling of single and multiple hazards impacts on complex territorial systems : main challenges and definition of new methodological approaches. 1
Osteogenesis and adipogenesis imbalance in mesenchymal stem cells from the BrtlIV murine model for osteogenesis imperfecta. 1
Fourier-Mukai functors and applications to quadric fibrations. 1
Measuring community resilience to disasters through stakeholders’ frames and practices : towards a resilience informed interactive governance. 1
Essays in Positive Rationality. 1
In utero cell therapoy for osteogenesis imperfecta using the Murine model brittle 4. 1
Lung ultrasound : innovative diagnostic and monitoring applications in ICU. 1
Microbial nucleoside phosphorylases for the enzymatic synthesis of nucleoside analogues. 1
La responsabilità della holding verso la società controllata nel diritto inglese. 1
Verification of nonlinear static procedures for plan-asymmetric buildings under bidirectional seismic input. 1
Reduced proteoglycan sulfation in a chondrodysplastic mouse causes growth plate defects. 1
Qualitative proteome of exhaled breath condensate from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 1
Chondrodysplasias caused by defects in proteoglycan biosynthesis : phenotyping and pharmacological approaches using murine models. 1
Production of fungal recombinant cellulases by transplastomic Nicotiana tabacum plants. 1
Basic emotions as natural kinds. The problems of psychological and neurocognitive categories. 1
Tailoring disaster risk financing instruments to country contexts : the case of Central Asia. 1
Seismic assessment of composite frames with concrete-filled steel tube columns. 1
Driving role of feature-type versus semantic-domain in effective connectivity underlying semantic retrievial. 1
Three essays on growth and development from a complexity perspective. 1
Analisi economica e comparata dell'istituto del Concordato Preventivo. 1
Biochemical and structural studies on the key enzyme in ether phospholipid biosynthesis. 1
Gli effetti protettivi del bilinguismo nella popolazione anziana. 1
Totale 326

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 57
2024/2025256 2 44 44 38 46 15 40 27 0 0 0 0
Totale 326